
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Dead Kennedy501, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Dead Kennedy501

    Dead Kennedy501 Forerunner

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    This is my first post here in forgehub and this map is basically a free-for-all slayer map mainly inspired by the style of Halo CE maps. This is only the "rough-draft" of the map so it will have some if not many flaws but Tell me what you think is good or what I should improve upon, hope you enjoy once its done, many thanks. and one a quick note spawns are only meant for forging and will not be permanent, weapons placements and or other features are also subject to change.

    (Description Below)

    Ancient Forerunner research facility abandoned for Millennia until now.

    Side View


    Diagonally Centered View


    Front view


    Center View

    #1 Dead Kennedy501, Jul 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  2. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    WELCOME TO FORGE HUB, I'm a rookie like you but your post beat my first post. Not many people get their first post down correctly the first time so good work. Suggestion on your map by the way focus a little on asthetics people like maps that have extra details because they make the map better. The way you described your map could use a little enthusiasm because some of the catches to how people download is also how you feel about the map and describe gameplay and the back story. For example. my map Marathon: "Abusemenet and Abandonment have not yet tainted this holy relic, proceed with caution. 2-16 players" As for the looks on the map just great, you do actually remind me of one of the first maps I ever played on CE, I just can't remember.. anyway good work. Want to make friends?
    #2 PhantomStrike, Jul 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2011
  3. Mushroomman3rd

    Mushroomman3rd Forerunner

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    The map is much too open, not enough cover. I also think it's too linear.
    Good job on posting your post correctly though.
  4. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Give the kid a break, he's new to Forge Hub so he deserves to get a good post for atleast effort and getting a map posted correctly on the first try. Through I must agree try adding a second floor or make the place indoors or add more to the map something this small looks like a 2 on 2 or 1 on 1, like Zealot...

    DK(Dead Kennedy501) I suggest trying to add a second floor or make the place indoors or add more to the map. A map like this has potential but needs a boost from its maker... you should have posted this as a map preview before you posted the real thing as you say this map is a "rough draft".
    #4 PhantomStrike, Jul 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2011
  5. Dead Kennedy501

    Dead Kennedy501 Forerunner

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    Thank you guys for your advice this is exactly what i needed, opinions from more experienced people in order to help improve my map. :)
  6. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    I also think you should create some more cover, but if you want to keep the Halo CE style... I'd just say more cover and use your creativity in which I know you have to blend some blocks together and make something unique. Keep up the work, this map has some potential!
  7. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That's techincally what I said... never mind :) anyway I notice in one of your photos a explosion with a smoke trail specifically from a Rocket Launcher, a map this size isn't really a good type for Rocket Launchers as they are usually good for big and medium not this small as this feels at most as a 3 on 3 type map at most so I suggest replacing it with a more less lethal weapon something that seems like a good one would probably be maybe be a needler probably. Still keep working on the map its got potential and we envy you to continue working.

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