Hey guys, Its Jet Sof 117 from Xbox, and I have a great Idea using a simple mechanism (which shouldnt be a mechanism at all but i say that cuz im cool), that can make objects that are movable into floating objects. Objects that are not movable such as building parts go into physical once put on a game. So if u want continuoes movable objects you should stick to the non movable ones like crates. This Map is just an example, you guys could make your own maps using this idea and make great lookiing maps. Now many people might know of this but many others might not so this is for those people. Tin Cups have a main goal to make a Jesus Hole when a ball gets close. Thankfully this can happen with vehicles movable objects etc. The influence on the tin cup comes from all sides so dont be fooled of which is top or bottom, i made a gametype using a grid that is liek a changing battlefeild the grid litterally tilts or spins around the tin cup. Hope You Guys Use This Idea, Sorry, i dont know where to post ideas like these so casual games seems good enough.
This thread is not up to forge hub standards this thread will be locked in 24 Hours if it dosn't have 3 Pictures (Minimum) mod help now
This thread is not up to Forge Hub standards. This thread must meet the following criteria within twenty-four (24) hours, or it will be locked. - Must have a description of your map. - Must have at least one embedded screenshot or video that clearly shows your map. - Must have a download link. Click here for a guide to embedding screenshots. Good job fixing your post.
And ^ is also easier spam. I haven't thought of using that little glitch for something like this. I am going to DL to see the metrics of how you did it. Seems like it would make for a fun map potentially.
Basically tin cups on top and bottom. Golf balls and vehicles will float I've never tried crates nice job