Okay not to bash on other sites, but why would people go to Xforgery? I'm looking for a real answer? I was like goon register for their site as well and forge hub. But when i started comparing the 2, forge hub has a way bigger community? So what are the upside to XForgery. I<3ForgeHub only cause I've been goin on the site for over a year. But i was just wondern what all of you thought of it? Cause theres probably a few people who use both.
Usually, people who go to XForgery do so because of the sentimental value that site holds for them. That site always had a very community-focused vibe. Everything Null Parameter did was based off of what the community wanted. Everything was done for the fun of it without any of that "srs beans" roleplay. Cheers.
One very real answer... (And I am being honest here, so MODS please don't get upset with this post for giving an honest answer to an honest question)... Some people in the community think the mods here at FH are, well, political and not reasonable in the way they manage this site. That is the bottom line. Some won't come here, some will hold there noses when they come here, some don't care. I fall somewhere between the second and third. I could go on with specifics, but then I think I would get in trouble... yes, even banned. I have learned just to let people be people and look the other way. There are a lot of good reasons for being here, though with some issues that angst even myself. I like being part of the community. I am not happy with the way it is managed/policed. I am NOT saying everyone, or even most. I am saying SOME people feel this way about FH, and to varying degrees... Finally, while the community is managed in many ways, the focus is forge. Thus the name. That is the only reason I am here - forge. So before anyone says i should get involved more, my involvement is the main focus of the site - forge. Did I mention that I get involved in helping people forge? Also, on a side note, I would not say one site is better organized than another. I would characterize them as simply different than each other. The focus of each is unique.
XForgery is, from what I can see, a relatively small community. Smaller communities, when active, tend to give one's map more attention. (I.e. map threads are less likely to be ignored or buried under other map threads.) Moderation in active small communities also tends to be more consistent, as there is simply less to moderate. In other words, posting in a large community has the benefits of organization, while posting in a small community increases the chances that someone will actually see your creations.
Different people want different things out of a community. Some prefer a smaller forum as it tends to be on a more personal level. Others prefer large communities as the traffic through threads is obviously much larger. I used to be part of a small forge community and it was great. Due to its smaller scale I became very good friends with many of the members and i still talk to them even now the site is gone. On a final note, the way your thread is worded it would probably offend people loyal to XF. I know you dont mean to offend but I would think about changing it.