A bumper car map by Da Pig Bumper Cars must be played with the gametype KoTH Cars or Team KoTH Cars. v2 is now live!!(scroll down) Bumper cars is the ultimate fun-map. On the map is the big platform, the pit, the garages and the spectator box. There is also a box merged into the crane. The objective of the game is to knock your opponents off the platform. The last man standing will win the round. You spawn right next to the ghost, so if you go down to the arena and don't know what you should do, you must be incredibly stupid. You run at 25% speed and the gravity is set to 200% so there's no way you can have fun by going down into the arena and spoiling the game, when you should be in a ghost pushing guys off the edge. Since I don't want you do download a not-so-well-working map, I've deleted the link to v1, so you can only download the working version. The rules/guide: 1. At the start of the round, you must take the ghost down to the arena. 2. With your ghost, you must try to push your opponents of the edge/into the pit. Here are some more pics: Download Map (v2)!! Go To v3!!!
The map itself looks really well done, but I don't think I fully understand the game of it. Does it involve honor rules? I mean, if you fall off the only thing you can do is go through the teleporter to your death? Wouldn't people just sit down there and be lame?
This map is awesome. the interlocking is great. im making a map just like this except that its on standoff
this sounds like an incredibly fun idea, I am quite eager to play it. the spectator box is really cool, i like that type of thing. also, the walls on the bottom make it look like they are supporting the whole arena which is cool. only 1 question, what happens if you fall in the pit? is there a way out?
Well since its king of the hill, just because you can stay alive when you fall off, you still cant win. Also, From what I read, when you fall in the pit your trapped. keeping you outside of the hill. and allowing others to score points.
Originally posted by BarkusTheMan 1: There are teleporters interlocked with the doubleboxes, so if you walk into the wall you will get teleported. And no, this map is actually my own idea. The gametype is set so that the hill is contested by all the players, so u can't score. but when there's only one guy left, there are no contesters, and he/she can then score 1 point(1 point to win)
It's like Sumo, but made in a slightly different way. What's interesting is the way you designed the gameplay to go. Once you fall off, you're out.