Ever wondered how to place spawns that work for every gametype except invasion easily? Here is how you do it. Load up the map on the "Invasion" gametype. Select the item you want. Set the label to "none" And thats it! It works for everything except invasion now. You can do this with any item on the map and it will work. Now do you want to know how to make structure objects appear in a certain phase? Here is how you do it. Load up the map on the "invasion" gametype. Select the item you want. Set the label to "inv_weapon" Set the spawn sequence number to the phase you want. And that's it! If you have any problems or have anything else to say then feel fre to ask.
You can also set a object to "inv gate" instead of "inv weapon" and it will destroy the object at that phase. Didn't know about setting an object to "none" would not allow that object to spawn it in that specific gametype though that could come in handy.
The none label is also in other gametypes. I know Rally and Rocket Race have them to separate race from rally. Also, you could use Inv_Gates and set it to spawn sequence 0.
i was talking about making something from the structures category spawn in something like phase 2. Anyway i don't go on race much so i didn't know that. Thanks.
Ah, I'd noticed this shortly after making my canvases for each map, but I hadn't quite verified that that was what "NONE" did. Thanks for the info, OP. Now if only Infection had a "NONE"...
that would own. i on't know in which way but it would. I'll go onto every gametype and see what all of the labels do. Will give feedback.
This is why I didn't think of it.(but when I make race/rally maps I used "race_only" not none") Does this mean the none means the object wont spawn in all gametypes with "none" or does it stand for "inv_none" with the inv part invisible?
"none" means that the labelled objects will not appear in the gametype that you set the "none" label in. For example, if you set a DMR to "none" in invasion it will be in every gametype except invasion.
In Invasion, or at all? I believe the point of the INV_WEAPON Phase 0 trick is to stop an item from spawning in Invasion.
No not the phase timer or whatever but the actual respawn timer like you would set on a weapon spawn. If the spawn is at never it will never spawn.
Bungie.net : Invasion + Forge! : 9/16/2010 9:09 AM PDT Bungie's explanation on how invasion forge works.