I'm sure a lot of you guys have heard of the new helmet that was seen in the Defiant map pack trailer, right? (For those of you who are clueless or want to read up a bit, I found these two threads on the bnet forums about the helmet) So Forge Hub, what do you think of this? Crazy conspiracy? Possible armor DLC? Linked to Defiant map pack or the up and coming TU? I didn't see any threads about this, so I thought I'd start a discussion thread for it. Short History of the "GRD" or "BoB" Helmet: -Seen in the Defiant Map Pack Trailer and on Flickr (Red Spartan, farthest on the left). -This picture seen on major gaming websites. -On Bungie Day, GT: 'Tender Loins' on the live stream was reported to have checked his armory and flipped past the 'GRD' Helmet (no video surfaced yet). -This screen was left up after Bungie Day for 24 hours, leading some people to believe the GRD helmet relates to the signs around Countdown and elsewhere with the prefix GRD. Note that there are seven holes on Countdown. So, whattya think of this? Crazy theory? Right idea? Just wait and see?
Very interesting! Its definitely a strange looking Helmet- My best guess is that it would be unlocked in a similar fashion as the Recon Helmet was unlocked in Halo 3, or possibly given to those that have done something incredible for the community (because the star nameplate just isnt what it used to be anymore)
I agree with you entirely (I changed my nameplate also, not to the star, not Bungie, but Marathon) I've heard that theory, it may hold some weight. I hope that's how it happens, actually. Maybe we'll get some info from 343 after the TU. Other peeps have said it may be connected to the Halo Anniversary edition. We'll just have to wait and see. Actually, I like the helmet, it reminds me of Bionicles from my childhood. Those were the ****. Thing is, I suspect once the helmet is released if it is released everyone who can will be wearing it, similar to the star or blue flames.
Kopaka and Lewa were always my favorite. However, I'm of the belief that only 343 employees will be recieving the helmet, aside from contest winners, selected indivisuals, ect. It's definently paving the way as the new "Recon Armor." You know, before the Vidmasters.
Aw yeah! I actually was thinking of Kopaka when I posted it too! Blue visor, white primary. I'll be happy. I kinda want the helmet, but I suppose they probably will keep it for themselves. Still, I want it, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'm hoping it'll be a vidmaster thing, only make it harder. When everyone had recon in Halo 3, it just wasn't cool anymore. It wasn't special as it should have been.
Those helmets look absolutely rediculous. It doesn't even look like a halo helmet. It seems ideas for new helmets are running low?
It's great that there is another helmet still floating out there that hasn't been released yet. It keeps me hopeful that there might be even more we haven't seen. That being said, I'm not a big fan of this helmet. I like that it avoids the use of a visor, certainly making it one of the more unique choices, but it's just not my style.
The helmet may look dumb, but I believe the weirder a helmet looks, the better. I hope they don't release it to the public, I'd rather not have it than everybody have it. fix'd
"Someone left his screen on so it must be a hint!" And that's how 3000 posts long theory topics are created on B.net.
True, but hey, I left it on there because there are lots of (possibly retarded, but they're people) people on bnet who think it may be a clue. It is funny how that happens on bnet though. Lulz, the forums are a complete trollfest, or at least Reach and The Flood are. The difference being The Flood is actually mildly intelligent, or at least they know their limits. Back OT, we may see more of this helmet when the Anniversary Edition for CE comes out. Just my thoughts.
Bionicles were the ****. Anyways, I doubt the Countdown theory is plausible, since it doesn't seem like they would have a helmet as an easter egg. But I'm sure it will all be revealed in good time. Personally, I don't care. I have enough crap to unlock.
Holy crap. A discussion (somewhat) about Bionicles? That's something I can relate too. What's left of my collection is in the top right corner of the pic,
I think there was, and I dont think the helm exists. On a side note: yes, bionicles were awesome back in the not so long ago time.
I'd guess it would be unlocked in some way, in conjunction with Halo Anniversary. Or it's just for 343 employees, or something along those lines.
The idea to believe that Bungie might have planned all of this from the beginning, escapes me. Except for the Bob's, they came into campaign around some unknown time period until I actually found one and wondered why the hell a golden ranger was in the middle of the road. But as for the marine in Long Night of Solace, the behavior of it seems, odd. All of these different places and references subliminally there; it just sends shivers down my spine. Bungie, you scary!
Is it possible that the code has to do with the credit jackpot on Bungie day always being 777? Maybe that is the missing secret to the order of the ring jumps? I'm too lazy to check but maybe someone else can haha