
Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by ZipZapZop, May 1, 2011.

  1. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello! It's Zop again, and I have a different style of map than I normally make for you today. I got inspired while looking at Taurus480's maps, and decided I wanted to make something like that, with my own ideas and twist of course. It's a large city, Highway running through it with highrises on all sides of you at all times. It's also a warzone, thus it is semi-destroyed, however not anywhere near my other post-apocalyptic maps.

    Anyways, enough with the talking. Here are the pictures with captions for added fun!

    An FA-18 Hornet was hit by a cruise missile, and collided with the upper half of an apartment building, completely destroying it and continuing through into the nearby hotel.


    A 1,000 pound bomb struck at the base of the neighboring building, leaving a massive pile of rubble, which was quickly used as high ground by US forces.


    A cruise missile struck an Armored Convoy, destroying it as well as everything in it's vicinity.


    The Hospital was heavily damaged by Aerial Bombardment, leaving the surgical wing, entrance, and ER wing all destroyed.


    Highway 26 has been cut off by all the fighting in the area


    An AGM-71 missile struck the east side of the building, destroying it and part of a nearby building.


    4th Street overpass over Highway 26


    This hotel has escaped most of the fire, and is for the most part, structurally intact.


    The city still stands, despite the damage.


    But it's only a matter of time before it's gone...


    Anyways, that's it. Tell me if you like it or not, and all that good stuff.
    #1 ZipZapZop, May 1, 2011
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  2. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks like an awesome city map kinda reminds me of crysis 2 with those piles of junk :p
    Great map man! keep up the great work!
  3. Pvt Fr3nchy

    Pvt Fr3nchy Forerunner

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    This reminds me of that series of trailers for battlefield 3(anyone else pumped for it?), the city has the same feel; with similar things going on. the screenshots look sweet, and you've got my DL! Ill do a more detailed writeup once ive played this, maybe even a few custom games. Great job.
    #3 Pvt Fr3nchy, May 1, 2011
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  4. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Nice, I give a Dl. The rubble looks natural, The buildings are consistent yet different, The collapses look genuine. The pictures show a lot of the map from what I can tell. The only thing that would help would be a picture from above so that we can see the layout. I play it with some friends and then comment again.
  5. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I got most "major" parts of the map, but I left other parts out because it would be difficult to take screenshots the way I set it up, and because I don't want to give the whole map away on here, because that would ruin it and it would be less entertaining to look around on and play on.
  6. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    Wow you sure as hell know your missles. Other wise, great job on the astetics. looks like real riuns. If you have time, can you add an overview of the map.
  7. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Great job! Looks very nice and well built, also I love the middle area that has the blown up building! To great to list all of the details of it! :D
  8. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Yes that makes sense but I was trying to say that you should give a above view. Showing the entire map.
  9. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'll do the best I can, and I'll get it on here ASAP.


    I can't go any higher without breaking the sky barrier, and I don't have the budget means to punch through it at this point on the map.
    #9 ZipZapZop, May 2, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  10. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    A very interesting and a futuristic city layout.
    Presenting the city in a damaged state was an interesting step.
    Can you tell us more about your inspiration behind this creation?
  11. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    About a month or so ago, I replayed The Pitt for Fallout 3 for the first time in a year or so. During this, I thought "This would be a great thing to Forge". (This is the image I based most of this map on.)


    I tried to Forge the entire Pitt and the budget was insufficient. I ended up looking at my friend Taurus480's maps, which look amazingly good despite using huge, low-detail pieces. I had never even considered trying that, so I decided to just forge a city to test the waters (This city). Now I am going to start with the Pitt over again.
  12. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    Its very scary to see how similiar the design of this city is to some of the cityscapes I have managed to create. I like it. BTW, Normally what I do when making massive cities is that I pack the map full with tons and tons of scenery which keeps your eyes from focusing on a single one of my massively low detailed buildings ;) It's something that I noticed you achieved, very impressive.

    Also next time you are on, throw me an invite because I would like to check out the map from in game because I see that its not posted in your fileshare.
  13. ZombieGuitarist Alex

    Senior Member

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    The whole map can really tell a story, and I really like that about it. It's one of those maps that doesn't need a gametype, but looks playable. This is great!
  14. Grenade

    Grenade Forerunner

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    Wow, a change of pace from the typical clutter filled mess maps. I like this map because it looks much cleaner and more professional than the other maps. The buildings look good, the perspective of being in the center of a huge city you've made is amazing, and it is overall excellent.
  15. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Glad to see you approve. And yes, I was heavily inspired by your maps. No denying that.

    Anyways, sorry I didn't reply sooner. I'll inv. you next time I'm on Reach. But which map do you want to see? The Pitt or the one in this thread? Or a totally different one?
  16. konradtacular

    konradtacular Forerunner

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    wow this map is kick A$$ man. It has feature written all over it. The rubble looks incredibly natural. The game play is amazing the aesthetics are amazing. Is there one thing you are missing in this map.....No! The way you made every thing look like it came right out of a call of duty game or fallout game.
  17. dm3phoenix

    dm3phoenix Forerunner

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    Organized chaos is hard to achieve, nice work.
  18. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Cut the senseless chatter and just describe this map as an increased version of Nuketown after the nuke.
  19. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you want a post nuclear war city, I can provide.
  20. Grenade

    Grenade Forerunner

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    Wait, what was even supposed to happen on this map? Was it a conventional war, or a Nuclear Bomb? I'm confused.

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