RTS Tower Defense

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Gravedigger5454, May 10, 2008.

  1. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Image above created by Doomhammer

    This is v2 of my recreation of the Tower Defense custom games from Real Time Strategy games. I've now interlocked the map and made it look a lot better, as well as made many new gameplay improvements. In the original RTS version, you built towers that would stop zombies from reaching their destination. As more zombies reached the destination, you would eventually lose the game. The Halo version works the same way, but in FPS style. Players enter in the game and control either the advancing zombies, or the towers attempting to stop their advance. As zombies are killed, they progress through "levels," and get more powerful powerups, which they can only get by spawning with one. Humans control the towers, and automatically build better ones over time, they must use them to prevent any zombies from passing them.



    As a zombie, players spawn in a small room with a teleporter that opens after ten seconds or less. Once it opens, the zombie's can go through and they'll come out of a teleporter wall. They must make it down a large lane to another teleporter wall to gain access to weapons and be able to do damage. A large bunker as well as high points are setup in the back to allow zombies to kill humans if they make it past, but they must be careful that they don't get killed themselves. Zombies will have trouble surviving getting past the humans and their towers if by themselves, but if they work together and make use of powerups, they can get past. When a zombie spawns, they have a chance that they might be given a powerup, they can only get these just as they spawn, but they can very useful for getting past. Throwing a bubble shield around a human tower for example, would keep that tower from killing you. The more zombies get killed, the better powerups they might get, and the more likely that they'll get them.



    The humans have a variety of different towers which they are given overtime during the game. At the start, they have only machine gun turrets. Overtime, other towers are built, these include plasma cannons, wraiths, warthogs, and more. If the humans hope to survive, they must use these towers to try to kill the zombies so they don't make it past. The humans also have assault rifles so they do stand a chance when not on the towers. They must conserve ammo when not using the towers though, since there's no ammo available for them. Humans must be careful not to let any zombies past them. Zombies can kill humans by assasinating humans they've past, making it to their destination, or through using some powerups, like the trip mine, as a team. Below, you will find an animated image showing humans using their towers to defend the destination.

    #1 Gravedigger5454, May 10, 2008
    Last edited: May 10, 2008
  2. UnderEpic

    UnderEpic Ancient
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    i like the idea of spawning 'towers'.
  3. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    I don't really get it,but looks like you planned a well made map. 4/5
  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    dont get, but it looks well mad
  5. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    I'll try to edit the post to make it easier to understand. You can figure it out pretty easily in game though. To summarize it up, what you do is, if your a human, use the towers (turrets, immobile vehicles, and eventually, a chopper) to kill the zombies coming out of the wall in front of you, so they don't make it to the one behind you. If your a zombie, go through the teleporter where you spawn, then use your powerups and teamwork to make it past the humans to the wall behind them, where you'll gain the ability to kill them, if you pass a human who's on a turret, or not on a tower, you can assasinate him to get him to join you.
  6. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Wow, thats pretty intense, how long did that take u man?
  7. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
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    This map is kind of confusing, but as to aesthetics looks good other than some of the walls that keep players from escaping are crooked. Good luck on future maps!


  8. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    If you count both versions, quite a while.

    This is intended to be a minigame. It is played in a very original way, that has been loved by everyone who plays custom games on RTS's for a while. Aesthetics is not the point of it, it is built in the way that will make it work the best, and the most fun to play. Unless you play it with the variant, you really can't rate it, since you have no idea what the gameplay is like, which is what the main focus of this map is all about.
  9. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    Rts halo, that makes me laugh. That would be hard with this run and gun game!
  10. TankedGrif

    TankedGrif Ancient
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    It looks a bit sloppy. However, gameplay wise, it looks pretty good.
  11. Phishman631

    Phishman631 Ancient
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    this map looks awesome
    i loved the Tower Defenses from warcraft and me and my friend havew always tried to recreate them in Halo 3 but your idea seems like it was the right way to go we always tried to make it be plain guns
  12. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Nice,it was fun in warcraft and I am guessing it will be fun here. I am going to download to give you a full assessment. Looks nice, for now I will say 4/5 seeing how I don't know how it plays.
  13. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    What's so funny about that. Recreating a popular RTS custom game as an FPS custom game, and doing it well, is not easy to do. However, I was able to create a map that recreates the fun of RTS tower defense games in Halo 3.

    Edit: Well, what did you mean by that? I think you may have actually been saying the same thing.
  14. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I thought no one that played xbox played warcraft III, awesome map I love TDs.
  15. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Some people do. I noticed in testing, I tried to make my explanation quicker by saying "It's a tower defense," but then some people would say, "Oh, a tower of power map!" But it does play very similar to the Team Line TDs in Warcraft III.
  16. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    if this is as addicting as the real tower defense, this could easily make Bungie favorites.. otherwise.. its still amazing lol
  17. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    Man, I just recently came up with the idea to make a TD! Looks pretty fun, different than my idea though. How long does it last? Is it hard for the zombies to win? I'm not to familiar with LTW's, but it looks like you've done a great job recreating it.

    Halo games in W3, TD's in Halo, lol.
  18. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    It is! I don't know if it'll get bungie favorites though.

    I actually recently changed the gametype to ten rounds, since when I had played it before everyone always told me to play it again, or that it's to short. It does last a little while now, it depends on how good the humans do though. If the people your playing with aren't very good at it, it may take only five or ten minutes to go through an entire match, while more competitive games with people who have played it before can sometimes last over an hour. At the beginning, it's really hard for the zombies. However, as the humans go through the "levels" it gets increasingly easier for the zombies to win. If the humans aren't to good at the game, the zombies can sometimes win near the beginning of the game. Thanks for the feedback.
  19. eskychess

    eskychess Ancient
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    this is a pretty cool and fun map. do u want the humans to be able to get thru the teles tho becuz i can. let me know if u want to find out how to get out of da map
    #19 eskychess, May 23, 2008
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  20. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    ahhh i remember wc3 TDs. DEFINANTLY Downloaded

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