Right, so I've finished making a custom "turret defense" game in forge. The Blue team has to run across a clearing being assaulted by machine gun fire to plant a bomb in Red team's base. Blue team starts out in a corridor , and walks through a teleporter to get to the clearing. When they walk through, they are teleported to either: a) A custom powerup, b) An overshield, and c) an active camo. Right now I'm thinking about what the custom powerup should do, and what the teams' movement, damage, etc. should be (they cant jump). Help please? I attached an overview of the map if that helps. The gametype I'm using is one side assault. Near the bottom of the pic is where the assaulting team comes in.
The custom powerup would be awesome if it were damage. Another recommendation, maybe set this to stockpile/speedpile? Attacking team would carry flags to the end, and once set amount is scored, defense loses.
That sounds great, I'll give it a try. Though, if the custom was damage, I'd have to figure out how to stop the assaulting team from getting inside the turret box when they lunge melee.
Umm.. yes. I wasn't thinking while typing, I meant to say that I still need to fix the problem of lunging. Suggestions?
Ankle catcher on the turrets' enclosures? (That is, a small bar or block sticking just far enough out of the ground to deny entry from that side.) Using a One Way Shield as an ankle catcher can be quite effective; it won't just stop a lunger, it'll also force them away.
u culd make the CP so that they get like 10 or 20% faster speed. and for the lunge thing, u could have windows on the nests and make the turrets inside. the only problems i could see with that is it costs budget and turrets might not b able 2 shoot through windows. but still, u should try it. also, inv me 4 the testing. this looks like a lot of fun.
Yep, I decided to do the cp as speed, and see if I can spare some one ways to be ankle catchers, was already using them to stop people from getting OUT of the box by detaching a turret. P.S Death Eye, no prob.
If all else fails and you've not enough One-Ways to spare, simple Railings can, if placed appropriately, bar entry to the turret boxes without interfering with their operation.
Yes I did something like that except for railings, I put in something else. But it works now, so I'm good. LET THE TESTING BEGIN!