What do you do when you forge? Eat something? Snacks? Listen to music? Also, do you plan when to forge, or is it just random? Myself, i just put on some good music, visualize and forge. Any good forging music out there?
I normally start a map then think of a better map so then i start that then i think also another gud map and start that then i go back to my begining one and start that again. its so annoying
Well on a nice calming day, if it was raining i would be on my front porch eating noodles, I like to lay on the couch feeling content with my hunger and a idea i have jotted down all ready due to my overflowing head and turn on my xbox... turn it off (it has an error)... wish i had a new xbox... wait a sec turn it on... complain about how long it is to get to the forge menu due to the LOUD song they make you listen too and then choose my map... most likely forge world... i pick my spot because it's most important and talk to people on the lolbox because i am too lazy to forge.... when no one talks and it becomes the dead box i lay down and continue slowly forging like a snail trying to cross the sidewalk and you just want him to cross already... and i might turn on Pandora and put in africa by toto... feeling dizzy due to being in my room for 8 hours i go grab a snack... most likely some sort of grain... i go back up and work... usually i don't get anything done during the day because people distract me so i work better at night. while forging at night with no one to bug me i watch digimon or some sort of other anime that calms and nourishes my soul and right now you are distracting me from forging at night ... congratz rsvi etzudee you have spent my time for forging to reply to this silly thread =D =P X)
i sit in my dusty loft surrounded by darkness, an uncontrolable nervous tick every ten seconds and giggling like a mad man
If I have a plan of action I forge, it may or may not include the stimulation of music. Often I forget to play any and decide Im fine how I am. If I have no plan written but want to forge, I just go in and see what happens, if nothing interesting in the first 30 minutes, it ends.
Load up map, fly around, place a couple pieces, drive around in a hog for the next forty minutes, rinse, repeat...
foo fighters, linkin park, breaking benjamin, good rock music helps me picture epic fight seens, then my mind work how how to do it in forge... simple as
Fix'd!! I usually only Forge when I have an idea sparked in my head. It usually starts with a small idea and I may then build a map around it. If it doesnt seem to be working by about 30-60 minutes, I give up. I might save it and come back to it eventually, but chances are I wont. If Im in a particularly creative mood I might draw up some basic concept of what I want the layout to look like. This may be a semi-detailed map done in Paint, or a crudely drawn shape on a piece of paper with a few reference points. All in all, my Forging normally starts with an idea which gets expanded upon. For some reason, I cant start Forging with no idea of whats going to come out, my mind doesnt work that way. :\ I can sit down and Forge for about 8 hours straight if I have a good idea. I dont stay in the one spot though, I might move to the lounge, the computer chair, the floor, stand up, just to keep the legs moving. I might snack on something, like banana chips or Shapes (mmm, Shapes (look them up if you dont know what they are)), or not eat for the entire day. I usually only get into good Forging sessions on the weekends, at which point my mate always comes around and wants to play Snipers, so I usually oblige him. Session interrupted, creativity flow severed, Forging done for the day. If I try to get back into it after a few games with my friend, my reserves run dry and I cant think of anything. Wait til Sunday, start Forging, same thing happens. Friend comes over and I get nothing accomplished. Makes me wonder how I get anything done...
I forge like a boss then procrastinate like a lazy teenager on a sunday arvo. To elaborate: Ill build a map super quickly but then lose all motivation to test and tweak it.
I'm just like you man, but replace the warthog with flying around. Usually I get a little work done then either get frustrated or someone calls me and start doing things like flying around as fast as I can, or seeing how far I can fling my Spartan across forgeworld. But as far as music goes, some good metal is perfect...until a sick breakdown comes along. Then I find myself air drumming/guitaring the rest of the song. I get distracted easily.
Sometimes I meditate, and think about things well-beyond the realm of forge, or even my realm of existence. I think about the universe, the forces of nature, and blissful theories yet to be proven. The thoughts act as sort of "fuel" for the forging process, as the endorphins of this meditation swirl through my mind. And then I just go with the flow. I do this with pretty much all forms of art, too.
Like Xun said, I usually will have an idea i want to try out. If it works I will build a map around it. I find setting up the game types tedious. Building is a lot more fun to me than the technical stuff, but I know it's necessary to make it playable, so I do it. My two miniature dachshunds usually lay beside me as I forge to keep me company. I'm usually up all night when I get a good idea. I just can't put the controller down!