This Is BackBone. V2 of The Gulch, By Marcass2021 BackBone is a map with Valhalla and Blood Gulch inspired bases, that are separated by a massive bridge structure across the middle of the canyon, known as the BackBone. Each Base has a teleporter located in the lower level that sends you to a tower that is located between each base and the BackBone. I suggest playing with CTF or Neutral Bomb. The map is setup with an awesome race track and for rally aswell. There are spawns for every team red through pink. Stockpile works for red, blue, green and orange teams. Weapons & Vehicles Most weapon placements were based off of Blood Gulch. Spoiler DMR x6 Needle Rifle x2 Plasma Repeater x2 Needler x2 Magnum x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Plasma Launcher x1 Spartan Laser x2 Grenade Launcher x2 Shotgun x2 Mongoose x4 Ghost x2 Warthog (Default) x2 Revenant x2 Falcon x2 OverView Blue Base and Blue Tower Blue Tower Back of Blue Base Red Base and Red Tower Red Tower Back of Red Base The BackBone SideView Ramp Side of BackBone Tunnel Side of BackBone Middle of BackBone Side of BackBone The Cave my Signature that i put inside of all of my maps. The Cone Due to the size of the map i was required to put in a large number of vehicles. But put in 3 anti-vehicle weapons to counter them, to prevent the vehicles from dominating the game. Race Pics Spoiler Action Shots! Spoiler In forge this map is very flashy when you are at the back of the bases. but in a custom game, i have found no lag at all. and it is even lag free with 4 person split screen. Special Thanks To My Testers! Knight Of Order Itz EightBall SuperNovaLegend xprz Govier x Im x Jackson (JGarb) TomisHigh Th3 Equin0x SugarJTSAids D34D K1TT3N5 and anyone else that helped! (and Ociee117 for un plugging his controller to delay the countdown) Link to V1 "The Gulch" (which is no longer available for download)
I enjoyed playing on this map. I love where you placed your signature on this map. I hope the other forgers can find it. This realistically is one of my favorite BTB maps. It has a basic design yet it plays so nicely. Keep up the good forging Marcass. P.S. I hate that you waited to post after me.
Even though I only Tested this map once or twice I really did enjoy it. At first glance it is a well made and fun "Two bases, Middle Structure" type map. But then while I was playing I began to realize that there are actually a lot of interesting aesthetics that are really creative and built into the map. Somehow this map Reminds me of a old COD WAW map. I can't remember which one though. Anyway, nice job, Love the map. Keep forging. And thats me shooting the LAZER <3
Hey, I remember this. I did horibble playing though (whopping 2 kills lol) As i addressed in game, I do wish there was symmetrical plasma launchers and a neutral laser. The laser would reminescant Valhalla then, and taking out vehicles would be easier with more ammo. That was the only thing i think i had trouble with. It's a fun map. Oh and squidman, I think your talking about Seelow- had a giant bridge through it.
Marcass this was a lot of fun to play, though I wish we could have got a full game on it! All I can say is wow in terms of aesthetics. The bridge in the center also helps break up the map, but is not to crazy that it gets confusing like some of the other BTB in matchmaking! I know you were worried about the vehicles being a little over powered but I do not believe that is a problem! Also I love the epic ramp on the bridge, makes an interesting route to take when you are bring back the flag! Overall great BTB and one of my favorites!
First things first, you should really put up a thumbnail IMG it really helps. If you want to know how ask me. I'll gladly tell you. Second, this was an intense map with great gameplay. I like that you also added more cover to certain areas people suggested. I'd say CTF was probably the most fun, for me anyways. I usually don't like it, but this map brought out the best in it. I really like the middle, unlike hemorrage, it's really creative. The bases are also better and provide decent cover, unlike hemorrage's bases. Oh yeah, love the cone sig. Keep up the good work man.
After all this time i must say that helping you test this map was a great experience, i believe you said that you had made the first version of this map 2 months after the halo reach release and after all this time it seems to have turned out well. The bases are sexy and the addition of race is a great feature (hope you fixed that one turn i kept on screwing up) and i look forward to your next map
thank you everyone. i really enjoyed testing this map with all of you. it was a great way to figure out what needd to be changed. i am very happy with the final version. and it is thanks to all of the input from my testers
Wow this is the best map that i have ever seen, called backbone!! Haha, I'm kidding. But really, this map is sick. Gameplay is acceptional, it is very fun to play, and I love the awesome bases. The middle(backbone?) is very cool and unique, and is a nice centerpiece. Great map you got here Marcass. -YWFTMB, IBTWT
I remember gameplay on this map.. It was fun.. I want to say more good stuff about the map but i am getting too many infracions or wtf its called//BlondishFiber0
thanks Jackson, i was going for cool and unique on the middle. i was also going for awesome with the bases. im glad that other people think so. -TYFTB IBSPJTBALT and Blondishfiber0! im sorry that you keep gettin infractions. maybe try to lengthen your posts and comment on specifics, but excluding that!, im glad to hear you enjoyed the gameplay on my map. you are always welcome to test other maps of mine.
Overall soild map! I love how you used the large platforms in your center backbone stucture! I also very much enjoy the bases! They have a vahalla feel, which is a good thing, but I like the fact that they are somewhat open! Vehicles do not seem to be overpowered on this map, which is a good change of pace from other BTB maps. My only question would be concerning the telaports. I know that you are able to telaport from the base to the side structure. The thing I hate most about hemorrhage would have to be the sheer size! If you are on foot, using sprint, it takes almost a year to cross it on foot! did you ever try moving the telaporters up so that you come out on the backbone itself? Not sure how that would play out, meaning it could make the center a death trap, but it could help those that are on foot! Just a suggestion!
thanks dude, i wanted to make the bridge different on both ends, and having the tunnel on one end really changed it up. and the cave, i really dont like that dark hallway in there, so i simplified the cave with smooth rocks.. and of course the cone.