Hanger 9

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by reaper3bot0, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    Top Secret Base Hanger 9 has had a power strugle inside,Officers vrs Spartans watch out.... This Deadly Hanger consist of 2 levels a hanger area with an underground level.
    This top secret base was designed for tones of cover and has a good range of weaponry.

    This is a fairly symmetrical map, top layer is the hanger where most of the fighting is bound to take place.
    Its fairly big for the size, tones of cover inside the hanger.
    On each side red or blue you will find a alleyway that leads to the underground tunnels. As well at the end of each side of the hanger there are teleporters down to the underground tunnels.

    Here are some screenshots:






    red vs blue video of the map: ‪hanger9.avi‬‏ - YouTube

    Here is an action video from our custom game night: ‪hanger9.avi‬‏ - YouTube

    Weapons list:
    1 rocket launcher 2 shots
    2 shotguns 8 shots each
    2 needlers
    2 magnums
    2 dmr 1 clip each
    2 assault rifles
    2 grenade launchers

    Download Hanger 9 Now!

    So here it is my first submission to ForgeHub and my 39th map created, I hope you enjoy it.

    Hanger 9 map footage v2.0 final

    Hanger 9 v2.0.avi - YouTube

    Thanks goes out to The following:
    All the Forge Cafe map testers.
    To KentuckyMonkey for inspiring me to build something like this.​
    #1 reaper3bot0, Jul 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
  2. alexanderjac

    alexanderjac Forerunner

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    it looks good, but is it an EXACT remake?
  3. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    lol dude, this isnt a remake of anchor 9. he just has a similar name. also, i like the architecture, the colors, and the layout, although it seems like you used too many crates and sandbags. you could be a bit more creative, like making a plane out of blocks. after all, this is a hangar. otherwise though, i like this. i would give it a 8 or 9 out of 10. ;)
  4. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    The architecture looks really great and unique. This is one of those maps that gets me excited to try swat. I find corridors and crates supplement the swat gametype so I'll be definitely getting some games on this one.

    Great Job!
  5. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    Wow I'm really digging the looks of this map. I love the main hanger hallway area and all the doors and paths that lead out of it. It is hard to get a good idea of the layout but I'll give it a dl and test it out. Other than that the aesthetics are pretty good, the forging is very well done, and the atmosphere/theme is amazing.

    Senior Member

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    I'm going to go ahead and presume that this is a storage hangar and not a hangar used for planes. With that in mind I have to say you have done a great job in making the map feel like a storage hangar, although I personally think it seems more like a bunker with the ceiling being so low.

    I'm looking at the centre and it is crammed with cover. I remember Urk posting in his map making updates on Bnet before Halo Reach hit the shelves that "people like room to dance" or something along those lines. The centre of the map doesn't really have that 'dancing room' and to be honest, looks like a grenade haven.

    Maybe when I get an actual look through it and hopefully a game, I can give some real criticism.
  7. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    Well great comments and questions... Firstly no its not a remake. I design on the fly just like all my other 38 maps. It has actually been play tested vigorously so no worries and works well for all game types included swat slayer juggernaut...
    Unfortuantley there was no way to make the hanger bigger in the center, but I got the idea of a hanger as soon as I created the center. The outsides did at one point have open banshee areas but there was just no point to it, So I ended up closing it off and removing the banshee's area for an underground lair.
    At our custom game night the battle for team slayer actually played out super well and everyone really liked the architecture

    Anyways hope you all enjoy it.

  8. HotTopFade

    HotTopFade Forerunner

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    I always hate to be critical; But, I was a bit disappointed. The use of the tele ports to get into the lower hall ways felt like a tack on or a compromise due to lack of budget or pieces. When I got down in the tunnels they felt uninspired and seemed to lack any real direction.

    The main hall was cool, but felt cluttered. Think of Halo 3's Orbital and the amount of objects found in the hall ways. I think less in some places would have been better for game play.

    Cool idea though. If you ever tweak this map I'll down load every version. It has so much potential.
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks good, reminds me of Elongation a bit, but I would suggest adding more open spaces, I think it looks a bit cramped.
  10. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    A few things I noticed just walking around on here is that there are quite a few bumps in the walls and floor that could easily cause problems for players trying to walk backwards or to the side. I don't mean the large hole such as in the main hall, which help players take cover and avoid the grenade spam easily, but just little things that stick out of the wall at some points. If it's big enough to provide cover then that's good but anything smaller should be removed if at all possible. The other thing I noticed was the use of teleporters. In a map like this those are usually bad because players going through the teleporter can often end up in the middle of a group of enemies which is bad for the game on both sides. It's especially bad with one way teleporters where the person can't just step back through. Your best option is to remove the teleporters entirely. Other than those problems, the layout looked like fun for close quarters battles and quite well done for this type of map.
    #11 pyro, Sep 18, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  12. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    no issues walking backwards or forward in the bottom catacomb area. As for teleporters thats the risk you take for a shortcut! Thanks to the 500+ downloads already.

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