Since MM Infection is so broken, i decided to point out 3 big things that really need changing. 1. Connection should be better distributed. I really hate when i shoot someone, he keeps on running, he lunges, and then we both die and i don't even get a bulltrue while i killed him like a complete second before he even started lunging. 2. Friendly Fire needs to be removed. It's good that they removed Booting because of the kill trade, but there are more betrayals done on purpose than by kill trade. 3. There are 3 rounds in Infection, right? And every Round there are 3 Alpha Zombies, right? This means that there will be 9 Alpha Zombies troughout the game out of 12 players. This means that the odds that you'll be the Alpha Zombie once are 75% which means a few people can be Human all 3 Rounds. But the problem is: Sometimes people get to be the Alpha Zombie twice which is pretty unfair. There should be something that prevent people from being the Alpha Zombie more than once. If a Zombie quits, then a person that hasn't been Alpha Zombie yet should sustitute him. Just some Ideas i'd like to share and i hope Bungie might read this.
I have an easy fix for matchmaking infection: Don't play it. Its terrible and I hate it and it is in serious need of some sort major overhaul or deletion.
It's terrible because it needs fixing (The point of this thread). Some people are huge infection fans and the playlist lets them play it. Yes it does need a major overhaul (again the point of this thread) To the point I'd like to see more rounds, faster pace and easier to kill zombies. I know traditionally zombies have shields to make it balanced but lets be honest, its much more fun when they die a bit faster. Another thing that would improve it would be an update on the game settings, allowing the initial zombie count to be a percentage. IE in Halo 3 we had the option to set the initial count to say 50% of the total players. Then we have the ability to change the "next zombie" option, It would be nice to have that back with the ability to exclude players who were alpha zombies from the previous round to be up for selection. More custom maps in the playlist too and I think it'd be perfect.
i love Infection but once they put down Alpha Zombies nobody chooses the Regular Infection so i Hate infection .-.
They need to work on balancing it so it's fair for the zombies. Too many disadvantages. Maybe add 50% shields? Not vulnerable to headshots? idk
The biggest problem is the maps. I've played the Alphas variant on balanced maps in Customs, and it tends to work very well. It's worse in Living Dead because it's more balanced. (Infection is somewhat imbalanced in favor of the Zombies, thanks to Evade; it sort of canceled out the Human-favoring imbalance in the maps, though only partially.) Here's what I'd do to fix LD: Disable Friendly Fire. Booting stays off just in case. Add tested and balanced community-made maps. Add Soft Kill Boundaries (or physical blockers) to any default maps in the playlist, to fix design flaws and map exploits. Completely remove all maps for which #3 is not possible. Make Alphas the standard variant, if it isn't already. The Forgetac winner sucked. Several rooms were way too easy to defend. Some would've been even when dealing with Evade Zombies.
They already fixed loads of exploits in most of the maps in the last few days. And look at who number one is.
You gotta be kidding me... Dude seriously... Get some help. Back on topic, some of these ideas are really nice.
Do you know which specific spots on what specific maps were fixed? I saw no mention of any LD-related fixes in Jeremiah's changelist thread. (I've been maintaining a list of changes to Matchmaking maps and gametype scripting. I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me what the changes were, so that I can add them to the list.)
The high ledge on Sword Base and the Red Base(Or was it Blue?) Balcony on Boardwalk now have Soft Kill Zones.
True. However, those are from June/July and November, respectively. Broccollipie specifically said that exploits were fixed in the last few days -- presumably as part of the July update. I'd like to know which exploits were fixed in that update, if any, so that I can document them.
I think they should remove sword ase from the playlist entirely, it's always voted for and just annoying as a zombie meaning many zombies just go afk for a few mins making it worse for those remaining
There was a tiny ledge on Sword Base that you can reach after running along the previously blocked off one, then doing some sweet jumping. Also, on The Cage, the roof in the middle was blocked off, and so was the red team roof with the antenna. Thats all I can remember ATM. EDIT: Also the block you can jump to from the roof in the middle of The Cage.
A game called "last man standing" that starts with all zombies except for one human. bottomless clip, higher damage, low movement, shotgun and assault rifle. 10 rounds. See if you can get a spree