Further excavation of this Forerunner structure is said to begin next quarter. 6-16 players. V3 Red Base Overview Alright this is it, my first map post in Forgehub, *HUFFFFFF,* wish me luck! Quarterly Quarterly is a mostly symmetric medium-large sized map set in the Quarry space on Forge World. It supports virtually all default gametypes and is designed for best gameplay with 8-12 players. And yes, you do see that right, there totally is a Tank. Blue Side View Background The ground work for this map was started the day after Reach came out. The original idea for this map was when I decided that it would be cool to have more maps with the Scorpion tank on them in Halo 3. Now seeing as how not very many maps large enough to support a Scorpion tank were forgeable in H3, I thought maybe I could use Sandbox. Sandbox's ground level was a bit small for both a map structure and large vehicular combat, so I thought, "what if there was a way to build a map around the ground level, leaving enough space for like a neutral tank or something?" Though by this time, Forge World was just announced, so I decided to hold off any plans for a map until Reach came out. Quarterly just so happens to be the end result. Why did I choose the Quarry space for this project? Well I thought that it was just big enough for it, and was the only outside space that seemed at least somewhat flat and symmetrical. Green Side View Groundwork Quarterly consists of two symmetrical sides, linking the two is a large two-level structure raised above the outside of the quarry, and opposite that is a lowered structure that has a tunnel underneath and a lift to the high-level catwalk on top. The center of the map is open just enough for one Scorpion MBT is cruise around in a tight circle, with rocks and crates for exterior ground level cover. The second level catwalks have cover and brace pieces for extra protection from both same-level catwalk and ground level fire. The tunnel structure has an over-hang to both help direct the lift flow and to prevent fire across that catwalk side. There are several ramps and lifts on the ground that will take you back up to the second level catwalk, ramps on one side, lifts on the other, to give each side a little something different. Orange Side View I am really proud at how the outer structure came out, it's even better than I hoped it would be. The insides of the building are just open enough to give you a good range of movement, yet still having enough cover to move around. The windows and first-floor exit provide a bit of openness to the structure, allowing return and cover fire from inside and outside, as well as an escape. Below the structure through the hole on the side of the Quarry is a small platform with mancannons that propel you back to the mid-level catwalk. Overall, the map focuses movement and gameplay around the edges of the map, which is pretty much what I intended, though the tank can pretty much be a wild card. Rocket Lift/Shotgun Tunnel Gameplay Spawns have been placed for all team colors and FFA gametypes, with focus on team gameplay. The map can easily support a 4v4-6v6 size game, and can also support multi-team games of up to 16 players, specifically 4v4v4v4 or smaller. Quarterly is set up extensively for alot of gametypes, from Territories, to Stockpile, even to Bro Slayer. I'm a big supporter of "the more gametypes, the better," so it would be much easier to simply list what the map doesn't support: Race/Rally gametypes Invasion/Invasion Slayer That's about it, almost all other default and custom games short of minigames and extreme gametypes should be able to play on Quarterly. Dynamic spawning is in effect for most gametypes (static spawning for more gametypes is a possibility in future versions.) I'm also a big supporter of "the more respawn points, the better," so there are plenty of neutral respawns, focused mostly around the edges of the map. Structure Outside There may be a teensy bit more weaponry on Quarterly compared to most Quarry maps, but that's okay, there's a freakin' Tank! TANK! Gonna need the power weapons to help bring it down. Speaking of power weapons, I'm not exactly sure of respawn times on them, I have a tendency to use some strange-ass numbers for them, but I generally use the same template for small arms weapons across all my maps. So at least we got those. Weapons and placements are as follows (edited: all spawn times now shown): Tank (125s):Center of map (duh) Rockets (1 clip, 160s): Top of lowered structure Spartan Laser (140s):High catwalk center. Fuel Rod Cannon (170s, 1 clip): Lift platform below outer structure Gravity Hammer (140s):First floor of outer structure Shotgun (130s, 1 clips): Tunnel of lowered structure Grenade Launcher (100s, 5 clips): On rock in center, opposite Tank Sniper Rifle x2 (150s, 1 clip): Center of either mid-level catwalk Assault Rifle x4 (30s 3 clips): One at all four bases Pistol x2 (30s 3 clips): In rocks on either side DMR x3 (45s 3 clips): In rocks on either side, second floor outer structure Needle Rifle x3 (30s 3 clips): Ground edge either side, second floor outer structure Plasma Repeater x3 (30s): End of ramps either side, second floor outer structure Frag Grenades x10 (15s) Plasma Grenades x8 (15s) Health Packs x6 (15s) Structure First Floor Details and Miscellaneous -I have had limited testing time on Quarterly, awesomeness has not been accounted for across all gametypes, but being the perfectionist that I am, I've given it heavy scrutiny, just like all of my maps. Really the only playtests I've got are limited play at a friend's LAN party, but the reception was pretty positive ("woah dude, you made this? No way!") -Z-fighting is heavily avoided and framerate is affected little if at all in splitscreen (there isn't exactly much in the way of aesthetics, but who needs that when you've got a Tank!) -Kill Zones and a Safe Boundary have been thoroughly placed as well, adding boundaries on rock faces and outside the designated play area. Some places are still left in-bounds for the forlorn jetpacker, (top of large braces, structure roof) though there is no escape. Future versions may have altered or extra bounds as deemed necessary. Structure Second Floor -Though it may seem like the map is a bit small for a Tank, the ground and catwalk cover pieces are enough to protect you from most Tank blasts (though it can creep over the sides, stay to the outer edge,) and there are enough weapons for vehicle disposal. If nothing else, you can usually just jump down from the catwalks and board a stationary tank. If you really don't like the Tank, you can always just turn off vehicles in the settings (party pooper) and play tankless. -Dilemma: I have been torn about the Rocks and Grenade Launcher placement since I spawned them in, not knowing whether I should switch them or not. Rocks on the rock would help to encourage traffic into the no-man's-land and make them more up for grabs in multi-teamed games, however I am also worried about the same person who grabs the Rocks also getting in the Tank, making one less Caboose-vehicle destroyer available. Extensive testing would be required to determine the best placement, but I'll take feedback on which is better too. -Snipers tend to like the sightline across the outer structure and catwalks. I really didn't feel like obstructing the view across, but I wanted snipers on this map anyway (why not, there's like 35 power weapons already.) Otherwise, I tend to lean towards the focus rifle. Promotes more vehicular use in large maps, but that doesn't affect Quarterly much. Though replacement is a possibility in future versions. High Catwalk and Spartan Laser -D'oh!: When creating, I noticed a gap in between pieces in the outer structure's floor. Being the perfectionist I am, instead of just throwing in a second block to close it, I moved all the pieces to be properly fitted. I ended up having to move an entire leg of catwalk over by .1 units all the way around to the Rocket structure to fix it! LOL! -If you look closely, you can clearly see that the Lift platform below the structure is waaaay off-center. That was because the hole in the side of the Quarry is also off-center. The map is based around the coordinate grid's zero location, which I expected to be the true center. Turns out, I was wrong. So instead of moving the whooooole map over I kept the platform off center. The lifts still work properly, and you'd never notice the placement in-game. Right side catwalk is also up against the rocks while left side is much further away because of this problem as well. -I'll admit, I'm not very creative with names. Quarterly just comes from the beginning letters of Quarry and works with the silly description I came up with. -Version 2's changes consisted only of editing weapon respawn times, clip sizes and some objective objects, adding Bro Slayer support. The weapon spawns were originally a little too quick when the map was first made, and required fixing. Rear Overview and Lower Platform Done Well that's it for Quarterly, any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated, though negative feedback will definitely stick in my head longer, so if you wanna get my attention that's the way to do it. I wouldn't mind having a video linked in the post, but since I don't exactly have any room left in my file share and am currently too cheap to go pro, that probably won't happen (plus I haven't exactly had a need for a youtube account until now, so posting on there hasn't been an option.) If anyone else does ever play a game on my map and so happens to put the vid up online, I'd gladly link it. Special thanks to everyone who tested, played on, or even looked at this map for a fleeting second. Now move mouse over to submit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnddd *click!* Update: Well I entered in all the missing weapon spawn times and edited some others. I thought I had set all the small arms to my standard respawn times in this version. Oh well, it can happen in future updates, not a big deal. Update: Not that anyone looks at old threads, but I figured I'd give a quick update on version 3 after updating the download link. Mostly weapon spawn times and clip numbers, and some respawn zones were fixed. Also switched rockets and grenade launcher. Hope this doesn't bump it, people might get mad.
Frankly, there seem to be too many linear pathways. It looks as though people on the walkways would dominate anyone on the ground with precision weapons. Though this isn't bad for a first map, I would definitely encourage you to think more creatively. Walls don't have to be used as walls, windows don't have to be windows, and doors don't have to be doors. Once you have a solid layout for a map, think of the most gameplay-effective and visually appealing way to execute it.
Agreed. Also, I don't think you need the tank. It may look good parked there in the middle of the map, but think about gameplay. Given the high walkways and limited space for the tank to operate, it would be boarded nearly all the time. I'd even go as far to say that the tank serves little purpose on this map. There's just not enough space for the scorpion to be of actual use.
Looks like a good enough map, but seems empty in the middle, though I understand that it needs to make room for the Tank. Speaking of tanks, whoever controls that tank would be REDONKULOUSLY overpowered. I suggest removing it and putting cover in the middle.
Maybe it's just my opinion, but I really don't think the tank would be overpowered. I think that given the layout of this map, any skilled player could easily board the tank. However, I still agree that the tank should be removed completely.
Well yes, the walkways are designed for the majority of foot traffic across the map, being on ground level is more of an in-betweener from respawning to battle, though the majority of the ranged weaponry is on the ground. Though they are a bit linear, really the paths aren't very open, with enough cover to duck behind when necessary. As for thinking creatively, I'll remind you that I pretty much started making this map the day Reach came out and was mostly just in awe of the amount of options that I had. There was no need for thinking creatively with pieces, but don't worry, I've had plenty of forging experience otherwise since then to realize that (though I still think the majority of pieces work best when used as intended.) I'd just figured I'd post this since it was the first map I had made, I'm only just now getting around to the promoting thing after being badgered by my buddies to get out there a bit more. As for comments about the Tank, it really isn't either underpowered or overpowered, nor necessary or unnecessary. I like to think of it more like a power weapon, because of it's somewhat fast respawn (well fast for a Tank anyways) yet limited mobility, it makes great use for a short time, like any power weapon. Except this one only runs out of ammo when you die. Sure, it really isn't necessary, and again it can be turned off (party poopers,) but it's an integral part of the map nonetheless.
You don't want to use steep ramps on your map. The steep ramps limit the movement of the players while the normal ramps don't. Try jumping up the a steep ramp, and then try jumping up a normal ramp. You will see the difference so you will want to change the steep ramps to the normal ramps.
True, I did notice that, but I felt that it didn't really affect the movement too negatively. Plus you can't drive up them, at least not without some effort, so they're good for bases that you wanna keep silly drivers out of. As for this map, there's only the two steep ramps, while the one in structure seems awkward to jump up at first, it's not too difficult to use. Thanks for the concern.