
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ll Chrome3agle ll, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. ll Chrome3agle ll

    ll Chrome3agle ll Forerunner

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    The basic premise of the map is a simple asymmetrical 2-base design while maintaining an extremely smooth and bold visual appeal. With limited routes between rooms it is designed to promote standoffs and no break in combat.

    Weapons (MLG Settings)
    DMR = 3
    Needle Rifle = 4
    Sniper = 2
    Plasma Pistol = 2
    Frag Grenade = 6
    Plasma Grenade = 2
    Magnum = 2

    Red Base Back Wall Overview

    Red Base Reverse View

    Red Base Exterior Looking In
    Central Area
    Central Bottom Level
    Blue Base (Yes it is symmetrical)

    As this is my first post I hope I haven't breached any forum rules. Please fill me in and I will correct any missteps.

    This may be my first post but I assure you I have forged extensively and am not a newcomer posting a map which was thrown together. That being said all comments criticisms and downloads are appreciated. If you would like to help beta-test message me (Gamertag = Chrome3agle)

    Thank you for viewing my map and have a nice day

    Edited by merge:

    ermmm not sure how to get thumbnail pic to show i have to shrink it? sorry...

    Edited by merge:

    nvm figured it out =/
    #1 ll Chrome3agle ll, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  2. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    This certainly looks pleasant, and although I'm not the biggest fan of cut-and-dry MLG maps, I'd be interested to see how this plays. I assume from your comments that you haven't done much playtesting before posting this?
  3. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    And this is your FIRST post? The post has everything up to standards, it has large pictures, the map looks amazing, and you even included a weapon list! That is normal for good posts, but I am truly amazed because you got everything right, well, except for the thumbnail, but you couldn't get that working, but you finally did. 99% of the posts made by new users lack almost every single one of those things listed above. For that, I applaud you.

    The map seems decently forged, it seems spaced with just enough cover so people don't kill each other within 5 seconds of the round starting. The weapons don't seem too powerful. You have my dl.
  4. ll Chrome3agle ll

    ll Chrome3agle ll Forerunner

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    I just finished it yesterday and have only ran a quick warm up 1v1 on it. It seemed to play fairly nice but I am very curious to see if it can support 8 players happily without becoming congested.
  5. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Before I begin on thought, I would like to give some suggestions. Your windows give out some of the coliseum walls and braces which in a sense, display the map differently and is rather distracting. Some of the braces barely cover the wall and could easily be replaced by a block 2x4 or some other block unless you no longer can use building blocks.

    On the positive side, I played on the map on my own and explored the map and I have to say, this map deserves more attention than how it is at the moment. The map has a good line of sights for DMRs for MLG and also has a good set of gameplay and balance for spawning. The map's layout has a great shape and decent elevation changes with good aesthetic touches. This is a great map for slayer DMRs and a great map in general well done.
  6. ll Chrome3agle ll

    ll Chrome3agle ll Forerunner

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    Thanks a lot for the positive feedback man. I especially appreciate the criticisms. I have in fact run out of blocks as you guessed. I was also not sure if the windows were worth it and i might fidget with them to try and make it more smooth with the rest of the aesthetics. This would also give me more objects which makes a double positive.

    I mostly used pieces not for function but for variation and aesthetic appeal so some of the pieces you see that hold no purpose are in fact not there primarily for function. As it was a small map i figured I could afford to blow money fairly openly.
  7. omegawontons

    omegawontons Forerunner

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    looks pretty good. i like that it looks really clean. looks like it would be fun to play. a map means nothing unless it flows right. id say its a good job, even more that its ur first post. my only complaint is that it looks kinda plain

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