Only one shot at survival. I knew it was a bad idea to follow him, but the private just kept nagging us, complaining that "It couldn't hurt to just check it out." But it did. The Shaman told us he had been having trouble with a demon, but we didn't believe him. We should have. Not five minutes after walking in the door, and the floor started shaking. The wind picked up--there were no windows. HUD sensors indicated 45 knots south-southeast. Then it happened. The floor cracked, and the Shaman looked at us, red eyes glowing. "You should have trusted him," he croaked, pointing to me. "First the old Shaman, and now you four! Perfect!" The crack in the floor widened, opening into a red vortex. There was no avoiding it. We were doomed. If we ever make it out of this, I'm strangling the Private. --3 hours later-- I woke up to a noise like the combination of a hurricane and the screams of a thousand people being burned alive. Horrible stuff. The Demon's voice echoed in my head. First the Shaman, and now you four! Perfect! I wonder if the Shaman is down here somewhere. Probably. The place smells like rotting flesh, and looks like a labyrinth of molten rock and metal. It's hot. The Demon's voice echoed in my head again--different this time, nearer. "You have company! Finally, my little game can begin! The last ones left standing earn the right to leave this place and return to their normal, happy lives." His voice sounded sing-songy, filled with ecstasy. "The rest of you, well..." His voice grew darker and low, "Your souls will belong to me for eternity" He cackled, as if amused by his rhyme. The sound of gunfire rang out, and our squad sprang into action. We moved into formation. An elderly voice cried out and a low thump sounded in the distance, along with the hiss of plasma. "Blue Diamonds," I whispered to my squad. No one else had the kind of money to afford plasma weapons. I motioned to the private to take point. If anyone was going down first, it was gonna be the damn fool that got us into this mess. Maybe we could even use him as a meat shield if things got hairy... Well, that's the story. Anyway, on to the actual map. This map is an attempt for me to get back on the horse and start forging again, and hopefully improving. The map is a completely asymmetrical map, shaped like an upside down Triangular Prism. Basically it's a wide V with a lid. It is 4 levels, each progressively larger than the one beneath it. I am attempting to make it balanced, fast paced and aesthetically pleasing. The map will be playable on Team slayer with teams from 2-4, and hopefully (although I may need some help with it) on infection, oddball, and a few other one-sided gametypes that don't fit in as well with the story. Some pics: Spoiler Red team spawn (Bottom level) and grav lift. Grav lift takes people up one side, chute will take people back down the other. Shotgun/Grenade spawn and entrance to the third level (Top Left) Grav lift side of second level. Narrow staircase on the far left. View down the narrow staircase from level 3 View from blue team spawn So that's the gist of it, I'm not posting any pics of the fourth level yet, probalby won't until I post the actual map. One last thing I need help with a decision. For the infection variant (and possibly the slayer one) should I include the effect shown in the screenshot below? I think it makes the map appear more Hellish. Spoiler
Consider deleting the shotgun, as i think will be completely dominant from what i've seen in the pics. Replace it with a plasma pistol or some other, semi-power weapon.
I was thinking about that myself. I wasn't sure if I should, the top 2 levels are more open and the shotgun only has 6 shots.