Hello, I am new here and am currently renovating an old map of mine. I was looking at it and realized that I think it looks well both without Walls around it and with them, so I have two variants saved, the only difference being the Open one has no walls and enlarged Soft Kill Zones around it, as well as a useless zone I had walled off in the original variant. So I was wondering what your opinions are as to which looks better. (Note this map is designed to play essentially anything, I lack the number of friends to test it at what I believe to be its base amount 8-16 players.) Acropolis (Original) View from Blue Base 2nd View from Blue Base View from Red Base 2nd View from Red Base Overview Acropolis (Open) Side View 1 Side View 2 Side View 3 Red Base Red Base 2 Useless Area Original: 5$ Remaining Open Format: 825$ Remaining (If Useless Zone is Cleared)
I am generally in favor of closed maps (or closed with windows and skylights, as I did with Curvature, Cardiac Falls and others - it's good to mix a little scenery into even a closed map). However, giant bland coliseum walls zigzagging this way and that never looks good to me. If you can make the walls more uniform and a little more decorative somehow (without blowing a lot of budget or killing framerate), it would greatly improve the look to me.
If the walls aren't decorated or nice looking, open. Putting up giant gray walls would be like asking,' Would you like some more gray with your gray, sir?"
Closed. I'm sick of open maps in that same spot... Just decorate the walls a bit more by merging in other objects so it's not just a gray barrier.
Large objects placed at regular intervals. Maybe brace larges or large walkway covers. Experiment and see what looks good.