SHADOW MOUNTAIN Hello Forgehub. I know it has been a while since i have posted any maps on here but i finally have another racetrack. There is no real story behind this, it is what it is i guess. It took me around 3-5 hours to make. I wasnt really inspired by anything except for maybe some other races i have played on. This track isnt actually race compatible because i didnt feal like doing that... and if you cant find your way through it than you have problems.... And i know i am in forge mode but i like to do my races in forge mode that way if i see anything wrong, i can fix it right away. So without further droning on, I give you Shadow Mountain.... ENJOY!!!! Overview Start Downhill 1 Underpass 1 Turn 1 Underpass 2 Turn 2 I know this turn is a little sketchy but i had to level it out or else you would fall off, it still runs ok though.... Curved Stretch Turn 3 Be carefull, i switch lanes and its a little hard to see when your coming over the small hill before it.... Downhill 2/ Stretch Going up!!! Turn 4/ To the Finish Well i hope you guys like it and i am open for any thoughts and/or ideas for my next race.... See ya.
hey dude, do u remember me? back in halo 3, your brother made a track called cryptic spiral, and i was in the video. darknessdays? anyway, on to the map. it looks good, although on the turn that you had to level out, you should try and make it a bit more angled, to the point where you might fall off, but you can still get through. the reason would be that it would make it more risky, and in my opinion, being risky makes things more fun. also, if you like the idea, but dont want people to fall off, you could put 1 or 2 one-way shields, so it would bounce you back if you neared the edge. also, the fact that it is not compatible takes away some of the feel to it... i mean, there's no check points, you can cheat... etcetera. i would suggest setting it up yourself, or just asking someone else to do it. overall though, i really like the design, the turns, and the darkness. lol, my name is darkness. but anyway, great map. btw, if you are looking for a design for a new track, you could try making a moto cross. those always seemed cool, so you could try to make it so that its like you are the drivers in the race, and if you make the gametype king of the hill (or some objective gametype), you could still have winners and all, but you could make some players the crowd, watching the madness. well...thats all.
Hey dude.... its been a while... i do like your idea for that turn but the thing is, i dont really feel like trying to fix it because i already had to fix that whole downhill section and it was a ***** so....... but we should catch up some more, maybe make some maps together... well thanks for the ideas [br][/br]Edited by merge: more comments please.....