Outpost Isil

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Ideal Logic, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Ideal Logic

    Ideal Logic Forerunner

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    : Outpost Isil :

    Alright, before I get hammered to death with hate replies, I know I stole the name from a popular Halo 3 Machinima. But I only did it, because 1; The map basicaly is an outpost. 2; I couldn't think of a better name than Isil at the time. Now that that is out of the way, this map is my pride and joy. I devoted the most effort in this than any other map I've ever made. The only complaints I've ever gotten about it is about the orange special effect, and the fact that there a bit too many power weapons. But other than that, this map is extremely fun. It looks great, and plays well. I've even put a story attached to it that links with the story of Halo without contradicting any of the facts from Halo's tale. So this map can also be used to make videos even. But enough talk. Here's what the rest of the map looks like.

    Sword spawn surrounded with seastacks.

    Room triple inner.

    Room triple outer.

    Rock circle.

    Sniper tower.

    Collapsed tunnel.


    Nature's alley.
  2. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you have had complaints about the map, why haven't you fixed it? If many people were complaining about the orange effect, then you should get rid of it. I personally hate effects on maps. Most of the time they look out of place, and make the map look ugly. Don't get me wrong, there are some maps that can pull of effects quite nicely. Another quick hint, if you are building a map, you should not use prefab buildings in the way Bungie intended for us to use them. It makes you look like an inexperienced forger. If you are going to use them, try rotating them, flipping them, or even using part of a building. I think it would even be better though if you used some of your own structures. Most structures that people come up with are unique because the structures come from there brain and not someone else's brain. Your rocks also seemed to be randomly placed to give cover. I would try to implement them into the map more so they look like they are actually meant to be there. I hope that my feedback has helped you.

    P.S. Get larger pics
  3. Ideal Logic

    Ideal Logic Forerunner

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    Yeah, my excuse is that I'm very lazy. <:p I usually make my maps within a matter of hours, then I fine tune them over month. Sorry. Plus the I put the orange effect so it seemed like sunset, and so that the lights I set down set a bit more of a purpose and popped more. And another thing, this map is actually pretty old.

    P.S. I'm using Image Shack and I just went with the resize that was suggested for websites.
  4. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Usually I use the size 800 X 600 to resize the pictures, but as Chrono Tempest says you can also just select to keep the default size of the picture.

    Also if the sword on your map is on fixed physics then I would recommend changing it to normal physics. Weapons on fixed physics have bizarre problems associated with them.
  5. Ideal Logic

    Ideal Logic Forerunner

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    Noticed already. Might fix soon.

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