Survival: Lighthouse

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Insanmiac, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. Insanmiac

    Insanmiac Ancient
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    At the end of the road, you've got nothing left but your fellow survivors, a handful of bullets, and your will to live. A helicopter is en route to the Old Winston Lighthouse, and is going to arrive soon. Can you make your way to the lighthouse and survive until Pickup arrives?


    YouTube - Halo Reach Infection Map -- Survival: Lighthouse Trailer

    YouTube - Halo Reach Infection Map -- Survival: Lighthouse Walkthrough

    YouTube - Halo Reach Infection Map -- Survival: Lighthouse Gameplay

    Survival: Lighthouse is part of a possible series of maps in which survivors face a two part scenario.

    PART 1: The first part consists of the survivors getting from point A to Point B, usually over a long distance. A few supplies are scattered along the way.

    PART 2: This part consists of a final arena in which the survivors must hold out for the second half of the game. In this map, it is the Lighthouse. Point B will typically contains more supplies that at any point along the map.

    I call this gametype "Survival". Bear with me, this is a little outside my comfort zone, but in a attempt to push the boundaries of my forge ideas, I have decided to make a mission style gametype.

    Here is a map of Lighthouse:
    Point A is a campsite, and the final goal, Point B, is the lighthouse.
    Part 1, as described above, is moving from the Campsite to the lighthouse. This makes up about 2-4 minutes of the 7 minute rounds.
    Part 2 is holding out in the lighthouse, for the time remaining.

    Here is the supply list:
    Assault Rifle x 7
    DMR x 3
    Magnum x 3
    Shotgun x 3
    Sniper Rifle x 2
    Spiker x 1
    Grenade Launcher x 1
    Health Pack x 3

    Humans have very raised health (4 hits to die) but are slow, can't jump, have no armor ability, or radar. They also have low ammunition.

    Zombies are average health, but have no shields. They can, however, move quickly, use radar and sprint. They can also choose their spawn point.

    NOTE, YOU MUST READ: This is an honor rules gametype, meaning I have done everything I can to make it automatic, but there is still nothing stopping people from camping where they spawned. BE SURE TO INFORM EVERYONE HOW IT IS PLAYED BEFORE PLAYING. Players must move from point A (campsite) to point B (the Lighthouse). Warnings, followed with a boot from the game if they don't comply, may be necessary.

    In order to add extra incentive and and indication of the final goal, the Lighthouse does have marker.

    Here is an example of the marker system:
    As you can see, the Lighthouse is marked with a safe haven icon. This was done by placing a safe have with 0.1x0.1x0.1 dimensions into the roof in such a spot that it cannot be seen or reached. The haven, itself, is completely non-functioning, but It does act as a marker to make the concept more easily grasped.

    Anyway, I have played quite a few games on this, and I have received good reviews overall, and people seem to really enjoy it. I know I do! All it takes is a small learning curve, and once the concept is nailed, you and your friends should have a great time.
    Thanks, and please download.
    #1 Insanmiac, Apr 21, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    First, The idea is not the most original, but you have astounded me with aesthetics, ideas, presentation, and forge neatness. Nice spot to position your map. I like the fact that you explained you idea and inspiration for the map. The human start is a bad place to camp especially when all your team members leave you, nice job on that. The small little radio tower works a good halfway marker. The building itself is very neatly and simple forged. I like the fact that the stairway to the attic is so open. I also agree with you I like the claustrophobic feel that the attic has. You designed the little balcony beautifully and in such a way it wasn't a super unfair camping spot. The zombie spawn and the small model, although it doesn't fit in a serious tone along with the map, It is genius. The gametype also fits the map. congratulations and Nice map. You got a DL.
  3. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    looks good, my only concern is that you might want to put a.... oh, wait i just remembered you have barely any budget. =) lolz. anyway, i was going to say you could put a couple of sandbags around the lighthouse, as if they were starting to set up cover and then they were ambushed. it would give more of an abandoned feel to it. maybe you could do it in ur 2nd map. any way, cool map, i will dl and try out.

    =) =) =) =) =) (5 smilies out of five 4 being awesome)
  4. Matty the IV

    Matty the IV Forerunner

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    I'm a personal fan of left4dead or anything similar to the series. You've got a DL from me and i will give you feedback upon testing. =D
  5. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
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    yup i agree with the others the aesthetics are astonishing and the gametype sounds like a lot of fun i have to try this :)
  6. Randomdude1194

    Randomdude1194 Ancient
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    I like it. Linear infection maps tend to be fun, and overall the map is easy on the eyes. One way that you could coax players along the map, is to have soft kill boundaries spawn after a period of time. These could push their way up the map. To keep zombies from teleporting into the boundaries, crates could spawn over the receiver node teleporters at the same time as the kill boundaries. Worth trying.
    #6 Randomdude1194, Apr 22, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2011
  7. Rsvi Etzudee

    Rsvi Etzudee Forerunner
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    Awesome map, great looks and balance. Just two things: Aren't there 3 health packs? One by the radio thingy, one by the lighthouse entrance and one in the lighthouse? Also, the ammo refilling area seems a bit campable, but if you say not, then it's good.

    Love the zombie teleporter thingy, great! This is a definite DL. Good job!
  8. Ice Pinata

    Ice Pinata Forerunner
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    Looks great! I'm starting on my own linear style infection map, and I'm wondering if you'd give me permission to use your mini map for the zombie spawn?

    Anyway, that put aside, the map looks great! I understand that you were testing out your concept of a survival map, and I, and probably many others, are wondering if you will make a version 2.

    This map so far feels slightly small, and it gives me the feeling that it could be a lot larger. Any how, it's your choice.

    You definately have my download, and I'd love to play this map with you sometime.
  9. Insanmiac

    Insanmiac Ancient
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    There is no possible way within Reach's mechanics to make a kill barrier to have a delayed spawn. Yes, you could set 'Spawn at Start' to false, and choose a time, but that does nothing. No matter how you edit the attributes of a kill barrier, they spawn right away, always.

    Edited by merge:

    Well, I didn't really have a choice. I ran out of budget. Anyways, it's not that small, really (closer to Medium/Large). And as long as you don't literally use the exact same map, and make your own mini-map, and give me some credit, I am fine with that.
    #9 Insanmiac, Apr 22, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2011
  10. Ice Pinata

    Ice Pinata Forerunner
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    I forgot about your budget problem, so yeah, it would be hard to make the map bigger.

    Oh, and I probably should have better worded my asking for permission part of my post... I see now that it could have come off as me wanting to use your exact mini map, lol. I meant that I was asking permission to use the concept of creating a mini map with teleporters on my map, which, in addition, will be in a totally different place. And of course, you will get full credit for the idea.
  11. Insanmiac

    Insanmiac Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just one problem. This is impossible. Within Reach, you cannot make kill barriers have a delayed spawn. No matter how you edit their attributes, they will always spawn as soon as the map loads, and as far as I know, their is nothing you can do about it.
  12. a0puncfan

    a0puncfan Forerunner

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    Nice map! Me and my friends played this a few times and we just loved it. I like how the whole map feels, how expansive and varied it is. amazing. Downloaded! and recommended!
  13. Forgefire

    Forgefire Forerunner

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    Love it, love how the sun changes, love everything, the best thing is... The looks of it. AWSOME JOB!!
  14. TerrorWolfman

    TerrorWolfman Forerunner

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    How did u do the night/daytime cycle? Does it go back to daytime?
  15. B3RRY15

    B3RRY15 Ancient
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    Great zombies concept. The L4D maps are incredibly popular and yours should be right up there too. I really enjoy the simplicity and your dedication to make this easy to access for new player with the mini teleporter map and the haven beacon. Well done!
  16. M4rine1

    M4rine1 Forerunner

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    Awesome map I have been a fan of your maps for a while and have made maps that I try to get to your standard but aren't near your level, but this map has fun gameplay and a nice feel to it for infection and is quite fun, the zombie map thing is pretty well done and the light house is smooth a really good forge all in all.
  17. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    You could slowly spawn in soft kill zones to prevent camping at the spawn. You could divide the map into 6 sections (not visibly, of course) and have the first one spawn after 30 seconds, the second after 60 seconds, the third after 90 seconds, the fourth after 120 seconds, the fifth after 150 seconds, and the sixth after 180 seconds. This would encourage players to move on quickly, but you could have less sections if you want the game to move at a slower pace.
  18. Insanmiac

    Insanmiac Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Kill barriers cannot have delayed spawns. They always spawn right away, even if you set it so they don't.
  19. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
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    I've tried screwing around in settings for about 20 minutes. There is no "conventional" way to make the spawn delayed.

    However, I came up with a solution. You have to spawn a fusion coil and set it to fixed, then spawn the kill barrier and set it's physics to "Normal". Once that's done, place the fusion coil and Kill barrier over where you want it to be. Then spawn a landmine, and set it's spawn time to the time you want the kill barrier to drop (eg. 20, 35, 50, etc.). Then place the landmine below the fusion coil so it detonates when it spawns in. It's also pretty much required to place something that'll catch it and keep it somewhere when it lands, as you don't want it rolling off the map. Finally, just place (Ideally) an energy shield of some variety that isn't easily visible (NOT a one-way shield) to block it from being shot by players and dropping it before it's supposed to.

    It's complicated, cumbersome and budget consuming, but if you're dying to have people not sit at spawn, I recommend that.

    And on to the topic at hand; the map. Very cleanly forged, good aesthetic value. I love the way it's presented, as well as the design in general. I have one concern I have from watch the gameplay however; it seems the "last resort" for the humans (melee) is too strong, as you are able to kill zombies in one hit. I could see that being abused.
  20. aspernatio

    aspernatio Forerunner

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    Hey, Insanmiac, I made a map on the same bluff area as this one, and I'm curious as to how you took that birds eye view layout picture of the whole map, as I can't seem to go high enough. Is there some trick to it? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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