The Temple of Time

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by The_Omnigamer, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. The_Omnigamer

    The_Omnigamer Ancient
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    You're a lone traveler, on a quest to find the ultimate weapon. All throughout the land you have searched for the three stones of virtue, and now, you are about to arrive at your final destination.

    The Temple of Time. The final resting place for the ultimate weapon. Your journey is about to come to an end...

    *Play for Ambiance*
    YouTube - ‪Ocarina of Time: Temple of Time‬‏


    As you walk through the doors of the huge structure, you notice it's intricacies. Time has taken it's toll on the temple, but it remains a testament to all who have come to it.

    The pedestal at the beginning is said to be a point to where an ancient Hero of Time himself would be able to warp to. The pedestal is a representation of the power that the Temple holds within it. The very power of Light itself.


    In the main room, you can see the different flooring materials that was used in the Temple's design, as well as the decorative pillars that line each side of the room.

    In the back of the room, you'll see the pedestal where the ancient Hero placed the 3 Spiritual Stones during his quest. Today, the essences of these stones remains and can be clearly seen.

    To the left of the room a mysterious stone can be found. It appears to have once held a purpose, but time has eroded the stone to this state.

    On the far wall, you can see an engraving of the symbol of the Triforce. The Triforce represents the three greats powers in the land. Power, Wisdom, and Courage.

    If you feel that you are ready to face your destiny, step forth through the Door of Time.


    Once you exit the hallway, you'll be face-to-face with the Master Sword. The Blade of Evil's Bane.


    As if awaiting your arrival, the Master Sword has taken the shape of a modern-day blade, awaiting its next owner, sleeping until the time comes.


    The resting place of the Master Sword in the Temple of Time is also said to be the door to the Sacred Realm and the Chamber of the Sages. Around the Pedestal of Time, remnants of energy left behind by the Six Sages still remain. Light, Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, and Spirit all glow around the edges of the Master Sword.


    And at it's center, the Master Sword awaits it's next owner. Is it you? Or will it continue it's sleep for the rest of eternity? Can you be the next Hero?


    Ok, lame storytelling aside, here is my first ever aesthetic map, based off the Temple of Time from Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's nowhere near perfect, but then again I don't claim to be a master forger either, lol, but personally I think it looks damn good.

    The first thing that should be said is that my scaling in Reach is HORRIBLE. This temple is HUUUUUUGE. Probably WAY bigger than it needs to be too, buuut it looks good and as far as I'm concerned that's what counts.

    I focused primarily on the indoor aesthetics rather than the outdoors and quite frankly it shows. The whole exterior should probably be closed off as well as I know there's alot more than can be done with the front of the Temple, but I didn't have the pieces nor honestly did I know how to work some of what I saw in the game.

    I had also originally planned to make a replica-ish of the Master Sword, however, when it came down to the final hours I honestly just got lazy and tossed an energy sword hovering over the pedestal. For some reason I couldn't get it to interlock with the pedestal, which kinda sucks...

    Out of the whole thing, I'm extremely proud specifically of the Master Sword room. It took me a pretty large amount of time to figure out how to create a "cathedral-esque" roof in the room, when the design that I had just kinda came to me. The pedestal of time as well imo came out extremely well. I just don't like how the pedestal itself is huge, but when everything else is enormous, why not eh? Legend has it that Hylians were actually giants, so maybe it IS to scale :O

    Oh, and for those that don't know, the random rock is actually a Shiekah Stone. The 3DS Remake of OoT included these Shiekah Stones to give new players a helping hand through the game. I know it wasn't included in the original... but when my friend jokingly asked, I just said "what the hell." and threw the rock down. Shiekah stones basically look like a gossip stone with a crawl hole, but I got lazy so I blamed it on time erosion :p

    Overall, with this being my first aesthetic map, I'm very proud with how it came out. I know it's not perfect, but it IS a first here from what I've seen so that's good enough to me. As well as it IS recognizable to those who've played the game, :p. I'd add some comparison pics, but I don't have a capture device atm so yea...

    Anyway, let me know what you think. :) I do have a few more Zelda maps in mind that I'll start working on eventually, so if you all enjoy this one I hope you'll stay tuned for more ^_^

    Also, I DO want to make this an actual playable map Buuuuut I suck at spawns and things like that, so if anyone would want to give me a hand at finding the best spawns for a map like this as well as a few good weapon placements, then let me know, :p. My brother said it may be great for an Invasion map, so I may actually try and set something like that up.......

    But I'm rambling. Ya got the pics, ya (hopefully) got the map, so let me know what you think!

    This Legend of Zelda Aesthetic Remake has been brought to you by the one and only...

    #1 The_Omnigamer, Jul 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2011

    ANTI YOU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey listen...

    no but serious, i like it but I'm also a huge ocarina fan. i really the sword stand. it looks top notch to me. forge on my brotha
  3. The_Omnigamer

    The_Omnigamer Ancient
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    Thanks alot dude. I love how the pedestal of time came out as well personally. It was a pain in the ass to make though, havin to work with 60 degree angles, lol.
  4. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    That music was playing in my head before I even started the video lol

    Played this one too much back in the day. Aww childhood memories.... Anyways i will definitely be giving this one a download just for nostalgias' sake.
  5. The_Omnigamer

    The_Omnigamer Ancient
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    I was humming it like the entire time I was forging whenever I would be working on it lol.
  6. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Looks pretty good. Like you said, a bit big, but it looks really good. The outside looks a bit plain, but you're pretty much out of pieces. You'd probably have to re-build it essentially from scratch at a smaller scale if you wanted to do that. Probably not terribly necessary, anyway.

    Quick tip, though: If you want to have the sword interlocked with the pedestal, there is a way. Rather than attempting to phase the sword into the pedestal, you phase the pedestal into the sword. All you need to do is slide the two pedestal blocks out of the way temporarily, nudge the sword down, then slide the two blocks back into place.
  7. The_Omnigamer

    The_Omnigamer Ancient
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    Yeah I probably will scale it down... sometime in the future, but it's not exactly a priority at this point. I dunno but I always tend to super-size my forge projects because at least to me when I'm forging everything looks alot smaller than it actually is. I load it up in a custom game and I'm all "wtff" lol.

    And thanks for the trick. I'll have to change that :)
  8. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Yeah, I know the feeling well. The first time I saw a decorative column close up on foot, I thought, "there's no way that's a decorative column. That HAS to be some kind of large block that happens to look exactly like a column."

    A simple trick to help you along is to first find an object that you can compare scale to (this is before you start building anything), and enter Player mode to see how it looks while on foot. For instance, if it makes you feel really small, then you need to scale down. I did that on a Star Trek Enterprise model I did in Forge, and I think the scale ended up pretty good. You should also enter player mode periodically while creating and just walk around to see how your map looks (you don't have to exit Forge & load up a custom game to see how it looks to a player), and adjust as necessary.

    Even better would be to have a friend forging with you, so that you can see how a player sizes up next to/inside it (it wasn't until doing that that I realized the player looked like a midget in the captain's chair of my Enterprise). If you don't have anyone readily available to help, just hook up a second controller and sign that controller into a dummy profile, and move the second player into position (personally, I prefer this method because it's a lot less hassle than trying to find someone to help).

    The idea is to check the scale early, and periodically check it throughout the design process. It takes all the guesswork out of it, so that you don't have to worry about creating an entire map, only to find out the scale is way off.
  9. sh1shka606

    sh1shka606 Forerunner

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    best Nintendo game of all time. beat ocarina of time when I was six years old, and replay it almost every other week. If they could make a game that could hold a candle to that, I would never leave my house :p

    Awesome map. Very elaborate, and very well focused. Love that master sword!
  10. ultima123456789

    ultima123456789 Promethean
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    rrreeeaaalllyyy cool brotha. you have inspired me to make my own temple of time though i don't know how to post maps properly.
  11. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol. This reminds me of when I was like 4, and I just kept doing something with that sword making my character change. I never left this place. :p You must've done good if I recognized it. If I'm wrong, then.. :p

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