
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Blaze, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hmm... I s'pose.

    The Psycho Duck
  2. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Sure thing.

    Blood Gulch 7

    Make sure to have DMR starts where possible. A lot of hosts I've seen lately forget to modify their gametypes, and weapon starts are one of those bigger things to me.
  3. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    I'll be up for it Blaze. Should be good to get some first-hand gameplay feedback from these fine Forgehubbletts.
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Weapon and open roof layout picture added. :)


    Version 2 coming after testing this weekend. I plan on getting games on it tomorrow at 2 or 3ish EST-5 time. Post on here or message me on xbox live if you want invited. :D
  5. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Had a blast testing this yesterday. The weapon layout is great and the overal flow of the map was excellent. Didnt play enough games to truly test the spawns but from what i saw it was pretty good. Having also done a casual forge through I couldn't see any problems either.
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I'm glad you enjoyed it. Though we didn't get too many games on it, we had cleaned up a tiny bit of gameplay and saw how the new additional passage worked. I am going to get a few more games and then we will release v2. :)
  7. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Semi neutral Mongoose added for asymmetrical game variants.

    New passage opened up under red building to create better flow in and out of that area.

    Pic 1:

    Pic 2:

    Note: Mongoose location can be seen from pic 2.

    Few weapons added to create better balance. The weapon layout picture IS up to date. :)

    Very few other geometry changes otherwise. We are looking to test even further to try and perfect balance of gameplay. Remember if you would like to help you need only to ask.
    #27 PatchworkZombie, Jun 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2011
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    So would this be considered a co forge? If not I'll be able to review it (officially).
  9. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Yes, it is a co-forge. It's no big deal at all if it's not official, I just wanted feedback to help me make it better. :p
  10. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hit me up for some games if you want. This is one of my favorites on Reach. Not many have a successful map with an urban type feel with outdoor AND indoor gameplay. I love that stuff and the placement involving the natural geometry works out great. Truly an awesome map so I would love to game on it with you guys.
  11. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Thank you very much, you'll have to add me and we'll definitely play. :)

    Thank you for the heads up, though it was working for me and as it seems everyone else. I recopied the link and replaced it just incase. :)
  12. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    What i like about this map is all the walkways and the complex feeling. Really really good work! I am a fan of the fact that you focused so much more on gameplay than aesthetics, even tough beatiful maps is fun it is really all about gameplay in the end!
  13. HotLikeStove

    HotLikeStove Forerunner

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    We played this on TGIF and it was just like, "WHOA! THIS IS AWESOME!" I myself have to say that I indeed downloaded to my fileshare. I tell you, 4v4 1CTF is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. The buildings make gameplay flow well. If you're being gunned down on the top floors, just drop down to escape a horrible death. It also gives it a nice balance to gameplay. It's not just straightforward "go in there headon and get yourself killed (because theres only one way through.)" You can actually have a strategy to go well, instead of relying on power weapons to hold you through. Staying on higher ground was my best choice. You did a great thing with 1CTF. It's very balanced to where you aren't just instantly dying when you try to cap the flag. You're teamates can lure the opponents out of the base for an easy flag-swipe. Otherwise, the asthetics are wonderful! The benches and the fallen leaves give it a sort of Abandoned-city-now-used-as-a-deadly-arena look to it.

    FINAL OPINION: Great map with great asthetics and a rich, original feel to it. I would recommend to anyone who loves it as much as I do!
    #33 HotLikeStove, Jul 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2011
  14. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This is a very well-executed multi-level map. The campfire area is probably my favorite part. My only complaint is that the base with the collapsed staircase got the short end of the stick (not aesthetically of course). While the other buildings have several quick and easy ways up to the top level, the collapsed staircase takes a while to scale and surprisingly there is no real reward at the top. Since this area takes more work to get to (or getting there from the top floor of another building), to me it seems like it would be a good place for the rocket or another power weapon. Anyways great map, glad the dl link was fixed.
  15. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    The level of enjoyment conveyed from a map determines if the player ever wants to play on the map again. Erasure has this fun gameplay that creates what the player wants to have in a map. The fresh and fun feel presented on Erasure drives the player to want more. They legitimately have an enjoyable time playing on the map, and little issues are evident that truly inhibit the player having a good time.

    The vertical gameplay brings much to the table on Erasure. With the varied heights and paths, it brings the style of classic Halo maps from the past. These varied levels not only assist in creating the feel of great Halo maps, but crucially aid in creating an enjoyable experience. Though this vertical style of gameplay might not be for all to enjoy. Players less comfortable with the Jet Pack might find a hard time adjusting to the style of map Erasure is. However, once the player learns of the type of map Erasure is, good times ensue.



    Erasure is a fairly balanced competitive map. It has no serious imbalances that hinders the player from enjoying a few games on it. The weapons might seem too spawn a bit too quickly, but this really just makes the gameplay more fun, and everything counters each weapon. The Sniper Rifle is not in a too powerful area that makes it dominate throughout the map, but it still is not useless. The buildings also provide a perfect way to block much of the sight lines. The Rocket Launcher can actually cause some issues to be present, as it seems to be a little overpowered at first. The weapon actually provides a nice way to flush out some campers residing in buildings, which is another minor issue in itself. Though overall, Erasure provides a nice playing field for competitive players that look for an unorthodox experience.



    At first glance Erasure is a perfectly inescapable map. Though upon further inspection, Erasure sadly can be broken. If the players choose the Jet Pack loadout, they can utilize the man cannon to propel themselves over the wall of Erasure. This puts them in a position to freely roam all around the canyon. While this escaping tactic is extremely difficult, a player can utilize this flaw. This is the only escapability error, but unfortunately it can be used in an advantageous way, so it needs to be addressed. This problem is an easy fix with the addition of kill barriers.

    Spawns, on the other hand, are basically perfect. Each structure provide adequate cover for each player to spawn inside of. Every spawn leaves the player with plenty of safety, yet still allows them to quickly engage in battles. Aside from a few flukes, the player rarely spawns in front of an opponent, and any form of spawn killing is not found on the map. This well-made spawn system really aides in providing an enjoyable experience while playing competitively on Erasure.



    Upon spawning on Erasure, the player instantly recognizes a theme in semblance with classic Halo maps from the past and current on-disk creations. With the rundown feel of Ghost Town coupled with the style of Prisoner and Sword Base, Erasure truly does have a unique theme emanating from itself. The urban style brought forward in every structure is brilliantly and flawlessly executed. Broken down walkways and paths create a unique style in which Erasure is presented.

    Urban and natural geometries are conjoined seamlessly. Rocks and tin cups are utilized to their full potential, as well as many other objects. Sandbags are coupled with an orange light to create a camp fire, along with camping stools to capture the camp-site look cleverly. This unique area houses the Sniper Rifle, which is definitely a fitting place. The camp-site is not the only area of Erasure that cleverly uses the forging pallet. Park benches, assembled by braces and teleporter frames, occupy the map. This small addition goes a long way in increasing the aesthetic appeal conveyed on Erasure.

    Even with all of this aesthetic wonder, flaws still incorporate much of Erasure. With thorough inspection, one might notice some z-fighting throughout the map. These minor forging errors are very difficult to notice in the heat of battle, so they are definitely not a major eyesore. Still, the z-fighting needs to be addressed. Upon further examination of Erasure, there are minor bumps and misalignments. These small issues are also not a game-breaking factor, so the aesthetics on Erasure are definitely not to be of question.



    Competitive maps tend to have low originality, simply because it is difficult to attempt a fresh and new design. Erasure does not fall flat with originality, but there are many styles of forging that have been utilized in previous maps. The park benches, for example, go a long way in creating the atmosphere for Erasure, but are not unique or new. The buildings combined with the natural environment create a fairly unique look in some areas. Even the urban environment throughout the map, while well-done, has been attempted before in many previous creations.


    Rating Multipliers

    Aesthetic :
    Originality:[/floatleft]7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    6 x 1.5 = 9 out of 15
    8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15
    6 x 1.0 = 6 out of 10

    This is not an official review so therefor it has not been proofread and I'm sorry if there are some grammatical mistakes.

    Final Score

  16. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Thank you VERY much. I appreciate the time you put into it. Also, with your review I can now make a solid and most likely final version of this map. :)

    I will look for myself, but I believe the map being broken is not possible in gameplay but only in forge. There is a hard-kill that boxes in the top and open side of the map seeming inescapable. If I am unable to find it but you still believe it is possible, maybe you can show me in a game or send a video please. :) And any z-fighting/bumps I might miss too.

    Also in V3 there will be an addition of infection, hopefully a gameplay video to the thread and rockets being replaced with something else at the start of the game and then spawning a few minutes in.

    Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

    Haha. Thank you, 1 flag is probably the best gametype. :) Glad you love it as much as you do, thank you for the feedback.

    Thank you as well for your feedback. That room that you are talking about, the top floor is supposed to be more of a balance to the grassy hill spawn. Being only 3 ways in all different styles of paths. 1 walking around the back, 1 walking from another building and the grass side has a mancannon where the building has a jump up. I'm sorry that you found it annoying in gameplay though I didn't want that room to be a main focus room. I will draw out flow/balance picture for you to see where I'm coming from as soon as I get the time, as well as maybe thing of a way to reward the player that travels to the back of the top floor in that room.
    #36 Blaze, Jul 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  17. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    A friend and I broke it in a custom game :/ I'll do it again and will send you a video if you want.
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I'm definitely interested in seeing it, but I do believe you so don't worry about it. :) I'll go over it all again and fix it for sure in v3. :) Thank you.
  19. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I've found that if you're going fast enough through even a hard kill and pass through it before a full second counts, you can bypass it without dying. To prevent this, just make sure the kill barrier is very deep beyond the map.
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Use a safe zoooone if you haven't already!

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