I saw you wanted this to be on matchmaking. One issue I have if this were to be put on matchmaking is that this idea is a little to impractical. When using the walkways, they create a too extreme height differences. I dont want to be Mr. Negitive, but I think the idea wouldnt work for matchmakable gameplay. It is a pretty cool idea though, but not matchmakable. I would say move on and use what you learned already, or change up the middle completely (there might be a good chance it would work out when changing up the middle). If you dont want to change up the creation to that extent, put some more cover on the walkways, and maybe some rocky areas on the ground. You could also make a building somewhere in the middleto create a haven.
i will try that stuff man thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: do you think i should get rid of some of the bridges
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I dont know about matchmaking dude but it would be an epic tic-tac-toe map on forge. just sayin. and post more pictures before locked!
yeah I Know i need to Im working on a new map with my friend and it is working realy good this one might be a good one
I can't wait to see it! And about your map right now, like many said it's not fit for matchmaking. BUT it would be fun just to mess around with friends. My advice for your next map is add more cover. That way infantry can stand a chance. And can you add a weapon list? Good luck on your next map though!