
Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Toast Master27, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. Toast Master27

    Toast Master27 Ancient
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    Hey guys I'm back! I made my first SX map and I'm pretty content with how it turned out. I made this track about 6 or 7 months ago and didn't think it was worth uploading to here. However, recently I started playing Halo Reach and remembered this track after I forgot about it for some time now. I made some adjustments that make it much better and more consistent. Compared to the other SX tracks I've played I would say this is with the more difficult tracks. It's not that hard to get a good run through on your first try but as you play it more you learn to play the track just like any other and can get consistently perfect laps. I would love feedback from you guys but please don't be too harsh, just point out the areas of improvement on this track. But because it is my first SX track I would also like to hear what I did right so I can continue in the future for other tracks or if I tweak this one yet again I won't screw up the good parts. Thanks you and please download and give me feedback.

    Video below
    ‪Decided - A Halo Reach Racetrack Made by Tohst‬‏ - YouTube
  2. Rsvi Etzudee

    Rsvi Etzudee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks good, i like race maps with bumpy parts and obstacles; it makes it more challenging and fun. However, i think you Decided has a bit too many of them. You could also make it a bit better looking. Play with the FX's.
  3. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Very nice, the last jumps are the most epic by far. I thought the grid was going to take away from the map but it accually kind of helps it in a way. It worked alot better than I thought. Nice job.

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