After looking at Mace Windex's 3D screenshot galleries on Halo Waypoint, I decided to give it a go myself, and these are the results. (I attempted a few others, but for some reason they won't show up in my recent screenshots gallery on the The screenshots themselves are not overly impressive, but I would like comments on the execution of the 3D effect. For those who have never tried this before, you have to allow your eyes to cross so that the two images line up and create a third image in between. The middle image will appear to be 3D.
That doesn't really give the same effect though. While it is a lot easier for the viewer to see, It doesn't really convey the depth and feel of a 3D image. I wonder though, what does it look like if you were to speed up the time between the alternating images?
I think that a faster speed would require a smaller interval between camera angles. I'll have to try it that way and see if I can get a decent depth effect, as of now the faster ones just look too jumpy.
That's not bad. Just a slight camera angle change and alternating a red filter? That works pretty well. That's obviously much more easily accessible. I still prefer the two images and crossed eyes method, but this would work MUCH better for people who can't get that to work.
You can also make people epileptic. Going cross eyed isn't doing **** for me. It hurts my eyes and puts the picture out of focus.
^LOL I was thinking the same thing. I tried and tried to cross my eyes. I can normally do this with these kinds of images (magic eye posters taught me well back in the 90's!), but not on these images for some reason. Maybe I am too close or the images are too big, I dunno. My head hurts. EDIT Well I finally got the two images to cross and they appear to be backwards, meaning the stuff that is supposed to be in the background was in my face and the things that are suppose to stick out at me are sticking in :/ Maybe I need to cross my eyes differently? EDIT AGAIN! Okay lol I literally crossed my eyes and it worked There are two ways to cross you eyes and if you are used to the magic eye posters and try that method it doesn't work right. Cool images BTW
Thanks, I just tried to find things that had wide variation in the grounding. Also, I had the same problem with the background stuff being inverted, but when I switched the left and right images, it fixed the issue. Not sure how it wound up inverted for you, but that's certainly an interesting issue to come across. That's usually the problem that 3D images pose one regular screens. 3D screens are designed so that each eye can see a different image while they are layered atop each other, rather than forcing the viewers to move the images on top of each other by crossing eyes. Unfortunately, they're bloody expensive and this is the best way I've found to recreate the effect.
Its called parralax, wiki it, and its caused when you cross your eyes the wrong way for these pictures. THese pictures use crossing your eyes in toward each other, which is much easier, where as others require you to look past the picture and beyond, seperating the focal points of your eyes, this is much harder. To get parralax on these pictures you were doing the harder one, so try the other Oh, nvm, u figured it out
I worked on a couple others too, my recent screens section wasn't cooperating when I posted the thread. Here they are (or at least the better ones) The MAC cannon just seemed the perfect object, and I think looking down it from either direction looks pretty cool. I'd have to say in this set the 2nd and 4th ones are my favourite.
Thanks, I'll be posting more as I start to get better at the effect, probably in a new thread. I'm also going to start experimenting with turning a single 2D screenshot into a 3D one.
I'm gonna take this to the next level and do a 360 view of my spartan and make it an animated gif... will post it here when I'm done.
Nice! Just a piece of advice, make sure you pick a central point and center every screenshot around it, otherwise you wind up with an animation that is far too jumpy.
I know it has to be even so I'll just make a circle of walls and just push down while rotating so the height doesn't change.