Name: Maze V1 Created by: Forgedevil Last update: 29.6.2011 Screenshots: Map Overview Map Zones Middle Open Area Long Straights and Tight Corners Map Design Intent: The map was designed for close intence combat, There are a few longish straights forcing standoffs, but not eliminating the threat from behind, standing still will get you killed, and the tight corners of the map gives players a very anxious feeling during play. Both Swords and Shotguns can be used in equal and leathal measures. Base Map: Forge World Intended Number of Players: 3-8 Includes Artistic Elements: Only Tile Lighting Symmetrical Design, weapons, and spawns: No Weapon Set: No weapons on map. Use Custom Game Type or use the following. Primary: Shotgun Secondary: Sword Radar: Off Kill Limit: 25 - 50 (depending on player numbers) Ability: Sprint special thanks to the following Statedan Shawnowen Forge Hub testers: broccollipie itdacrippledkid AnthraXe187 MockKnizzle008 Feedback - (Edits have been made based on Feedback) Ideas / Comments, PM me.
This doesnt really seem to fit in the competetive maps section. Seems more casual to me. I see you recommend Shotty and sword? Thats seems a little crazy to me but I guess if you are into that sort of thing its cool. Looks like a melee fest, spawn camp mania. This might be a cool idea if the paths were wider and not so tight and maybe having some windows between some halls or something but as it is, I wouldnt play it as a competitive map. No offense or anything.
reminds me of clirion tl-34 from halo c.e, perhaps you could add teleporters to increase the confusion?
MAZE V1 Maze V1 is a close quarters map in which players must find each other to kill each other. This in itself causes the map to have a bad flow, with action stopping and starting. Also, there are long gaps between the stop and the start, because player will be wondering around for some time, especially when using a smaller number of players. The gameplay itself is incredibly repetitive, too. This is mainly caused by two factors: The first of which is that Maze V1 spawns players in the exact same spot upon each respawns. This means that players will get used to their part of the maze very quickly. Because Maze V1 relies on the gimmick of having players find each other, and players will know exactly where opponents are the map has a bad replay value. The layout of the map also means that players will only have one specific player approaching from one direction, which makes for very predictable gameplay that becomes stale too quickly. On the other hand, when players play Maze V1 for the first time, there is a fantastic sense of atmosphere and tension that makes for a really immersive game. Because players do not have radar, they will have to hear their sprinting opponents moving all around the map. Having an enemy player loudly breathing right next to them is incredibly immersive and exciting. However, this tension dies down very quickly once players get used to the map, which is accelerated by the fact that Maze V1 is a small, predictable map. Because Maze V1 is asymmetrical, spawns players in the same spot consistently and has no weapons placed, it is not very well balanced. Some players will spawn right next to several other players. From here they could either end up at a large advantage, or a large disadvantage because of the number of enemies. This is particularly the case on Free for All. Others will spawn right next to dead ends, all of which are very easy to camp in, as some of them are blind corners directly next to another spawn. Maze V1 is in a completely enclosed box so escaping once spawned correctly is impossible. However, the spawn system is dreadful, very often spawning players outside the map. This is because on Free for All games, a player only has one spawn, and in team games has spawns very close by. During normal gameplay player’s spawns are walked past, so that one single spawn will not work, and thus spawn the player outside the map. Having a player outside the map ruins the fun, especially on Maze V1, because players will see less action, which happens very rarely anyway. Maze V1 is as bland as plain oatmeal when it comes to its aesthetics. Only two different types of pieces are used; coliseum walls that have been used as floors, and five by one blocks. The only positive that can be drawn from this limited piece selection is that Maze V1 has a consistent theme. Although the forging is neat, there are no smaller details or interesting shapes. The map could have been made more aesthetically pleasing by giving the maze some form of shape, although the creator went for the simplest, most dull solution: a square box. Other maze maps have been created before Maze V1, and nearly all of them have been more successful, too. However, maze maps have not been sighted on Forge Hub for quite some time, so for newer members Maze V1 offers an original game. Rating Multipliers [floatleft]Enjoyment: 4 x 3.0 = 16 out of 30 Balance: 3 x 3.0 = 9 out of 30 Durability: 4 x 1.5 = 6 out of 15 Aesthetic : 3 x 1.5 = 4.5 out of 15 Originality: 5 x 1.0 = 5 out of 10 [/floatleft] Final Score Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings Have a question about your review? Review Hub Community Feedback