Just don't crazy like this... Another Tattoo (Parody of "Nothin' On You" by B.o.B. feat...‏ - YouTube Now I have this song stuck in my head.
HNNNNNNNGGGG too. much. irony. let me elaborate. tattoos originate from aboriginal/pacific culture, to have a cross tattoo is just terarded
I don't see what's wrong with it, it looks cool. But it looks kinda crooked, like it's tilting to the right..
Hella bro tat, bro. Are you Christian? Do you have ties to tribal cultures? Do tribal cultures and Christian ones have anything to do with one another?
This Just because it may be a "good background", those tribals just don't seem to fit in, unless your tattoo want's to remind you about how christianity forced such tribes to convert to their faith .. but somehow I highly doubt that that is what you want to tell us. But hey, my first tattoo sucked too, it was a little smaller and didn't ruin my arm for other tattoos, but in the end it still sucked and now I have to live with it, have fun.
Lol, highlarreeuss! Tatt looks cool, I like the shadowing on it. I was going to get a tatt ages ago, one that I designed, but I never ended up getting it done because it was too elaborate, hence, would have costed around $600. I was unemployed at the time, so that wasnt an attractive prospect.
No, but I'm sure that mine has a way deeper meaning than most other tattoos, even if it may just look like an insult to somebody
I took a trip to Samoa with my friend who is Samoan I learned a little about their culture, but that has little to do with the tribe, but being in Basic Training I did turn to Christianity to help with all the stress hence the cross.