I personally will because it's a Halo game, and I'm a diehard Halo fan. Plus, judging by the quality of the Defiant maps, it looks like 343 Industries knows what they're doing. What I'm most concerned about is what they're gonna do with the story. Continuing from the end of Halo 3 just seems like a drag-out to me.
Microsoft knows what to do when it comes to core franchises, especially first party ones. I truly have no worries about them delivering a kickass game. Whether it's Bungie quality is anyone's guess, though.
They should just trash the whole Forge system, and throw a Map Maker like Far Cry's in there. ****, that would be bad ass. If they stick to the Forge system, (don't get me wrong, I'm fine with it now), there's a 71% chance I'll get it. If they put in a Map Maker, there's a 98% chance I'll get it. On the chance there will be neither, I'd say there's a 19% likelihood of me getting the game.
I'm definitely buying it. I want to see what they come up with for this game... Will we be fighting forerunners? Covenant that weren't around The Ark? Find the Spirit of Fire? Could we find Halsey and the other Spartans on Onyx? I'm honestly really intrigued to see what they'll do with the Halo Universe.
Yes. Honestly Bungie does not give two shits about their community, or the canon. 343 Industries cares about the community and the canon, they even said that Reach is non-canon and they will listen to their fans. Bungie also has almost no idea of good gameplay, yet 343 said Armor Abilities are gone and that Halo 4 will have CE feel. It seems Halo is in much better hands.
MOAR SPARTANZ!!!1! My theory is that it will be sometime in the future after the events of the Halo trilogy considering John's been carbon-frozed and LOST IN SPACE for an unknown period of time. /speculations.
I'm sorry, but what the **** is this? First of all, Bungie is one of, if not, the best major developer when it comes to listening and responding to community feedback. They change playlists constantly, have multiplayer updates every single month that would be considered title updates for most games, and implement dozens of community maps and gametypes into official matchmaking. As for 343, you have nothing to base your assumptions on. They have never even made a single ****ing game, they are all talk. Hell, they might just be the best damn developer in the entire world, but you can't just assume that. Sorry if I seem a little upset, I just really can't stand it when people think they are entitled to an opinion on something that doesn't even exist yet.
Well said shatakai. I too absolutely hate it when people bad mouth developers, especially good ones like Bungie. They didn't like parts of Reach, or the ending of halo 2, or ODST so they must be the worst writers ever. Yet obviously the canon must be soooo bad that these people care enough to critic it. I think halo is in capable hands as most of its staff is ex-Bungie employees. But I would also say Bungie did the best job they could with what they had to work with and you can't satisfy all the people all the time.
Oh quit it with all your random percentages and stuff. You know you're going to buy it just like you bought Reach. No but seriously, I'm going to buy it no matter what. Just like I did with every other Halo game. I mean ****, what can I say? I'm a halo fan just like 90% of us are here at forgehub. You see, there's nothing wrong with an even percentage. ;P
I will probably end up buying it mostly because I like halo and I want to see if they have a new forge. Forge 3.0. That'd be interesting. I also don't care that Bungie isn't making it, I think it might actually be better.
I would look forward to Halo 4 if it's multiplayer is more akin to Halo 2's. Great maps, good ranking systems, great weapon set, etc... I don't care much for the story arc at all. I wouldn't much be interested in an object editor, mainly a level editor.
I care about the story arc more than the multiplayer, thought if it was H2 style... I dunno, I might be more pulled into that than anything else.
You're ****ing kidding me, right? If you honestly don't think Bungie cares about their community, you're possibly the dumbest son of a ***** I've ever had the misfortune to talk to. Saying 343 cares about the community is hypocracy, aswell. 90% of 343 is ex-Bungie employees. The argument that reach is non-canon is also possibly one of the most bitchy, barely thought out complaints I've ever heard. If you create a universe, you can do whatever the **** you want with it. And, did you forget that they revised the books to fit the accounts on Reach? I also dare you to name a FPS that has better gameplay than Halo. Do it. Go for it. Shoot. Got one? No? Right. Armor Abilites were a cool new way to spice up the gameplay and mix things up. Also, may I remind you of CE's multiplayer? The pistol that could kill you from across Blood Gulch in 4 shots? What I'm saying is CE's multiplayer gameplay sucked. They revised it in Halo 2, and mastered it in Halo 3. Halo may be in better hands, but nobody knows that yet. It's impossible to know that yet. Also, with the track record that I've seen of 343's so far, I kind of doubt that it's in better hands... MC's armor is completely different in Halo 4, and the model of MC in Halo CE: Anniversary is horrible. But, does that mean I'm already saying 343's horrible? No. It's simple speculation. /rant
Many people wanted a title update for Reach, which company was it that is making one? 343 Industries. Bungie didn't care about the community's ideas, or about fixing their broken game. There are very few former Bungie employees that are with 343 now. I never said that Halo had bad gameplay, I meant only that Reach had bad gameplay. Armor abilities spiced up the game and mixed up gameplay? Yeah, I guess you're right, AAs mix up already broken gameplay and eliminate any skill to play Reach. Halo CE's gameplay was nowhere near as broken as Reach, and it even took skill to use the pistol effectively, like the BR. MC's armor is different in Halo 4 because of canon reasons and graphical updates. The Halo CEA MC model is horrible how, exactly? 343 said that the helmet would be fixed by the time Halo CEA came out.