
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AnTHRaXX, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. AnTHRaXX

    AnTHRaXX Forerunner

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    Exposure is a map I made above the beach area of Hemorrhage. Although it is a floating level, it doesn't feel like one. The aesthetics make it seem like it is up on a mountain peak. It has a bright, open feel. It has rotational symmetry and can accommodate 12 players comfortably. It was designed with standard team slayer in mind, but is also set up for other game types.

    Weapon List:
    2 needle rifles
    4 dmrs
    2 needlers
    2 plasma repeaters
    2 sniper rifle
    1 rocket launcher (slayer only)
    2 shotguns
    8 grenades
    4 plasma grenades

    The only visible change that is not updated in the video or pictures is that the two rocks in the bottom center have been raised to allow access to the second level.


    YouTube - ‪reach19283187 154350436‬‏



    Thank you to everyone who tested this map:

    Tenacious Devon

    #1 AnTHRaXX, Jul 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2011
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    To me, this map feels a bit gray, but bright. Maybe if you add a bit more color to the map, for call-outs and just to kind of break up all that gray, would be nice. other than that, I really like what you've done with this map. It has certain areas that are open and some that are enclosed, which adds diversity to the map. I'm really not a fan of grids on forge maps as they just don't fit well with the forge pieces. Very few maps can pull off using a grid well and to me this isn't a map that does that. I think you could try something different there. Maybe railings? Anyways, that's just my opinion. The layout looks great and I like your choice of power weapons. If you have had any maps before, they haven't really stood out to me. This one, does. Great work.
    #2 Eightball, Jul 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2011
  3. AnTHRaXX

    AnTHRaXX Forerunner

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    I agree with you that this map is very grey. Unfortunately the budget is pretty much gone, so I have to take away in order to add. I am still relatively new to forging as this is my third map and I am getting better. My first 2 maps were Stingray and Dichotomy. I tried several times to get rid of the grids, but with the hallways open you could just fly out. Even with kill zones, being able to go out at all seemed to ruin the atmosphere of the map and allowed people to see things they are not supposed to. I'll see what I can do though. The 2 maps I am working on now are both considerably better than my first couple, so hopefully they get your attention. And the fact that you even looked at this map is a compliment to me, so thank you.
  4. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    As im a fan of large indoor maps I'm very pleased with the design of yours. You have introduced a variety of sight lines from close range to long and kept your theme constant throughout your build, and I believe it could play all gametypes pretty well. As far as the grid, I will give your map a download and see if theres anything that can be done about the kill zone issue and a railing type look as it would make the map look that much better. If im able to do something about this I will hit you up and let you see what you think :).
  5. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This is well forged and has a great layout. Your weapon placement is solid as well. I really love the bay windows made out of pyramids. Aside from the grids which I agree look out of place, I also feel like some of the rocks (e.g. the bottom floor seastacks) you added actually take away from the aesthetics. I realize they offer a tactical jump but I'd recommend either a smoother looking rock like the arch or a different piece there. Possibly some more colorful pieces would do the map good as well, as Eightball mentioned.
  6. AnTHRaXX

    AnTHRaXX Forerunner

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    Thank you for the compliments. So it seems no one likes the grids and everyone wants more color. I might be able to fix both problems if I move the map down to the ground. I could have grass in the middle to add color and use pieces freed up from removing the floor to fix the hallways. The views out of all the the windows would certainly change and it would be a pain to relocate every piece, but it might help. Just an idea. Although I don't know if there is any patches of land large enough and flat enough.

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