
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MCGreen24, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    "Records will turn to be the average"

    Terraform started out as a map to just play around with freinds on. Mostly just for the gametype of Fiesta, if you remember that from Halo 3. After I realised the potential this map had I started it on Halocharts, did tests on it, and improved it 200%. Now you fing here.

    • Team slayer
    • Slayer
    • King of the Hill
    • Crazy King
    • Oddball
    • Stockpile
    • Juggernaut
    • Headhunter
    • Territories
    • 3-plot
    • Multi Flag
    Special Thanks to Sugar, McGregor, and ShKai for the review.

    Also a Thanks to all the people who helped me test this map.

    Now onto the Pictures











    Another thanks to everyone who helped me!
    #1 MCGreen24, Jul 11, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  2. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    this reminds me of guardian, in a good way. i like the center area design, and the bases are unique. i have 2 problems with the map though: 1, the middle structure seems too small. see if you can expand it. 2, some parts of the map just feel like they are just sticking out, ruining the feel. as an example, look at the 2nd to last pic. at the top right, there's a platform just sticking out into the air. i suggest that you make this feel more assosciated with the map by making more paths up, or making it seem more realisitc, such as adding support beams on it, or just deleting it all together. i dont reccomend the last one, but if budget wont allow, just do that and rebuild a better space there. overall, it needs a bit of work, but i like it. i'd gve it a 7 or 8 out of 10. ;)
  3. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    I recently played FFA with 8 people and 3v3 team slayer on Terraform. Both were very smooth.

    I made structure changes- The middle structure is bigger and it reconnects where the grenade Luancher spawns. This opened up the play in that area and its alot less stressful to the eye. I also made the blue base side platform have a more realistic aspect, creating a rock strucuture with support beams underneath it. Thanks for the help D3ATH EYE, I think the changes made to Terraform really help the gameplay, and the overal feel of the map.
  4. aScreeNCHeeTeR

    aScreeNCHeeTeR Forerunner

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    This map is a lot of fun to play on and brings back the feeling of Guardian, which was one of my favorite maps on Halo 3. Compared to some other maps I have looked at on this site, it seems more creative and well done. I recently played FFA on it, which was very enjoyable. I haven't tried any team or objective type games on it yet, but most likely that would be just as good if not better. The only suggestions that I have is that the green area could be changed, so not so many blocks are being used and that instead of DMR's, place some Needle Rifles or a weapon that you spawn with so that you could refill your ammo.
    Overall I gave the map "Terraform" a 8 out of 10
  5. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Thank you for the help. I was also thinking the same think, more covenant weapons like the Needle Rifle. I added 2 Needle Riffles near both Blue and Red Team spawns. I also reduced a pair of frag grenades near Red Base becuase of unequall grenade counts.

    I also changed up the Green area aswell. There was a framerate issue with the new structures, as shown in the pictures, so I tried to recreate the area. I did, and the fighting area has more room to move side-by-side and and there is less texture glitches and bumps. Though there still is a small framerate issue near the lift closest to the Green area, I think it was reduced a little.

    Im not going to completely repost this post with a bunch of new picture and video, but I am going to load up a new link of the changes Ive made.

    The only changes Ive made were to Green area. I slimmed it down, yet widening the playing field. and the weapons and grenades. Even though they were small changes I think it helps the gameplay; and I think its worth redownloading.

    Again, thanks for the help.

    Edited by merge:

    Well, I am very eager to have someone test this map out! I know alot of viewers look and probably say,"Theres nothing really "special" about this map." But really the FFA gameplay is the "special" part of it. I know there isnt any stunning structures that would define this map, but you have to play it to understand what im talking about. For some reason this map pops-out the views in a short amount of time, but the replies and useful advise never come with it. So if you could, you know what to do.

    #5 MCGreen24, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2011
  6. aScreeNCHeeTeR

    aScreeNCHeeTeR Forerunner

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    Hey, very nice. Im glad to see you got the new stuff on here! It was uber epic playing FFA with the team. So, when is this map getting on matchmaking? Haha.

    In the meen timewe should play on it some more.

    Edited by merge:

    #6 aScreeNCHeeTeR, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2011
  7. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    HAHA! Funny... and we should play more. I wondeeeerrrr...

    Anyways...Serious Talk.

    As you can see from the pictures and my new details and hard work, I have made an update. This is what the current map looks like.

    Changes: Top Green structure leading to middle was changed up. The weapon and spawn points were changed and tweaked. Tried to fix some framerate issues. (Which I have found out that while testing splitscreen + Testing FFA varients it was unnoticible. Very exiting) Added colors to objects which made my "call-outs" more official. I edited Oddball-Ball respawn points, and the initials.

    All thanks to a bunch of my friends sticking with me to test this map out!

    Im eager to have you guys test this out in 8 Person FFA gametypes. Very Fun!
    So please D-load :p HERE??? Im so convinient!

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    Well I'm interested enough from the pictures that I'm downloading it now. It might be a few days before I can get some games in on this but I'll let you know what I thought.
  9. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    I just realised that you could press in the left stick and make your object move incredibly slower. I have now fixed atleast 80% of the bumps.

    Structure changes: Rad Base's platform to the RIGHT, if you were looking out the front, its switched up quite a bit. I wanted it to be used more and I think ill have that accomplished. The blue base lift, to the LEFT, I made it a gravity lift so it doesnt fly you striaght into the Red teams base. This will help CTF because its more equal time between captureing for both teams. I also switched up Top Green. There are alot less bumps and The grenade Luancher is in a more onvious spot. It alos looks alot better.

    Im going to test this map out, get new picture of everything, and repost this soon!

    Edited by merge:

    OK well, Im too busy atm for the next few days because im going to go on a trip for a week starting sunday. I put up the new downloadable link check it out if you want.

    Changes: Same from the comment above.

    Edited by merge:

    Since ill be gone, it would be awesome if some forgehub member could test this map and get back to me before August 1st. Then ill be able to come back with some new results and maybe edit the map some more. That would be awesome.
    #9 MCGreen24, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  10. Malakai Blue

    Malakai Blue Forerunner

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    While I'm downloading this to check it out (because the screenshots are nice), I feel like I'm getting sold a lemon by a pushy car dealer, with a guy standing by pretending to give a better offer because he's your friend.

    I dunno.....

    Looks nice though. Time to play it.
  11. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Hahaha, I love it! So you noticed the anoiying advertisment? It works though, I've learned that. Im going to set up some games on this and other maps soon becuase im back from vacation. I have an idea to change up Red Base to make it better for team play. Ill have to see which varient will be better. Ill get back with info soon im sure.

    Edited by merge:

    Well, Ive just tested Terraform out 2v2, Headhunter, Slayer, and KOTH. They were all pretty fun. I have made changed and im going to put this map through another day of testing Sunday. On Sunday, or Monday ill have this post updated completely.

    The map has an EPIC Red Base now.

    The flow through Team play is incredibly better!

    Edited by merge:

    ---This map you see here is a really old version.---

    ---Im not going to re-post this map untill I like the gameplay on it.---

    ---That way you guys can get the best possible gameplay!---

    Edited by merge:

    Im going to update this map very soon! ill have the right links now.
    #11 MCGreen24, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  12. aScreeNCHeeTeR

    aScreeNCHeeTeR Forerunner

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    When are you going to update this forum post? I know this is a really old version. Ive played on a newer, nicer verison.
  13. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    As Screen said, this is a really old version. Im sorry its taking so long to post this new version but ive been busy with my newest map Apothia. I am going to post this new versiosn whenever my recent screenshots on bungie.net update. They are still the same without my newest Terraform pictures. Its quite anoiying. But once they get updated onto my bungie profile, ill have it updated. Talk to you soon with the newest of Terraform!
  14. aScreeNCHeeTeR

    aScreeNCHeeTeR Forerunner

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    Ok, I thought this looked really old. Good luck posting this new one!
  15. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Sorry for the lack on written-base info on this post. I got this map post updated to its newest form! Check it out and tell me what you think!

    ***Changes Made***

    *Red Base was completely redone. Made is more equal for team play.
    *Green was redone a little to help flow of traffic and to promote better gameplay.

    Edited by merge:

    New version of this map is now on the links. No visual changes, but the objective fixed. Have fun with the newest version!
    #15 MCGreen24, Aug 21, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011

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