
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Forgedevil, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. Forgedevil

    Forgedevil Forerunner

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    Came up with this idea tonight so drew up some plans and started forgeing, heres what i got after about 20 mins... (bare in mind its zoomed right out to fit everything in)


    As you can see, there are two pathways, across the middle which is the fastest, more open route across, or you can follow the cliffside around, which will have buildings and cover dotted around, it will keep you safer but take longer.

    Weapons will be DMR's, Assualt rifles, Needle Rifles and Plasma Rifles, granades (both types), Also the tower in the middle has a teleport to the upper floor which is protected (slightly) and will hold a power weapon, prob a sniper rifle.

    Supported game types will be Slayer, Team Slayer, Neutral Bomb, Capture the Flag, Neutral Flag, etc...

    I know it dont look like much atm, Mainly cos its not, but nows the time to get any intrest shown, ideas put forward and comments recived ;)
  2. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Looks like an interesting basic floor plan. I like the look of the central structure so far. As for the outer areas, I would make sure there is a lot of cover (large buildings on the sides and back would be good, maybe like the H3 assembly layout?). A warning though: if there isn't a lot of cover placed based on how flat and open the map is now, a neutral sniper might not be a good idea for this kind of map. I'd suggest a sniper for both ends of the map and maybe grenade or rocket launcher in the center structure. Also, have you considered adding a man cannon to the center platform from the back (cave side) and vice versa? It might open up some more circulation or more fast paced combat. Just some ideas, good luck hammering it all out (get it? hammering, at the forge...anyway).
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That tower in the center makes me happy. please dont cover it up.
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Needs more height variation. Even if that's just the bottom floor of your map, you could improve it by changing the Z-axis in some spots.
  5. Forgedevil

    Forgedevil Forerunner

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    Yeah i did plan to have buildings lining the back and sides of the cliff wall trying to give it a 'Built into the Cliff look'

    As with the man cannon, thats defo going in the map, to be honest, didnt even think of it so thanks ;)

    The tower is more or less done so what to see is what you get, if anything else is done, its going to be purely to looks, not to fuction...

    Atm Lad, its just a floor plan, there will be ramps, cover corners etc which hopefully will break the map up abit and provide good (while not complete) cover from any power weapon.

    Also thinking of adding an intermitant canopy (if thats the right word) to the edge of the outside path? give it more of an exotic look while providing good sections of cover?
  6. Rsvi Etzudee

    Rsvi Etzudee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks good, love the central structure :)
  7. Forgedevil

    Forgedevil Forerunner

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    This is what its progressed to after another hour of forgeing, the buildings on the left are connected with doors onto the path way around the edge, you can see the 3 Glass covers (which will be copied onto the other side, the buildings cant because of directional and space issues so mixin it up lol) the glass covers are at the perfect height to protect from the power weapon in the middle tower while allowing the person behind it to 'crouch' and fire out to the tower or across the map. Also the 5x1 'Barrier' is at the height where crouching your safe, standing, your not. its all about the speed you want to get around the map which determins the risk.

    Also ive taken on board what CyborgAnthro said and added man cannons to the center tower and in the 3 story building oppersite it. The Cliff side man cannon shoots you into the tower while the tower cannon shoots you on top of the 3 story tower.

    anyways thats it atm, comments, ideas?
  8. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    needs more height diversity, I do like what I see so far though.
  9. Forgedevil

    Forgedevil Forerunner

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    Yeah i was going to go into that a bit more in the last post, but had a lads night out (a very short lads night out lol)

    But touching on what Ladnil and xAudienceofone said. i will be trying to work into the map diffrent heights, dips etc...

    Edited by merge:


    Thats what i got so far then, the left side is more or less finished, the right side is being built up at the mo, although the map plan is symetrical, because of the space restrictions and objects, the sides will focus on diffrent things. the left side will be low, indoor, fire from cover... the right will be high, outside exposed fire (but the hight advantage minimises the amount of you that can be seen)

    bottom left is the support that im going to be placing around the map to 'hold up' the play area, this is purely for looks but its better than a floating platform ;)

    Theres now about a 90% chance that the power weapon in the tower will be a sniper now, the glass cover really does, in my view balence it out...

    as always, ideas, comments etc please..
    #9 Forgedevil, Jul 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2011

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