is the map that I have been trying to post for about a month now... I just now got Xbox Live back thanks to a friend of mine, so that means that you greedy bastards on here get your map. Its just a nice little thing that I put together in my spare time, a lot of eye candy packed into one big bacchanal of fun. Basically the name of it explains it, it is a map made up of a whole variety of different Architectural styles, attempting to make not one single part of the map look the same. No, it was not meant to be functional, that is why it is in the aesthetics section. No, it will not be a good map to play infection on, it would be horrendous, and no, I am not going to change it around to fit infection, I like it the way that it is. So, if there is nothing else I would like to touch on, I guess here are the pictures; I only added a few so that you guys could see a couple main parts of the map, and would have to download it to see everything. There are 2 secrets in the map, a hidden jetpack and a secret raceway, if you find those, good for you. The Outer Shell of the map Entrance Entry Hallway Top Hallway Bottom Hallway Well, there you go.
Dear God. If there was a death penalty for gorgeous aesthetic maps, you would be executed immediately. (Atleast for the first 3 pics, those are amazing) I would recommend fixing the hallways shown in the last two pics, they look sloppy. But those first 3 pics. Man. I so wish it was compatible with gametypes arent sloppy me, I do not make "sloppy". I make sure my maps are pretty much top of the line before I send them out.
Lol... I am honestly not understanding why this isnt getting any attention...I guess that Forgehub has changed quite a bit since the last time I was here. ^^
This is certainly an impressive looking map. Is it able to be played, or purely aesthetic? Great work either way.
its completely aesthetic, I was just trying to play around with different looks of the map atmosphere.
This map is really cool in looks, the gameplay is alright. It's a little easy to get lost, and needs better spawns. I played this with 4 people. Love the tunnel though!
I checked it out cause that entrance looked so stunning. It very much was! The lights coming off those pieces gives it quite the look. I had to go into forge to find the hidden mongoose. Once I got into it I was pleasantly surprised to be driving through the map The hidden Jetpack was pretty neat too. I found a little hole in the rocks at the end of this hallway that when you delete that one rock it lets you explore the entire map with the jetpack. I thought it was pretty entertaining to jump around on all the structures you had left outside.
Loved this map. its super sexy. as soon as you sent the message out i immeditley checked this out and was really fun to walk around and look at all the neat stuff. Sorry i didnt know you ran out of gold for xbox live hit me up next time and ill have u set for a year
I think this isn't getting a lot of attention because it's in the aesthetic maps section. Not as many people check that out. I guess. ANYWAYS, the archritectual design looks amazing. From all of the great comments, I can tell this map is worth a DL. Great work. @ CI, what do you mean you'll set him up with XBL gold for a year?
Thank you everyone. And yes the reason why I added in the jetpack was so you could explore the entire map if you so wished; actually, if you were to use it as soon as you went through the teleporter to the beginning, you can use it to climb the outside walls and get on top of the map to just jump down inside, I have done it many times.
I really want to download it, but my account's being screwy, so I can't even get on bungie. But I plan to dl as soon as I can.
Wow this is awesome. Great aesthetics. All the areas and structures look well forged and interesting . And some are just jaw dropping. Looking forward to taking a closer look. Amazing work again.
dude I loved your maps in Halo 3 and your maps in Reach are just as good if not better. Keep forging.
I must say, it was pretty cool, but I still liked Progenitor better. Not to say this was bad, though.
Dude your maps are just amazing. I love the detail that you put into your maps. I did play on this map already and the only thing that I would recommend is that you make it into a battle map or infection.
i literally have 0$ left in the budget, so that is why the map is not going to be changed to infection, plus there are multiple incredibly horrendous camping spots within the map that would make the gameplay horrible, so no, making this map for infection would not be a good idea. ^^