Dread Castle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by BlackHawk017, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. BlackHawk017

    BlackHawk017 Ancient
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    Here's the 5-story Dread Castle map!

    FORWARD: I built this map for my personal love for Sidewinder...Scary castles...My own creativity that makes people look at my works and say "WOW!"...And of course, the asthetic values of the map... While preserving playability. I love to forge. You may see some amazing things in my file share. I am always working/thinking about something new to make, and I'm open to onlookers; and so often forge with other people. You can add or message me about all things forge and i will be happy to help. i can help you with your maps, and you can help me with mine; but i will always put my expertise to the highest of my abilities.

    THE MAP: Okay, so its a castle... But there's something about this one that sets it apart from other people's malls, mansions, manors, other castles, ect... Firstly, it has a big front door that must be smashed in to access the castle (great for infection!) the first floor feels box-y but is unique with a ramp that brings you up to ledges and such, which will in turn bring you to the third level. this goes around the castle and exposes you to the spot above the gates. lots of guns are lying around. (wich by the way, have been repeatedly tested so I know they are well-placed) from here, in certain spots, it is stragely open...like its the top of the wall of the castle. But at the same time it's fairly claustrophobic. What i like so much about this level, is that you realize how open the castle is. you can have all-out battles going on just from here...because you can still see the first floor, as well as the whole bridge! You then would come to the fourth level (wich is again only blocked for infection games), and you can choose to go up a bridge directly to the fifth level. Which is really more like the sixth, but i don't really count this small sniper off-shoot of the bridge to another tower. The other way you can go, is just a ledge on the fourth level that has a shotgun and towards the end a flamethrower. Obviously, you'd just have to see the map for yourself, but thats the just of the castle itself. The castle, however, is not built ground-level. it is actually one story high on its first level, this is because there is a long, trecherous bridge elevated to the front gates. should one fall off the bridge, they have to go all the way back to the beginning of the bridge. There are many weapons/ defensive equipment on the bridge, to give the castle-less force a fighting change. On the bridge is well sought-after rocket launcher... but should a castle-dweller jump down to get it...they are open to a machine gun turret nest at the end of the bridge, as well as the fact that if the opposing force had not yet destroyed the gates, he could not get back inside his own castle! In symetrical games like slayer, not only is there the turret that i mentioned before, but a Warthog...Which is oddly convienient for a quick run-and-gun castle break-through! Well....That's the physics of the map.

    GAMETYPES: Honestly, i was starting to get bored of halo... It was the same old thing... Yep I was one of the many who addictively played infection...But I'll tell you what... Good ol' fashioned Slayer/Team Slayer is great on this map! That's why i have not yet created a gametype anyway. I honestly suggest Slayer, Team Slayer, Infection, Hide-and-Seek, Capture the Flag, and well...i kind of guess anything? If you have a great idea or "feel" for a gametype...tell me a bit about it and i'll be sure to make it!

    WHY THIS MAP IS FUN: Imagine your on the third level, shooting at a guy on the first, who is shooting at a guy on the second level, who is shooting at a guy on your third level, who is running up to you with a shotgun, who is lasered by a guy that just jumped down from the fifth level to the fourth, who was just sniped in the head by a guy watching this happen from a mile away, across the bridge, on the outskirts of the map. The sniper is then assassinated by a guy that was just sneaking up behind him. This scenario just can't happen on any other map i can think of! There is so much versatility to it! Despite one team having a castle and the other doesnt, it always seems like a fair fight! What's more fun? Defending you're castle, or sieging one? That's your decision. The tables turn so often on this map... Since you naturally spawn far way from enemies, people defending the castle that have died will be spawned as an attacker, because of their living assailient in the castle. This map works for any number of players! 1-on-1, 2-on2, 3-on3, ect, it all works! I like how the castle is built on the side of a cliff...I laugh when people fall off; accidently jumping back too far from a nearby grenade lol. There is nothing more adrenaline-pumping that driving a full-equip Warthog, fearlessly across a bridge, dodging gunfire, and finally crashing through the main gates, as your friend blazes away on their turret, as a bunch of your guys jump through the broken remains of the gate, swarming the castle. I once saw a guy on the top level who saw a guy trying to to this; he free-fell all the way to the bridge, and kicked the driver out of the Warthog as it approached him. He the proceeded to run the driver over, and he jumped out just as someone in the castle lasered the hog. Long, medium, and short range; this map covers the basics to create a perfect formula for fun! (The weapon placement and selection are perfect, too.)

    WHY IS IT IN BLACK-AND-WHITE?: Because I created it to be Frankensteins castle. Frankenstein is in black-and-white. besides, the castle would look too colorful if I didn't...curse all the multi-colored traxus crates... But of course, do what with the affects as you will. the affect can be found on the tallest, playable tower (where the spartan laser spawns)

    This map was created, thought up, imagined, described, built, pantomimed, and generally made all by your's truly, BlackHawk017

    go ahead, message me. rate it. play it. invite me. but above all, i would love it if you could all reply in this thread so that i can continue to keep this map up in the forums! Thank you.

    THE STORY OF FRANKENSTEIN AND THIS CASTLE...: It recently dawned on me that some people have no idea what Frankensteins castle is....so for those of you who don't know, or a are a little foggy on the story, I will put it as breifly as possible.
    Dr. Frankenstein wanted a son. As a strange little doctor he was, instead of just MAKING one...he... MADE one...if you know what i mean. See, Dr. Frankenstein actually went graverobbing, with his creepy helper Igor to get the peices of a body he needed. he went to his castle, sewed the pieces together, and with Frankensteins intense genius, hooked the pile of sewn together flesh to a lightning rod. When a good bolt struck, one stormy night, his son came to life. Creating the infamous quote "IT'S ALIIIIIIVE!!!" But brought back from the dead, Frankenstein's Monster, as he became to be known, was a little...odd. Not human-ish obviously. Frankenstein's Monster would never talk...just grunt and moan....and he was deathly afraid of fire...and he looked like he was dead lol. One day, the villagers came on to Dr. Frankensteins un-Godly doing, and tried to kill him! Now the rest of the story has several endings...but in this case, Frankenstein's Monster saves Dr. Frankenstein...his master...and the story is supposed to get sad from there...Frankenstein's Monster carried his dying master all the way to his castle. It was there that Frankenstein's monster took Dr. Frankenstein to the very top tower of the castle. The villagers soon followed, coming across the bridge, and tried to break down the doors. The villagers began to burn the castle. Frankensteins Monster, with his dead master in hands...afraid..alone..and cornered in a world he wasn't meant to be in........Burned down with his master, and his castle.

    well...At least thats the story for my castle and stuff..the story has been twisted over the years...tragic isn't it? i hope this will enlighten some of you halo players who apparently live under a rock...But it may be more apparent now why I have so many Firebomb grenades...the flamethrower...the bridge...the doors..and the tall tower.

    -FINAL NOTE (SRSLY) C'mon. this map must be good if I spent so much friggin' time typing all of this!!!
    #1 BlackHawk017, Apr 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 14, 2008
  2. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    this is a awesome map
  3. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    looks cool, I'll download it when I can, I currently have all spots filled and a dead xbox for microsoft to fix, but cool, nice story, but is there a gametype you made for that, sorta like fatboy or something
  4. ShadowSpartan94

    ShadowSpartan94 Ancient
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    more screens plz

    Senior Member

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    The castle looks impressive. I'm not sure this belongs in the Competitive Maps section. Looks more like a Casual or Aesthetic map. Good work though, you have my DL.
  6. xlilpsychox

    xlilpsychox Ancient
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    sounds very kwl ill DL but i need to see some screenshots plz then that will really get your DL up!
  7. BlackHawk017

    BlackHawk017 Ancient
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    hhmm...I'll see If/when i can get some more pics up...
  8. ZCT

    ZCT Ancient
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    Looks cool.. Can't wait for more pix...=) *hint hint*
  9. The Sir Toppum Hat

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    That is the longest description I have ever seen. I would like to see some more pics instead of words. You can tell more about the map by looking at pics than you can by reading a description.

    Also I have seen many castles on avalanche so I’m hoping I see something new on this map that makes it stand out from the others. I will DL to check out the map and see how it plays, and post a comment afterwards.
  10. General Meaty

    General Meaty Ancient
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    nice description, but only one picture? come on.
  11. BlackHawk017

    BlackHawk017 Ancient
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    all right all right...I'll do everything I can to remeber to put up pics as soon as I get to my 360....Which will be on Wednesday...
  12. BlackHawk017

    BlackHawk017 Ancient
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    WOOT! Okay...Finally got some more pictures up!
  13. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Wow, very impressive. I have never seen a castle so detailed before. Definitely one of the best castles I've seen so far.
  14. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    nice necro post spade. this thread is 5 months old
  15. MovingTarget602

    MovingTarget602 Ancient
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    worst necro post I have seen in forever, I see that you are new and you should read the rules before posting
  16. The Nasal Abyss x

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    Whoops, old thread, this isn't stolen, but it shouldn't have been bumped.
  17. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    well from the first pic it looks ok like the guy above me said the pics arnt working if the pics look good from those ill dl and come back with a review...
  18. BlackHawk017

    BlackHawk017 Ancient
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    gah! i havent been in these forums for a long time! XD dread castle is making a comeback recently...ive seen videos of it on youtube and stuff now! 'course. the matchinima clan that made the video did not ask me for permission..they apparently did not know who made it since the map designer was set to "anonymous" if you'd like to see the video (great replacement for pictures) go here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpekiGNjtzM
  19. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    that is a really nice looking castle dude. I saw this map a few months back, it was pretty epic back then. This map only has like one or two ways up though. Wish you would put a few more walkways in.
  20. aaronm474

    aaronm474 Ancient
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    i"ve made a lego mini pelican

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