Special FX how to - Invasion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AD Records, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. AD Records

    AD Records Forerunner

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    (Looking back at this post I can see it's very hard to read, as I wrote it more like notes. I will try to make it more readable through edits in the near future, in the meantime let me know if this info is helpful at all.)

    So I know that this will work for invasion; I don't make any other kind of map so maybe there's something similar for other gametypes, I'm not sure.

    I haven't seen anybody else do this yet, so if it's already out there and I'm stating the obvious, I apologize. This may be a little disorganized.


    1. Lag
    2. Necessary concepts explained
    3. The party ball
    4. Exploding scenery
    5. Debris
    6. Explosive design

    1. LAG

    Any discussion of multiple explosions in a map will of course require discussion of lag. Explosives as far as I can tell cause lag in two ways: physics and particle effects. Done correctly, the worst lag you will experience is a less than a second pause and then resume with unlagged gameplay. HOWEVER, if done incorrectly, it will lag everybody out.
    Ways to reduce lag:
    1. Keep your objects where they can't be interacted with.
    2. Place your objects so they will eventually come to a resting point, thereby reducing physics lag.
    3. Particle effects cause less lag if you don't look at them, or you look at them from a distance.
    4. Fusion coils are the least laggy(though least fun).
    5. Place your objects so that they don't constantly bump into each other, thereby constantly activating physics.

    2. Basic Concepts - invasion

    Inv-gates - removes an object at the end of the phase. Phase is defined by the spawn sequence parameter.

    Inv-weapon - allows an object to spawn in after the beginning of the phase. Phase is defined by the spawn sequence parameter. ONCE AN OBJECT IS SPAWNED IN YOU CANNOT DESPAWN IT. This is because you would need both inv-gates and inv-weapon to define the object, which is not possible.

    Inv-objective - in the assault variant of invasion, the center point of the hill marker/flag stand/capture point is where the bomb is planted and explodes.

    24 Item Glitch: VERY IMPORTANT: with toys and explosives, if you set the min count of one object, it will change the min count for all objects of the type. This min count will apply to all other objects regardless of how many are on the map, forcing them to pawn in more than 24 total objects of the type. Therefore, if you have 23 fusion coils on a map and 1 plasma battery and you set the min count to 24, 1 fusion coil will give birth to an extra fusion coil, while the plasma battery will create 24 plasma batteries at its spawn location(if an object does not already exist in the spawn area). To see this for yourself, place 22 fusion coils on your map, then place a propane tank and plasma battery in the air and set their physics to FIXED. let go of the object, then open the menu without holding the object and set physics to NORMAL. Voila! 24 of each falling out of the air for a total of 72 explosives.

    Assault is the easiest way to create special effects, and consequently, a good way for me to introduce the concept:

    Bomb carrier plants bomb at territory at point A
    Bomb actually is planted at Point B(the center of the hill marker/capture point/flag stand)
    Point B is an area surrounded by explosives. Surrounding Point B are gated objects that will disappear when the bomb explodes and goes to next phase.

    3. The party ball

    Step 1: Make an enclosed container nearby your objective. Gate all objects that make up said container.
    Step 2: place your objective so that the object area is where you want your objective to be, but the center of the object itself(aka the circle/arrow of the hill marker) is in the enclosed container.
    Step 3: Fill the 'party ball' with explosives/debris

    When you arm the bomb, the explosion will occur centered in the objective object, and the container will disappear when gated, creating a nice, simple explosion.

    Party Ball A before explosion(the party ball is under the crates, shouldve gotten pic from outside but whatever. It's just a box welded under the ship. don't ask questions.)


    Party Ball B before:
    Party Ball A After:
    Party Ball B after:

    4. Destroying objects

    Step 1: Make object. Gate it if that's your goal.
    Step 2: Place explosive in object
    Step 3: place objective object in the object you want to destroy

    When the bomb arms, it will blow up any explosive within the object. If the object is gated, it will disappear.


    5. Debris

    To create debris, you need vehicles/weapons/crates/barricades etc. Basically you need an object that can have physics act on it, NOT any structure pieces. Place within exploding area. Enjoy. Out of all the explosives, only the plasma battery naturally creates debris.


    6. Explosive design
    Fusion coils are unstable, and generally should not be used with the 24 item glitch as they will often self explode. use with caution. Landmines are useful, but again are unstable, so use caution. Plasma batteries and propane tanks are stable as hell, which often makes them the best candidates. The planted bomb causes one of the biggest single explosions in the game. Propane tanks do not cause very visible explosions, but have extremely powerful physics, and therefore can be used to increase the spread of your explosion. They are also the easiest to stack with the 24 item glitch.

    Inside Party Ball A:
    Inside Party Ball B:
    Inside exploding wall:
    #1 AD Records, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've actually used something similar to the "party ball" technique you talked about in Cargo Port and Illium. Still, this is a good tutorial for beginner Invasion forgers. Thanks for taking the time to contribute to Forgehub!

    It couldn't hurt to add some screenshots to help make everything you mentioned more clear.
    #2 Psychoduck, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  3. AD Records

    AD Records Forerunner

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    pics are now posted
  4. H0ck3yplay3r84

    H0ck3yplay3r84 Forerunner

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    this is awesome! ive thought of something like this, but its cool to see everything all described in detail

    Edited by merge:

    is it possible to make an object disappear in a slayer, king of the hill, or infection game type?
    #4 H0ck3yplay3r84, Jul 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2011
  5. AD Records

    AD Records Forerunner

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    I don't think so, but then again I don't know the ins and outs of those gametypes. I only do invasion. though you could create explosions without gating or weapon by spawning in landmines; then it would be possible to create a 'fuse' to a party ball possibly held in by shield doors; just a thought. one way Shield doors would be best because then I think the debris and explosion would still leave the confines of the party ball. Of course dropping an explosive from a great enough height can also be used to cause an explosion; though that can be unreliable. And of course, assault gametypes of all stripes always work. Hmm.........you could also possibly create a party ball of crates that is still affected by normal physics.....but would still float.....hmmm......maybe held in by grav lifts....

    In short, I have no idea. That's why I love invasion. FEEL THE POWER.

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