Hello Everyone! Its Zenixlio again, with a new map thats ready for some action! Its not exactly new, I just updated it so its not longer spawn trapped nor OPed with the banshees. I give you... Affliction. Affliction is an asymmetrical Big Team Battle Map suited for both Vehicular and Infantry gameplay. The map was created originally as a "Battle Creek Inspired Map", which over time and experience, became a map that "If Battle Creek was on Crack". Through my map preview and the Testers Guild, as well as friends and other testers, Affliction has become worthy of posting to Forge Hub. I'm going to go ahead and stop babbling because I am actually rushed for time on posting this, so here are the Pictures and other information, Red Base Blue Base Plasma Launcher and Sword Spawn Sniper and Grenade Launcher Spawn Sniper and Shotgun Spawn Rockets and Falcon Spawn Assault Rifle X4 30 sec DMR X4 30 sec Plasma Repeater X4 30 sec Needle Rifle X4 30 sec Magnum X2 30 sec Plasma Pistol X2 30 sec Spiker X4 30 sec Plasma Rifle X4 30 sec Frag Grenades X11 15 sec Plasma Grenades X11 15 sec Mounted Turret X1 120 sec Plasma Turret X1 120 sec Sword X1 120 sec Plasma Launcher X1 105 sec Rocket Launcher X1 180 sec Shotgun X1 120 sec Grenade Launcher X1 105 sec Sniper X2 150 sec Falcon X1 180 sec Warthog X2 75 sec Mongoose X4 45 sec Revenant X2 150 sec Ghost X2 120 sec I hope you enjoy Affliction much more then my last map Anxiety, and I hope to post more maps in the future for you members to Enjoy.
Here is a Suggestion : Make it Compatible with BTB or Infection. Review : From the look's of it (I have the first one) It would probably be WAY better then the first also Question, Did you change any Weapons by Adding/ Removing some ? But keep up the Good forge.
It is compatible with both of those... I didnt add any weapons, but I got rid of the Bashees, changed spawns, Changed spawn time on Grenade Launcher, and added a neutral Falcon. It only spawns 180 seconds in to the game though and every 3 minutes after that.
Oh great no More Banshee stuff, I had to Delete it on your Version to many people rush and Spawn kill people anyways Changed the Grenade Launcher around to make it more Kick ass then and wouldn't a Neutral Falcon mean Banshee Spawn Killing again ?
Because the Falcon is more difficult to use and requires more then one person to use, plus being slower and more predictable then the Banshee, and the amount of Anti Vehicular weapons on the maps, it balances out. Trust me, I tested this time.
Affliction Summary of Gameplay Gameplay on affliction can be described as an axiom of three distinct phases. As both teams start facing each other, and in some cases directly within sight of each other, the first phase of the action will usually consist of immediate combat. The next phase will be vehicle and power weapon finding and utilizing. Most vehicles in the map are within very close proximity to players upon spawning including the one neutral vehicle, the falcon, found in the center of the map. The third phase of the average game on Affliction will be that of complete confusion and mayhem. The map is too small to support the recommended big team battle player amount. The confusing layout of the bases, puzzling locations of weapons, and abundance of vehicles in such a dense space will leave players frustrated as they try to maneuver themselves around the map and attempt to play a competitive game. Core Enjoyment Gameplay on this map is akin to its namesake, afflicted. Affliction is afflicted with numerous mistakes that when combined make for very poor gameplay. The visuals are not consistent within the framework of the map, which makes it hard for players to really enjoy the experience of playing in the map as well as orienting themselves to the map. The weapon and vehicle balance for Affliction are just atrocious as it is essentially a smorgasbord of weapons and vehicles that are just thrown around in various locations. While the map is impossible to escape it is still very easy to break. There are very few kill zones and practically any tall location is accessible through jetpack or skillful jumping. If players enjoy being in constant combat and using whatever weapon they please than they might enjoy the gameplay of Affliction but this map is not well suited for any sort of serious competitive play. 0/5 Gametype Enjoyment Slayer was listed as the only compatible gametype so that was what the map was tested with. As a team slayer map the gameplay was far too hectic and unfair to be considered fun. There is just not enough space or cover to move around without a vehicle trying to run players down or a sniper from a very high perch picking players off. Other than the initial spawns the rest of the map consists of just neutral spawn points so players will occasionally spawn next to the rival team. As the map has a disorienting design it is much harder to coordinate teammate movements or to know who has what weapon or to direct players to where potential enemies are. If players enjoy a very fast paced style of gameplay with little clarity as to where to go within the map than Affliction might be a map worth considering, otherwise it might be better to avoid it. 1/5 Weapon/Vehicle Balance Affliction is built as a four-vs-four at best, despite the supported sixteen players. Although this general small size of the play-space it contains thirty-three weapons, twenty-two grenades, one mounted turret, and one plasma turret. Not only is this weapon engorgement horrible for weapon balance but also the weapons are just tossed around. Weapons are on top of rocks, lying behind rocks, lying under crevices, and behind various map geometry making them impossible to find by anything other than just luck. The weapon locations also breed horrible imbalances. One important aspect of weapon placement is to never place a power weapon next to the location where it would be best utilized. That defeats the purpose of the risk-reward system that is essential to proper weapon balance and for a fair gameplay experience. The blue team sniper rifle is positioned near the blue side sniper perch by the coliseum window barrier. This perch can see most areas of the map and is also very easy to defend, as there is only one entrance to this perch. Even worse for balance is that the red side sniper is even higher up with a better view of the map than the blue side sniper. For some reason, the red sniper is on top of a sniper perch that is situated on top of a dish in the watery area next to red base. This position is also very easy to defend and a talented sniper could easily dominate from this location. The sword is located very close to a red initial spawn while the shotgun is located a little closer to the blue side than the red yet not nearly as close as the sword is to the red side. While the shotgun and sword are both close quarter weapons, they do not balance each other out and having both on the map with not enough close quarter locations within the map to best utilize them makes them both pointless to the gameplay. There is a plasma launcher very close to a blue spawn and within easy walking distance from the sword. Red side has a grenade launcher, which is not equivalent to a plasma launcher. Both weapons can be considered power weapons and should not be placed closer to either team in an effort to give both teams rivaling weapons. The rocket launcher is dead center in the map but there are more blue spawns clustered in area within eyesight of the rocket launcher then there are red initial spawns. There is also an extra clip for the rocket launcher making it a very dominant weapon considering all the vehicles on the map. Speaking of vehicles, there are eleven vehicles on Affliction. The space on Paridiso where the play area is located is very hilly and rocky and with the added map geometry it makes any vehicle use very difficult. It complicates matters even further when trying to fit two warthogs, four mongooses, two ghosts, and a falcon within the map boundaries. The falcon is essentially pointless as there is not enough room for it to freely move about without flying into soft-kill boundaries. With the plethora of power weapons, including the homing plasma grenades shot by the plasma launcher, vehicles can expect a very short lifetime and their general use is discouraged due to the area they have to move around in. The only redeeming aspect about the vehicles is that both teams have access to the same vehicles and they are about the same distance from initial spawns. 1/5 Design Balance It was touched on a little bit in the fact that some of the power weapons are located in the locations that they would be most dominant but the map geometry also does not help the balance of Affliction. There are very few kill boundaries on the map and what few there exist are easily avoidable. Any high up location on the map is possible to get to and no kill boundaries exist to stop players from getting to them. A talented sniper could get to the top of the dish on blue side that is the highest point of the map. This position is near impregnable and only players within blue base would be out of view from this perch. The other sniper perches lower in the map are still very easy to defend and offer dominant vantage points. The result of all these overlapping death sight lines is that players will want to stay within the bases. The problem with this is that the bases are very confusing and offer little practical purpose. Various forge pieces stick out from the bases obscuring view and making it hard to move around. Very few worthwhile weapons are actually within the bases and are just outside it. The general result is that players would take the weapons lying all over the map and bring it back to their base or attack the opposite base but to move around they would have to go through the middle which is prime territory for snipers or vehicles. 0/5 Physical Breaks Affliction has one safe boundary placed over the circumference of the map. This boundary is marked in the water by upright large walkways and inland by Coliseum Walls and the Paridiso Mountain itself. This makes the map impossible to escape or else players will die after the ten-second run-off. Within this master safe-zone however, players are free to roam around as they please. No height is unreachable and even some areas just behind or on the visible barriers are accessible. The coliseum wall closest to blue base has a small area on the other side of it where players can hide without the soft-kill timer starting. While this would not be much of a concern in the heat of combat, it is still a break that players could cause and one that could potentially ruin the fluidity of a game if players are hiding beyond the visible boundaries of the map. Another aspect of the map that is absolutely broken is the blue base man-cannon. Located on the upper floor, which is no easy feat just to get to, there is a man-cannon that spits players out to the bottom right in front of blue base. The problem is that when the player lands, they get injured. This is a major no-no in map design. The red base man-cannon does not injure players on the way down, partly because it is lower to the ground, so blue base should not injure players. 1/5 Spawning Affliction contains eight initial spawns for both blue team and red team and a lot of neutral spawn points tossed all over the map. The largest issue with these spawns is that many of them are within sight of the opposing team and some are facing directly into rocks or map geometry, which makes it hard to differentiate where a player is upon spawning. The other major problem is that because there are many neutral spawn points placed all over the map, some on red side and blue side, players on opposite teams can spawn right next to each other. There are no spawns within each base, so spawn killing is a major concern when all the spawns are within view of either team’s sniper perches. The plethora of spawn locations means spawning is fairly unpredictable, which is a plus and is one of the few saving graces of such a design, but the open areas in which players are likely to spawn means they are open game for players in vehicles or players in dominant height positions to pick off. 1/5 Lag Affliction showed little to no signs of framerate lag while playing a game. This is mostly due to the fact that the map is made mostly of pre-fabricated forge pieces such as buildings and rocks with very little in the way of forge-piece density. 5/5 Theme Affliction is a map that seems to be confused about what its theme is and so the players on it will be confused as well. The only consistency in theme seems to be the dishes that dot not only the playable area but far outside the play area as well. The apparent theme would then be some sort of communications relay station. This theme seems broken however when there is these two bases by the water, which has dock like structures jetting out of the water. These structures give the map a seaport like quality. Orientation within the map is very difficult with the various forge pieces jutting out of rocks and leading into dead ends or just ending. The actual bases don’t seem to fit any discernible theme and seem to be just thrown together as if various other maps themes were used as inspiration but no central connecting theme could be decided upon. The sword spawn looks like it was directly ripped from Bungie’s Sanctuary map and makes little sense within the context of the map design. 1/5 Key Aesthetics The key aesthetics of Affliction are clearly the dishes seen within the playarea. One of these dishes is an easily accessible, by the red team, while the other one is high above blue base but also accessible via the falcon or players with a jetpack. The dishes way outside the playarea were supposedly an attempt by the map creator to have a Bungie like sky-box but these dishes are so far outside of view that players will most likely never notice these while in the heat of combat, making them purposeless. Few weapons are highlighted by aesthetics. The rocket launcher is in the center of the map on a small rock in the middle of the stream making it easy to identify. The sword is also easy to remember as it is in the Sanctuary like circle by red base. All other weapons are just thrown around the map and are very difficult to remember where any of them spawn. 2/5 Neatness Affliction is composed of mostly pre-fabricated pieces with very few structural pieces merged together. Because of this, there is no flickering in the map geometry. The map as a whole however is incredibly sloppy. The bases are a mess of ramps and forge pieces that jut into each other and make it very difficult to move around easily. The best place to see this is red base. On the far side of red base closest to the sword spawn there is a garage like room and next to that a ramp that was very sloppily put together and forces the player to jump up to the next level or move at a very fast speed to get up. There is no clear path to take from this point and several little holes for the player to fall through when not paying attention. The back of the base has steep ramps that lead into either a dead end or to a building piece that just does not look well put together. There are various gaps in some of the forge pieces where some of the buildings are placed near a forge piece and they are not merged, probably in an attempt to eliminate Z-Fighting. Blue base has various decorative pieces that just pop out of the ground and do not go anywhere and seem to only exist to make it difficult to move around in a vehicle. Various antennae pieces also jut out of blue base and seem very out of place and look just plain ugly. 1/5 Originality Affliction seems to be the conglomeration of several map designs ranging from Bungie to community creations and as such has almost no uniqueness to itself. Jamming almost every weapon and vehicle into such a small play-area does not make for an original experience, it makes for a very frustrating one that players will not enjoy and will not want to play more than once. 0/5 Rating Multipliers Enjoyment: 1 x 2.0 = 2 out of 20 Balance: 1 x 3.0 = 3 out of 30 Durability: 7 x 2.0 = 14 out of 30 Aesthetic: 4 x 1.0 = 4 out of 20 Final Score Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings Have a question about your review? Review Hub Community Feedback Find this review helpful? Try editing it into the Original Post