This is a map I've been working on for the past 2 months or so: Crossfire. I've put around 35+ hours of work into the map. It's a very symmetrical map which I feel works well with slayer, CTF, assault and three plot gametypes. But supports pretty much every gametype except invasion and race. I'm just looking for advice on how I can take this map that little bit futher. Any tips on what I should keep, scrap or add would be much appreciated. As well as advice on weapon placement. And mabye even a new name? (lets face it, Crossfire is hardly an orriginal name). Anyways, on with the pics: The overview. Suspended cage (top centre), suspended tunnel (top right), cannon to suspended cage (right), bunker (right, below cannon) and fortified tower (back right wall, behind suspended cage in shot)are all visible from here. Another pic of cannon and suspended tunnel. Suspended tunnel is accessable via 2 inclined bridges attached to the bases. It also has 2 balconies attached, which are each covered by a wall corner. These directly overlook the oposing bases. Suspended tunnel interior. This tunnel has a spartan laser, the opposite tunnel has a gravity hammer. Centre of map. A rocket launcher is in the dead centre which will spawn on all gametypes except neutral flag/bomb and oddball, in which the objective will spawn instead. A close up of bunker exterior and roof. The cannon is on the roof of the bunker. Bunker interior. A focus rifle and a window to shoot out of. The suspended cage. Pretty much essential to hold for map control. Also has a spiker inside. A side view of a base. Notice in the background how everything on the other side is pretty much identical. Close-up of base. A needler is at the centre of the large platform. The smaller platform behind it is where flags and bombs spawn and are captured. The rear tunnel goes up to two fortified possitions... ...And this is one of them. The rear tunnel is on the left. DMRs are lined up against the wall where a 5X1 block is acting as a ramp. Going right from the initial spawns their are a few options: Go through the tunnel to find a ramp leading back down to the cannon (which is just out of shot). Take the ramp to go on top of the tunnel where you will find a sniper (1 for each base), from here go right to take the inclined bridge leading back up to suspended tunnel, or take the grav lift to a conveniant sniper tower. View from one of the four corner sniper towers. And thats it (finally). Thoughts? Advice? Tips? All of these would be much appreciated guys. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wow 20 views and not 1 reply? C'mon I'm not asking for a lot here guys...Any advice at all will be usefull. Plzzzz? [br][/br]Edited by merge: 64 views, 0 replies? Are you F***ing kidding me?!?
Wow, I really like this map! it takes up the entire Coliseum on Forge World, correct? It has a great looking layout and I like that the suspended cage doesn't have a power weapon in it so people up there can't easily rule the whole level but if someone gets that Spartan Laser in one of the suspended tunnels they can easily camp up there. I will give this a download and see if I can get my friends to play on it with me. P.S. I know how you feel about having all the views and no comments. And barely any downloads as well. You have more than me combined out of my three levels. But two of them aren't even put on here yet, still stuck in the Tester's Guild
Well maybe make the bases that are floating actually look like there supported by something and not in just mid air
@ELYKNORPAC: Easily done, just add some coloumns. Although I should mention they are attatched to the back wall... [br][/br]Edited by merge: One thing I was thinking of changing was at the fortified position, I wasn't sure of the little ramp taking you on top of the tunnel. So I was thinking of mabye deleting that, taking the roof off of the tunnel, moving the sniper someplace else, and moving the inclined bridges down to meat with the tunnel. My other idea was to scrap the grav hammer and splaser in the suspended tunnels and move the snipers to these places. Any thoughts to these ideas? Are they good or do they blow?
Well let me check out this map and I'll get back to you on that. [br][/br]Edited by merge: K well first things first, great map! Alright my opinion on this is get rid of 8 dmr spawns take away 2 on each side maybe throw down needle rifles spread out throughout the map, next in the purple room you launch to from man cannons add a pro pipe, also I would take away the grav ham and splaser out like you said this would balance the map. But overall good map!
@ELYKNORPAC A pro pipe in the purple room is a great idea! I can't believ I didn't think of that! *Facepalm* And yes I was thinking of removing hammer and splaser when I realised that the weapons would switch between left and right sides depending on what team you were on.