- H O G P I T - Hog Pit was made only because the genuis who made Monster Trucks in Halo 3. My goal was to remake that game for Halo Reach. But Reach uses a different type of driving/ phsyics setup for vehicles now. The warthogs now bounce as if the wheels were made out of...well I can't think of anything other than rubber, but...well...yeah... But, I digress! Since I couldn't replicate the exact game, I went with just a simple remake similarity. So it can still be classified as a remake. I made it more decorated, with more challenges. These challenges are obastacles like one way shields, man cannons, even kill balls! And believe it or not, the kill balls aren't as crazy of an idea as you think. Anyways, the map is extremely popular with my friends and even a small chunk of the community! I have had a whopping total of zero complaints of the map. I do hope you enjoy my map.
Hmm! A warthog obstacle map! It's a nice idea for a map, even if you were trying to replicate a halo 3 map. You might want to add some more pictures of the map or at least make the fist one a bit bigger. Thanks!