_______________________________________________________________________ Supported Gametypes: -Slayer -King of the Hill -Capture the Flag Weapons: DMR|x6|30 seconds Plasma Repeaters|x2|30 seconds Grenade Launcher|x1|90 seconds Focus Rifle|x1|120 seconds Plasma Grenades|x4|30 seconds _______________________________________________________________________ Description: Cryolite is the type of map I was intending to make as a 2v2 map. I picked an area over the waters in Forgeworld and got to work. I tried to give this map the element of light along with the aspect of water. The two elements combine and make a great centerpiece ans some might call it. It really stands out while playing on this map. It starts as somewhat of a room with a middle pool of water with a small bridge over it. along the sides are cover pieces and indects in the walls. Although, one side has an opening to another part of the map which is basically a hallway which is given a glass window piece down on the lower part of the hallway. Gameplay focuses on the sides of the map mostly because players find the middle area a death zone. If you actually look you are able to recieve a Focus Rifle over the middle bridge which is a very important weapon on this map. You also have the option to ake a health pack which is located near the middle area on both sides spawns. More gameplay takes place on the outside hallway where the Grenade Launcher is located and somne players try to aquire this weapon. _______________________________________________________________________ Special Thanks: I would like to thank many people who had helped me with this project. Most people how had helped me with the map were HMSGOVIER, Confused Flamingo, iM x JacKsoN, and EightBall. Also, many others have helped and thank those people very much for giving me the support to finish this map. I also would like to thank Eightball again for making the boarders around my pictures. They came out great and I am so happy he had the time to do them. _______________________________________________________________________ Pictures: _______________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to look at the map. Any comments would be appreciated. I hope you enjoy this map as much as I do!
I like it! It seems to have good aesthetics and has a decent layout. I'll give it a dl and take a run-through to check it all out.
this looks very fansy and gets my pants hard in a way i havent felt since i saw Elysium. i liek the bridge thiny in the middle it looks smexy and the walls look very uniform and wel thought out.
Dude, drop the effects. I want to see what the map looks like, not what some modified and edited pictures of it look like. They make my eyes hurt. What I Managed to see before I quickly scrolled past the pictures looks relatively nice though.
Overall my experience with this map, helping you develop and test it was a great experience and fixed that 'trick jump' that I had my heart on the map felt complete and for a while it was almost as if it was forgotten. That was however until you found my gift that I had left for you whilst giving someone a tour of the map and that suddenly reminded me of the greatness of this map. I look forward to helping you with your future projects and I hope that this map and many of your others get recognised for there greatness. On a final note I hope that remember what a great man once said; 'Arctic hunters maps are like balls, there are no others alike and there the saltiest around'
Great map Arctic- I never really had much complaint about this and the ones I did were never bad. Most actually were my own fault now that I think about it. Falling to my death in your deceptively serene water... being shot in the face by you... good times... The only thing I have to say is I dont like the 5x5 flats at the initial spawns, not wide enough. I think they could benefit from a 1x1 tall and thin. Other than that I havent much else to say rather than I like this map quite a bit and I'll be interested to see what comes from you next!
I'm glad I could help with editing the pictures, even if they are a bit hard to see. They aren't that bad though. They also didn't look at bright when I was editing them..Hmm.. Anyways, This map has some great aesthetics and and overall nice presentation. Flow is great and KOTH is really intense and fun. I'm glad you put a few railings around the center, because I would always fall off and it would get quite annoying, but now I'm glad you fixed that. Great choice of power weapons, might I add. Great work man. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. Edit: I also came up with the name for the map, too.
From what I've seen you have a nice clean aesthetic, which is good. Layout also looks solid but I'd need several games to determine its quality. One thing I can determine from images though is that you're lacking color orientation. I'm not going to know where I am when I spawn on your map because everything is grey. If you could, use a few struts, platform XLs, or platform Ys on the floors and walls to distinguish rooms from each other so that players have an easier time calling out and moving around the map. Or you could just color some of your objects that you already have. Also, very good grenade placement in the 4th picture down.
Thanks everyone for your comments. Everything is needed and I would love to improve the map! Thanks Goat for your response, I will take into consideration what you have to say. I can only mention that the color was for map purpose. I suppose it is bland which didnt come to mind until now, but I was using the somewhat bluish color I got off of the lights for the feel of the map. I tried to combine water with lights. Therefore it was a mix of a light blue. As I can tell now it looks bland like you said and can be fixed. Room or spawn colors were not used just for the fact I wanted to keep that light blue misty feel. I thought that giving the map that red light or red coloring would ruin the feel. I can say that I will try that as I can always experiment with new things. Thank you for your concern I wanted to just give you my story of why things were like that.
You can tell you and Eightball are friends if only because you both consistently release excellent 2v2 maps. This map is no exception, and has a place on my Harddrive for a long time. On an aesthetic note, I really like the way you used the brace as a railing. Great Job!