I had posted my map preview for hoover dam about 7 months ago. I just got back into halo and want to finish this map but i need help first i need help with the map structure and second i need testers because i normally made race maps and i want to make sure this is setup correctly. If i can get help from you guys that would be greatly appreciated i want to make a great map for the community! Overview Turbines and walkways this is where the teams will spawn on each so called fork This is the center building with a teleporter to the roof Teleporter lets out here The roof and the dam itself Rooftop layout (ran out of money and could not think of how to effectively fill this space out tunnel on the roof to take you to the top of the dam Man cannon lets out to the top of the dam View from up top To get down from the top of the dam just jump off on either side and the barriers will slow your decent causing no harm 99% of the time. So there you have it my map. This is my first attempt at a slayer map so i know it may be rough but i would really like feedback and testers or forgers to help. Please let me know what you think and if you would like to help.
Haha thats what everyone asks. But, no i just had an idea of the hoover dam and just looked of a picture to create something close to it. But, whether it functions as a map i have to yet to see.
Well the dam looks pretty decent, and i like that you can get on top of it, but it seems like it just begs for people to try to escape the map, just looking at the rocks you have connected to the side of the dam, they almost look like a pathway down onto the two raised natural sides (alaska and montana) surrounding the map. In addition to this it seems like people will try to escape off the back of the map as well cus thats just how most players are always looking for some exploitable escape route. It also seems like anyone with a jetpack could escape or get on top of all the buildings in any number of ways as well While kill barriers and safe zones would fix these problems (and im assuming they are how you intend to fix them) it will still lead to lots of suicides and accidental deaths trying to get off the dam and because of the shape of the area your forging in it will be very hard to insure you dont miss any spots. also the turbines with killballs are just begging for accidental suicides. id say just raise the circular ramps to the ceiling and remove the killballs to fix this, it would also help break up the lines of sight a bit Just my 2 cents
As far as the kill balls you could walk to the bottom of the turbine and not die (i have tried lol) But, i do agree about affecting line of sight. As far as getting of the dam as as long as you slide down the barriers at the bottom will prevent any damage from occurring from a fall. As far as going off the side i could raise the rocks but i have a 10 second barrier at the top of either side of the dam and lower down there is an instant kill barrier. If i had more money i would have created a wall for the back of the dam but i have used all my budget unfortunately. I definitely appreciate the 2 cents it gives me a few things to think about!
the map looks sexy, i find the best way to test your map is play a game of living dead then at the end of the game invite them all, you can try with big team slayer but i find living dead players are more open minded to custom games, then go to theater mode and watch where they get stuck or confused.
Im glad you like it. If you want to help test it out just let me know. And guess i would have to adjust all those spawn points for that particular gametype right? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Will be on halo tonight and will be forging later please add me i need some testers. My gamertag is SUCONDISMOFO