This is what i got so far then, the left side is more or less finished, the right side is being built up at the mo, although the map plan is symetrical, because of the space restrictions and objects, the sides will focus on diffrent things. the left side will be low, indoor, fire from cover... the right will be high, outside exposed fire (but the height advantage minimises the amount of you that can be seen) bottom left is the support that im going to be placing around the map to 'hold up' the play area, this is purely for looks but its better than a floating platform Theres now about a 90% chance that the power weapon in the tower will be a sniper now, the glass cover really does, in my view balence it out... as always, ideas, comments etc please..
It looks nice, but from the screenshot it looks like you'd have what Bungie would've called "Too much hallway, not enough dance floor". It seems like you pretty much have only a long narrow walkway between bases, and then another, slightly wider path that looks like it gets caught in a nasty chokepoint at the center. Also, the Red's proposed height advantage looks like it means they'll be able to completely dominate any movement into their base while Blue will have a much harder time.
The play area is only 2 4x4 tiles deep on the outside edge which unfortunately is a resitriction to the area im using, it also means using the area for anything 'fuctional' is quite difficult. If anyone has any ideas to bring the space up to scratch that would be helpful, but agian, with often low height rooms, multi levels is also very hard to do. so it more or less has to be ground floor stuff :S with the 'reds' height advantage, its works out very simular to the 'blue' sides low floor 'advantage' because of the firing lines, the height only really helps when under attack, the glass cover on 'blues' side (apart from the gaps left empty) leave very small firing areas to hit, effectively, you can only shoot from height what can shoot you, very diffrent forms of cover which give (with the little testing done so far) equal measures of protection from fire while not stopping your ablity to attack those attacking you, if that makes sence? however that said, i will be trying to test it with more players asap once the cosmetic side of life is done, and if they do have an advantage, i will make edits to balance. Any other comments, sugestions, ideas etc?