Incision 3: Ambivalence I've been working on this infection campaign since the day Reach came out, and now, it's nearly complete. With only half a map left to build, and a few more days of testing, I can finally release the series. However, until then, you'll have to be left to the map previews. Of course, if you're interested in testing, feel free to sign up for my TGIF party. LOCATIONS Basement Suburban Street Bar Rooftops Strip Club Landing Pad Military Vehicle Bay Parking Garage Toll Booth Hotel Lobby Docks Military Complex Warthog Assembly Line Shooting Range Comm Station Small Town Bridge Elevator Laboratory Others.. It's a five part series, which accounts for the various locations. The underlined locations are part of the map in this preview. There's a couple of other locations, but their role is minimal. Anyway, onto the pictures. Incision:The Meeting l Incision1: Nightlife l Incision2: Pessimal l Incision3: Ambivalence l Incision4: Enervate l Incision5: Termination
I can't wait for the entire campaign to be released.... I have enjoyed testing the campaign through out it's entire development process. It's truly a unique experience playing these maps and i'm excited to see how you will present them to the rest of the forgehub community.
i love this campaign. and this map. and the burning building. and the always hectic journey maps in this campaign. you sir, are an infection God among men.
Glad to see that you guys like it! I've made some key fixes in all of the maps.I'll list them below. NIGHTLIFE Issue: The first holdout was way too simple for the humans. Zombies were gunned down on the street before they even reached the survivors. Solution: The mid-street zombie spawn was changed to span the entire building, adding a third attack point that leads to the alley. Not only is it easier for a zombie to not be seen by entering the alley, but, with a little luck, they can use the one way shield door to propel themselves at the humans. PESSIMAL Issue: Much like with Nightlife, the first holdout was too easy for the humans to camp and gun down the infected. The long path in front of it provided little to no cover. Solution: Four support beams have been added along the walls to break line of sight, allowing the infected to get much closer to the humans before being seen. In addition to this, the teleporter behind the humans spawns 13 seconds earlier, allowing the infected to get surprise attacks sooner. AMBIVALENCE Issue: There were too few spawns forcing humans to spawn outside of the map. Solution: More spawns were added. Issue: The humans had trouble surviving the first holdout with the quantity of infected constantly rushing in. Solution: One of the two teleporters at this spawn is now delayed to come in halfway through the holdout. In addition, more health-packs were added after the holdout to promote the lifespan of the survivors. Issue: Infected could escape the map. Solution: Kill barrier added, and the rock angle was changed so that the infected cannot reach the top of the colosseum wall . ENNERVATE Issue: Humans had trouble reaching the bridge due to the length of the holdout. Solution: Holdout time reduced by thirty seconds. Based on testing, about five to seven humans remain at this point, meaning teamwork will be a necessity to survive the rest of the time.
I gotta play some of these maps sometime. Save a spot in your TGIF lobby for meh so I can hop in when my lobby is done. Kthx
Unfortunately, I won't be able to save a spot. The most I can do is to send you an invite if a spot opens up. However, I do test these maps on a regular basis, so if you want, I could send you (or anyone else for that matter) an invite. On that note, anyone else want an invite to a testing session?
I'll be testing these at the TGIF anyway, and since you signed up for mine you'll probably be playing it.