Yeah, I know, you wanted "Tunnells". Well, that map is being side tracked for a while. Until then, the people working here, (by people I mean me, and possibly others), on Halo Reach Forge, will be working on a new map pack. First you had Holdout, then your had Pelican, and lastly you recieved Train Station 2071. Well, prepare for something new. This map pack will be Infection, it will explore new forge Techniques Ive never tried before, and It will be released one at a time, just to tease you. And another tease Im giving, every time you reach the end of the map, you will be able to look at a portian of the next map. Now for the third tease. Oh and one more thing. When I said Infection, I didnt mean specifically infection. Invas- stop right there. You get the picture? Not all of the maps will be just Infection?
Prime, we must I mean MUST, finish "Tunnels" it is so close to being finished! Also, YAY!!! Zombies!!!! We could do a "What happened first" for "Tunnels" hehe [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also I want help In making this, with your permission or not LOL, zombies!
That's just mean man. I'm sure some of us would really like to see pics, so we can get an idea of what's to come. To me it looks like...Infection?
Exactly. On the first map. You have to defend a gate. The Zombies will blow it up. The humans weapons will fly out the their hands, and they have to run and find new weapons. Im not going into detail, Eightball. But, like I said, Im doing "New", and I mean never before seen, (sorta) , techniques.
This, will, be, a, great, IDEA, so I help Prime here with it. YAY! But yes this is infection, and like he said each map will have a teaser.
Yup Grunt, you get to help. When we finish the rest of Tunnels, you can help me work on Forrunner Map Pack.