Glassed 1.0 (Shifted Map Pack)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DjShiftD, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    The third map in The Shifted Map Pack. Check out the Shifted Designs blog and keep up to date on testing sessions, upcoming map releases, pics of upcoming maps, and map discussions.

    So this map is basically a sniper map. Sniper Rifles on both sides with DMRs in the corners. Rocket Launcher location is in the center of the map. The two Shotguns are not very good weapons for this map, since its so wide open. I mainly placed them there because Shotguns are one of my favorite weapons. This map is mainly sniping with DMRs, Needler Rifles and Sniper Rifles. Supports Capture the Flag and King of the Hill.

    I have about 10 more maps coming out soon, so join Shifted Creations and get the heads up! Thanks to everyone who helped in the process :)







    #1 DjShiftD, Jul 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  2. NinjaDeLaNoches

    NinjaDeLaNoches Forerunner

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    I think there are way to many power weapons on the map, i would recomend getting rid of the shotguns and the grenade launcher.

    ELYKNORPAC Forerunner

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    Maybe make 1 sniper instead of 2 but i do like how you put the 4x4 talls and inclines together, looks like a good high and low elevation. Overall good map I'll give it a Download.
  4. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    the shotguns are pretty useless in this map, the map is too wide open to take advantage of the shotty.

    as for the sniper, its intended to have 2 since this is a long range arena. i wouldnt consider grenade launcher a power weapon since most people suck with it. its my highest kill death ration in match making. im pretty good with the nade launcher, but i rarely get killed by it
  5. omegawontons

    omegawontons Forerunner

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    WOW! i downloaded it and played a 3v3 on it and it played awesome! i thought that the shotguns were fine since you can picked off by the dmrs and snipers. theres no z fighting and everything lines up perfectly.

    i noticed you built the map next to a waterfall... the sound is kinda annoying if you have surround sound, but i understand that it would be hard to move the entire map because of that... just keep that in mind next time :) but otherwise, one of the nicest maps ive played. it should be on matchmaking!
  6. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    i normally forge with the sound off and watch my 2nd tv... when i finished the map and tested it out, i didnt realize how loud the waterfall is with sound up... since its an enclosed map, its kinda annoying, but i cant move the whole map with ease... with there was a way you can move the arena somewhere else as a whole.

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