Background InfoI was instantly inspired to build a map on the natural terrain as soon as I saw the inclined portion of Alaska/Montana. It was easy to build the layout of the map because the terrain shaped how the map had to be. The hard part of building this map revolved around the height of it. It was a challenge to get the ramps at the perfect place. I to make many many changes to get the map to work, but I am happy with the final project. Power WeaponsThere are really three parts to this map, the corridors, the middle, and the outside. The corridors are where you initially spawn. The corridors hold the only Sniper on the map which is placed in the middle of the corridors. The middle is where the staircase and trees are. Placed in the middle of the area is a Rocket Launcher. Last but not least is the outside area. Here you will find the prized Plasma Pistol. Many people do not agree that this weapon is a power weapon. I myself am not one of them. With this weapon you slaughter many of your foes, just by repeatedly pressing the right trigger and hitting them once. DesignThe map is really just a diamond with many different elevations. The bottom of the diamond is the low point of the map, and the top of the diamond is the high point of the map. The middle of the diamond is the incline between these two levels. It really isn't a hard map to navigate through because it is a very basic design. Special FeaturesThis map has a lot of tactical jumps in it. This is what I consider to be the best feature of the map. There are tactical jumps from the left of the outside to the middle of the corridors. From the middle of the corridors to the right of the outside. From the middle to the left of the corridors and from the middle to the right of the corridors. If that didn't paint a clear picture in your head, you can look at pictures in the spoiler. Spoiler Special Thanks I would like to thank... EightBall for positive reinforcement JGarb for the help with killzones and his Umbrellas Confused Flamingo for the help with killzones Panic45 for the help with my ramps Spawn of Saltine for the column aesthetic and all of the testers Pictures Thanks for viewing my map
This is a really big map with some of the most beautiful and bright aesthetics I've seen. Most map this size lack aesthetic appeal mostly because of budget limits, but you've managed to pull it off well. I've only played this map once, and it wasn't a serious game, but I would really love to play it for real. It's a good thing to put tactical jumps on a map for quicker routes and sneaky assinations, so props for that. My only concern is that with tac jump in picture 2, it might take a bit of time for players to jump on all of those 1x4s' and they could easily be picked off or get frustrated because they keep falling off. If that's the case, I'd suggest just removing it completely. Other than that, I love the stairs as they are very aesthetically pleasing and the layout of this map is very notable and unique. Great work man. Oh and 'Special thanks for the cool column aesthetic.'? What column aesthetic? You also made a typo: "There are really there parts to this map, the corridors, the middle, and the outside." Three, not there.
Wow, this map looks gorgeous for some odd reason. I haven't played it and I just downloaded it. But I will make sure to check it out. Great work here, and keep up the good work, I want to see more maps made by you.
looking good man i don't see anything outta place i remember when this map was much younger its really come along way i am glad to see you made and effort to really mix up the looks of this map havt really played it and hope to someday been busy lately anywho..... you have my dl good job knight and btw hows the FR when looking at those stares?
@ EightBall Thanks for mentioning the typo. I didn't see it before. The 1x4 Tac Jump is really to combat the antenna Tac Jump. The antenna one is quite difficult, but it takes barely any time. The 1x4 is very easy, but it takes more time to perform. The column in the middle of the map that holds the Rocket Launcher I saw off of one of your maps. I just assumed that you made it. If you didn't please tell me so I can give credit to the original creator. @Dino Thanks for the positive feedback. I hope that you enjoy playing on it. @shi11tenshi There are no Frame Rate issues that I have encountered when testing this map so all should be good.
I never saw this map, it looks great though. I like the weapons stands and the tables with umbrellas is always a good touch. The other thing I saw that was cool is the curved grass next to the stairs. Nice Job.
This map has a unique layout and good aesthetics to match. I agree that some of the tactical jumps are just too hard or take too long to perform and realistically I don't see them being used in the heat of gameplay. Also, the outer lower balcony is such a low point without much incentive to go down there. Instead of the plasma pistol, have you considered putting another power weapon down there like the grenade launcher, or moving the rocket launcher out there? Since the two teams don't spawn down there, there never seems to be a reason to go to the lowest point on the map with such a disadvantage. That said, I like the fact that red and blue spawn sort of near each other and have a crazy faceoff right away. Then after everyone dies from the first skirmish, they respawn and really get to explore the map.
@SquidMan Thanks for all of the positive feedback. @CyborgAnthro Yes, some of the tac jumps are a bit unnecessary. I just wanted to make the playing field equal. With jet pack you can easily fly through the windows which is an unfair advantage. That being said I made another way up to that spot for players without jet pack. They are all possible without any kind of armor ability so it makes it more balanced. I see your point though. On the outside I wanted to showcase a weapon that many people do not consider a power weapon. People always forget the poor old Plasma Pistol off the power weapon chart. I wanted to bring back the Plasma Pistol from extinction and shine a new light on it. With it in the stand it may make players realize that the Plasma Pistol is a power weapon. I personally would rather use a Plasma Pistol than a Shotgun or Sword. They are both close range weapons only. The Plasma Pistol on the other hand can be used at many different ranges, and still have a devastating effect. Thanks for all of the feedback. It is always nice to get feedback from other players.