Hello i would like your help, to help me think of a gamemode for me to make/map but they must be extrodionary games like these rock paper scissors, pinball machine, snooker, duck duck gooses. Do you get what i mean i want to make gamemodes that we normally play when were a child or still now in real life. for example outside games like tag and rock paper scissors, i also want board games ideas like monopoly or snakes and ladders, and laslty table games like snooker table tennis. The main idea is for you give me an idea to make something that hasnt been done before and will be something fun. Take the skeeball map by boanerges that is now in the actionsack playist and is called halo ball and the main reason most people love it is cuz its never been done before and its something we can do in real life and in the game. so roll in the ideas
I guess if you really want to do something like that then maybe you could make a map with 1 gravity hammer and have whoever is "it" for tag try to kill everyone. It's not great but it's the only idea I have.
Good idea I suppose, but to me that sounds rather similar to juggernaut? Also OP, could you create heads up seven up?
Dont know if its known of outside of Australia, but I played this game when I was a kid called Red-Rover, Cross Over. To put it basically, you had to start on one side of a field with a bunch of other people, and run as fast as you could to the other side. The catch? There was someone in the middle who tried to tag as many people as they could before they could reach the other side. If you were tagged, you stayed in the middle as a "catcher" until everyone was caught. Obviously, the winner was the person who was last caught, or not caught. If someone was clever, this could be made into a pretty interesting gametype. Dont know how they'd do it, though. EDIT: Just had a thought, this could be done with Infection. I could probably whip up a map and gametype in about an hour. Next time Im on, of course. I hereby copyright this idea.
It's been done, and it's a surprisingly fun game mode, although it can get old fast. If I think of the name of it, or find it again, I'll link it, but I can't remember what it was called...
Well that eats wing-wang. I thought I had a genuinely original idea then. Damn, thanks for letting me know before I went and made a fool of myself, Neo. Ill just go and bury my head in the sand, now.
Yeh, thats the exact thing Im talking about. Except here we just call it Red Rover. When you start, the person in the middle yelled out, "Red Rover, cross over!" then everyone just goes nuts and runs for their lives. Damn it, I really thought I had something, then. Way to burst my bubble.
The craziest game and one of my favorites? Blackjack. Speedpile's value of flag system will let us make face values. 52 Flags are in a room above the players. A tripmine above the players is phased through the ceiling, allowing a flag to randomly fall. A few problems though- :Splitting is impossible. :Can't find a way to set scores to 21. :Can't find a way to make it so if they go over 21, they lose, or die ... Any suggestions? I really want this to work, blackjack is my favorite card game. And I think it may be crazy enough to work.
Suggestions? Keep at it, research, and ask more questions. If you really want to make this work, you'll make it work. Sounds pretty cool, too. You'd get a download off me if you managed to make it work.
I think its called bulldog ive played one before and is vwry fun [br][/br]Edited by merge: ahhh i like that ill try that but i need to remember all the rules all i can remember is that you have to get the highest number but less than 21 [br][/br]Edited by merge: I have figured out how to make it so you lose if you go over 21 and i know how to make it so the score is 21 but i dont think i can make it so if you get a ace you can pick 11 or 1 so what should i have it as also is that all i need to do i can make it so the person shoots a mine it will then drop down a card ( a golf ball with a score like 5 ) that will then be there cards and they can choose to pick a card again is that basically it [br][/br]Edited by merge: ive nearly finishe my elevnsys map ill soon start black jack