What Game Should I Get

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by monkeyrantz, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    I'm headed out to the mall in about two hours and I'm planning on picking up a new game for my xbox.. Here's a list of things I have, and I'm basically looking for recommendations for a new one to grab, thanks.

    What I Have:
    Assassin's Creed (all)
    Battlefield BC 2
    Call of Duty (three recent ones)
    Halo (all)
    Far Cry (all)
    Fable (1 and 2, didn't get the third because the first one was much better than the second one)
    GTA IV
    FF XIII (ugh hated it)
    Rock Band (original)
    Gears of War (all)
    Fallout 3

    On Preorder:
    Dead Island
    Battlefield 3
    Assassin's Creed
    (Maybe Far Cry 3 depending on the release)

    And that's pretty much all I can think of based off memory.

    I was thinking about getting Mass Effect 2 because I've heard good things, but I wasn't sure if I should play Mass Effect first because of story mode.. thoughts?

    Feel free to recommend anything though, I like shooters, role playing games, and medieval style games. Shoot. And hurry please, I don't have long. :)
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    If you want Mass Effect 2, buy Mass Effect 1 as well. It's well worth it because the story is so good.
  3. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Buy clothes instead, having some swag can take you far in life.

    If not, Mass Effect, I guess.
  4. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    You've got four (potentially five) games pre-ordered? I think the LAST thing you need to get today is a game.
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Mass Effect, mos def. You can probably get both 1 and 2 for super cheap, as well.
  6. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    As the others said, only get Mass Effect if you are going to play the whole series the way it is intended.
    However, I don't think you have a lot of time left to play those game before the others you listed start to come out. I'd say you could get by with the multiplayer of BFBC2 or CoD until Dead Island drops in September.

    If you absolutely must have a game to play until then, though, I would pick up Just Cause 2. It's arguably the funnest sandbox game available until Saint's Row 3 comes out.
  7. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    The newest mortal kombat game is well worth it. If your not big on fighter games that doesn't matter, becuase it's just that epic.
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I probably am a religious heretic because of it, and I will accept that as my title from now on, but I didn't get a kick out of the Mass Effect storyline. I play most games almost entirely for the story, the events, the stuff that can be coded in that just does not happen in multiplayer, and I enjoy that far more than any other part of a game usually. Mass Effect just felt too... bookish for me. I love reading books, and I love playing games, but I don't really enjoy a bookish game... :S
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know where you come from Reflex, I enjoy the story of a game far more than the multiplayer, hence my fanboyism towards final fantasy (I will completely ignore the existence of FFXIII, that was a horrible game, story and otherwise. FYI, FFXIII was the only final fantasy game that I actually quit playing before completing it due to its crappiness.)

    But mass effect's story seemed a little... well, like you said, bookish. It didn't really have the type of story you'd expect in a game, but rather one you'd expect in an Orson Scott Card book or something.

    Now, I honestly don't really like most of the storylines for 360 games, best one in my opinion would be... well I dunno anymore actually, I generally stick to pc games nowadays, in which case I can totally recommend Alice: Madness Returns if you like platformers and blood. Or Bioshock 2 (which should be the same for 360) which has a fairly strong storyline, and it doesnt really require you to have played the first one at all.
    #9 Aschur, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Singularity. In my opinion, its the best story of any game that I have played on the 360. I can't go back to the older consoles, because they have plenty of amazing games like LoD and the old FF, but the 360 just doesn't have the best stories. Its all about graphics and features, which is lame.

    @OP See if you can find Singularity. Its one of my favorite games of all time, relatively new too. Came out this January I think. It plays like the good parts of Bioshock and CoD fused together, with a great story.
    #10 Jex Yoyo, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  11. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    Yeah I picked up Just Cause 2. It looked cool from the videos I watched, so I chose it. I have to admit, I was really worried when I first started it, because it didn't start off open world, but I figured most open world games don't start off that way. About an hour in, I got really happy. Thanks for the recommendation! :D

    Haha, I know, it's bad. I'm just kind of stuck right now. I haven't hung out with any of my friends this summer for more than three hours at a time because of conflicting work schedules, so I've been sort of improvising what to do with myself. In addition to the 30 hours of work I put in a week, I've taken up biking, started working out, hit 1500 likes on StumbleUpon, volunteered forty hours at a camp, and tonight was the first time I touched my Xbox this summer. I wanted a new experience, so I bought a new game.

    As for the four games I've preordered (make that potentially six, thinking about getting Rage as well, looks like Borderlands which was the ****ing ****), I can explain that easily. Fall 2011 has the highest concentration of good games coming out I have ever seen. Thank God I have a job.

    TL;DR Is anyone else getting Rage?
  12. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    It's an underrated gem with a great setting and core mechanic (grapple+parachute), glad you like it.

    I'm probably going to pass on Rage just because of the other games coming out, but it's one I may revisit when the price drops because it's just a single-player game; I don't mind waiting when the community isn't an issue.

    Also, a small tip: don't 100% most of the military airports, as some of them produce unique planes and jets that may not spawn anywhere else.
    #12 ChronoTempest, Jul 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2011
  13. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    Get MS points and buy Marathon. Campaign will keep you busy for a long time. Trust me. Or get the trial if your hesitant.
  14. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Rage is going to have multiplayer dude...
    Also the fact that its pushing its story more than multiplayer is why I'm going to get it, I just hope it has a strong plot to it, something I won't actually predict the ending to a quarter through the game.

    Anyways, the multiplayer for Rage is going to be some kind of cambat racing, similar to that Jak & daxter racing game if I'm remembering right. (Jak X: combat racing) They wanted to do something different with the multiplayer for it, something not like what most games have right now. But it's Id, they know what they're doing, I trust them.

    @Op: preorder Rage, I am. It will be AWESOME. hopefully...
  15. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    I don't really count that as multiplayer, or even co-op. I just mean it's something I can play by myself during a lull in the games.
  16. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Whether or not you count it as, it has multiple people playing at the same time. It's multiplayer. Kinda the definition of it.

    And before someone says it, no, it's not just tacked on. The campaign mode has racing in it as well.
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Haven't read through the thread, but;
    You can pick up ME1 and ME2 used for about $40 at Gamestop.
  18. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    You're missing the point. You buy some games to play the multiplayer, and you buy others to play the single-player. I call Reach a multiplayer game, but I'm not implying there is no single player element, and I'm not implying there won't be a multiplayer element in Rage.
  19. timmy ted

    timmy ted Forerunner

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    mass effect or dragon age with a big emphasis on ME. Its not a series to miss.
  20. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    I'd heard singularity wasn't that good so I never bought it, I was looking forward to it when I saw it in GI. I think I saw it for $20 in Gamestop so I need to get it apparently.

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