Remember the playlist called 'Firefight'? You know, without Arcade or Limited behind it? Yes that playlist. Bungie said a long time ago they'd temporarily remove it to tweak it while Arcade and Limited would come in it's place. Months have passed, and it still hasn't returned. Doesn't Bungie care anymore or are they doing heavy tweaking and are they constantly testing? Probably the first one, eh? Oh well, what are your opinions on this?
Its likely they don't care now.And even if they did care, they can't update Reach's playlists because of 343 Industries.
*Looks at Forgeworld* "Why give a man a dinner once, if you can teach him to hunt instead?" For some reason I think that applies to Bungie and us. On Topic, I have no idea
No, but that's beneficial to us. I don't want to be playing Fat Kid or Stairway to Heaven in matchmaking.
Oh, god, no. But some sort of weekly voting would be in order, of course denying fat kid and its descendants any chance at all.
We would still experience similar turds in matchmaking. The best way is to let 343 pick up where Bungie had left off and piss off many fans by denying the requests given by the community (because most are terrible). 343 and Bungie both develop games, and are quite experienced beyond anything you or I can conceive. I trust that Bungie has made the right decisions (mostly) and 343 will follow suit. You can't exactly say the Atom was the best choice ever to go into matchmaking, but it sure as hell wasn't Fat Kid. To remain on topic: I'm sure the default firefight playlist wasn't receiveing as much love as both Limited and Arcade are enjoying, and that's why I believe it won't make a return to matchmaking, or at least not for a while. We should wait and see what 343 wants to do with Reach matchmaking.
The firefight matchmaking playlist was pretty much a BAD combination of both Arcade and Limited. Splitting it into both was a better idea, so those who wanted a casual FF experience could still get it, and those wanting the more hardcore FF experience could get it too, without the two groups conflicting with eachother. As for Bungie "Abandoning" their fans, I'm extremely disappointed in everyone who's saying **** like that.
There have been ideas floating around in my head thinking that 343 could possibly test submissions from the community and decide if they'll be included in matchmaking. That's just not going to happen because so many bad maps are made every hour and then somehow they make it to the top downloaded with the exception of some actually decent ones. There is one thing that I wish could happen, if 343 allowed community made Invasion maps into the playlist, the current ones are dying and boring as hell. If they could somehow regulate the influx of submissions, I think Community Invasion would be fantastic.
I assumed it was never returning when they split it into two playlists. firefight limited for the hardcore players, firefight arcade for everyone else. I wouldn't know, I usually play doubles attack with my brother or score attack. Off topic, I find it amazingly obtuse to say Bungie has abandoned their fans. They can't work on the same project FOREVER. I'm sure I'll be a fan of whatever new thing they help create. They've left an amazing set of tools for the community to play/build to our hearts content. They gave us a good 10 years of making nothing but Halo. They have to move on, LEGALLY, and the short sighted masses act like they just "dumped" us.
But for the people that prefer a combination of Casual and Hardcore standard Firefight is better and i hope they return it to Matchmaking.
Collonade; that is all. Bungie has RECENTLY shown that they are a little jealous of maps that play/look well, and usually choose maps that make their own look much better. I know it hasn't always been this way, I just have been disappointed with them recently. I would bet that the reason they took out Firefight was because people enjoyed it, and they just replaced it with the loling playlists, because they didn't want their game taken seriously. It is supposed to be about fun anyway, isn't it?
They took it out because people enjoyed it? really? I doubt that. Probably it was all the shitty games that went on, 2 people leaving cause they wanted sniperfight and not limited, etc, etc. that stuff happened A LOT. the cynicism shown in this forum is really out there. you really think they decide to take something away specifically because its fun? ugh.
You are an idiot. I don't mean that as an insult, I mean it in the way a doctor labels a mentally challenged kid. Here are the reasons behind my diagnosis. 1) Don't accuse the entire community of anything until you know the opinion of every single one of the 100,000 members. Good luck with that. 2) Don't do the above where I can see, I love the people here and I will defend every one of them. 3) Thats the exact OPPOSITE of what I said. I said they removed it and replaced it with the other playlists because the OTHER playlists are about fun. 4) Your gamertag has more numbers than I can read. 5) I was talking about how Bungie sacrificed the competitive nature at every corner specifically for fun and enjoyment. 6) ??? 7) Profit.
You're right, I misread that, and I do apologize for that. As for my gamertag, it used to be spelled out, then someone banned it and i had to spell it with numbers. lame. However, I will defend my opinion of the people POSTING in the forums about issues like this. You have to admit, most of the time its someone being a complete cynic. I know there a lot of members here that aren't that way, but usually don't post. most of the threads are full of negativity, while everyone who's a reasonable person goes <sigh> Still, you did make the statement "they took it out because people enjoyed it" and I just don't think that is so. Most likely it was to satisfy a greater number of players. I think we're saying the same thing in a different way, actually. Btw, the fact that you conclude I'm an idiot from one response -which I ADMIT I MISREAD- is hilarious.
Lol. I don't know how the hell Kapura managed to get that **** in MM. But Bungie jealous? Nooooooooo.