In case anyone cares we have located alot of hidden things and also are making speculations on the storyline so far. To avoid people getting spoiled: Spoiler Rumor: 4 People/Surivors Rumor: Timeline/Armor Abilities are Past & Present Words/Phrases: Checkpoint Alpha: HELP! shown behind a rock at the very begining. Checkpoint Bravo: NO is shown before the 2nd Entrance. Checkpoint Charlie: ONE is shown at the destroyed bridge with 4 Grenades (Dog Tags Maybe?) Checkpoint Delta: 2 sayings are found: KILL THE DIRECTOR right after you exit the tunnel & RIP with a Cross symbolizing someone's death (Main character maybe?) found right after crossing bridge. Checkpoint Echo: 3 sayings: 1. LIAR located under the 3 gravlifts at the begining, MEET ME located before entering vents & LIAR Located after cross the bridge (sort of) after the vents. Checkpoint Foxtrot: 2 sayings: HE KILLED THEM located at the very begining & HE RELEASED FLOOD located inside the vent also at the very begining. There is also another Cross on a rock on the Island after walking right from the tunnel on the Island. Checkpoint Golf: 1 saying is only shown which is WE. There are also 4 chairs at the rifle training facility. This leads to our rumor of there being 4 surivors/people. Note: Foxtrot & Golf do not link for some odd reason. Note: Foxtrot & Golf don't have all 7 Armor Abilities located at the end of the level. Foxtrot there are 7 but 6 are at the falcons and the 7th is at the exit of the tunnel on the island. Note: 4 Spawns are located in Each map up to Echo where there is 6. Note: GOLF does not end with an ending but it restarts back to checkpoint alpha only with everything even being more demolished than last time. Note: At the end of Checkpoint Golf there are 4 lines at the front gate. Could this symbolize 4 people/surviors. Note: Hat tells us that the first 3 maps messages are linked. HELP NO ONE. We also are informed that all covenent messages are from the director. LIAR & MEET ME are written by the director. Can't wait for the 2nd part. I've enjoyed just trying to find every hidden thing.