I don't really understand what that tower and antenna arre doing on the roof (i think it's the roof!). It's nice that you try to recreate things but unfortunlately and honestly, i've seen better Burger King maps.
Stripper pole for each table I like the foundry section of BK & you should have put up a description because for a couple seconds I had no idea what I was looking at. I see you got bored by putting up random asthetics on the roof. If you were trying to remake it exactly you didnt really hit that point but if you were just messing around and forging from memory then I think you got it. One thing that I saw missing was the menu above the counter. That is one of the essentials for creating a fast food map.
Yeah this was solely off memory...I wasn't really trying to hit the whole BK point ya know? I agree the foundry section was my favorite part