So I get the feeling this has been done fact, I'm almost certain some variation has been, but I wanted to check anyways. The map would be played with 12-16 players (4 teams). I'm not sure what gametype would be necessary to make this work, but the idea is that the map would be divided into 2 sections that are completely independent of one another and the spawn system would be set up in such a way that only 2 teams can spawn in a room where you battle the other team. At a certain point in time, the spawn zones would shift somehow and force teams to switch sides and now each time is battling in a completely new area. Respawns would have you wait to spawn with your teammates to prevent you from spawning in the wrong room. Whichever team beats their opponents first would win the game. I know there are some iffy parts that I haven't quite thought out completely in terms of how the game-type would be executed, so maybe you guys have some ideas.
Sounds difficult to manage but you can change the gametype settings and make a slayer game with two rounds and make the map asymetrical.
Maybe a one-way teleporter that spawns 3 minutes in on each side with a reciever on the other map would work...might be a little jarring.
a teleporter that spawns instantly after a few minutes and disappears after one second, that switches sides randomly for each team.
Make spawn points appear in 3 Minutes and then still the team will spawn their but put an Anti-Spawn thingy then done
Not sure if it can be done, but maybe shifting team-allocated spawn zones would be easier than placing several respawn points that change for each team constantly. Like I said, Im not sure if spawn zones can be placed on a timer, but its worth a shot.
The hardest part will be making sure no one spawns in the wrong area. Like Xun said, it will all come down to whether or not you can put spawn zones and points on timers. I'm not sure that will even work..placing an anti-zone isn't going to make much of a dent since they are very weak in terms of influence. Oh how I wish we could despawn objects >.<
Mmmm, despawn zones would give me a hard on... Sorry, yeh, now that I think about it Im pretty sure you cant place anything to do with spawning on a timer, so my idea is (likely) out the window.